

I'll start...

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You mean retards? Makes sense.

He's right, though.

Al Gore has been pushing this agenda for almost 15 years painting every apocalyptic scenario in the book tell us that our planet will go up in flames in 3 years, then 5 more years, etc and nothing has happened.

He's a nutjob pushing an agenda to sell his books and movies, so why would you trust such a con artist continuously making outrageous claims?

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What is it about cuckservatives that they think denying science is something to be proud of? Are they this much of a slave to the paper jew that they think their annihilation is worth it so long as they can totally own the libs and the Chinese?

You leftcucks do it too. Feels good to be a rational centrist.

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I'm not sure what he's trying to say. Is he saying that we have less than 12 years, or is he saying that climate modeling is unreliable so we have way more time than 12 years?

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They do it because they're invested in green energy companies. It's literally the same shit they accuse republicans of doing with oil companies. Local politics in particular is full of this. Politicians will get money for their own universities, "charities", etc. They make a killing. That's why there are people who will spend millions to get some obscure state legislature seat.

Well it was wrong as fuck when Al Gore wrote his book and said all kinds of shit would be underwater by now

To assume the conclusion from some statistics is bad science. Even researchers don't know which affects IQ more, nurture or nature.

Human races have different iq's because of the evolution of genes being passed down , other races will catch up now that they are all given the same education, well for the most part, as long as you arent poor i guess, but it should even out still in general

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It’s not nature or nurture it’s skin color you nigger loving homo

>le strawman
I can think one is retarded and think pic related is just as retarded too.

>education affects genetics
based retard

Chinese contribute the lion's share of pollution and carbon emissions. Even if every other country immediately stopped all use of natural gases and coal-burning and all other forms of pollution it wouldn't change a thing because China would keep trucking on, and they'd take over the world economy through their use of more efficient sources of energy.

"Climate change" is a natural phenomenon of ups and downs over billions of years. Man is nothing in comparison to the whims of nature.

but this isn't mischaracterizing any argument at all... it's just right.

That is indeed bullshit. We crossed the point of no return years ago.

Global warming is a myth. Al Gore and his friends keep pushing it so they can get rich off of carbon taxes. It's not settled science if you actually take the time to look at the research

The rich ones are mostly old and will be dead before things get really bad. They know what's coming but there's no reason to care. The common folk are religious nutjobs who trust in an old book of desert stories above all else.

trannies, niggers and Al Gore seething hard ITT

Haha libtards epicly owned another win for the MAGAped-
*gets skin cancer*

you mean wewtists? yeah they are in a permaseethe

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dude nobody on /pol/ is a MAGApede anymore keep up kike

Yeah it's worse, they're the nu-Yea Forums

worked but unironically

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Disco is a one-man thot patrol.

I love disco so much.

Ironically nu-/pol/ is the easiest board to work. All you gotta do is call them retarded and they all line up your (You)s with discord tranny shit

Yea Forums is nu Yea Forums and has been for about 10 years m8

Yea Forums is /soc/ with more porn. /pol/ is reddit and underages who take the easiest bait because they don't understand board culture

>muh science
>there's no such thing as race or biological sex

>there's no such thing as race or biological sex
There is, but the classifications, especially racial ones, are increasingly useless as time goes on and we find new ways to hate on each other and forget the old ones.

Black people undeniably exist, but the extent to which their blackness affects their lives and makes them different from white people is social rather than biological to a significant degree.

Imagine taking the screenshot, adding the fag frog, and then using it to accuse SOMEONE ELSE of seething.

>it's just social goy!
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source: pritchardlab.stanford.edu/publications/pdfs/RosenbergEtAl02.pdf
“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source: nature.com/ng/journal/v36/n11s/full/ng1435.html
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15625622
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source: medicalxpress.com/news/2013-10-oral-bacteria-fingerprint-mouth.html
Race can be determined via brain scans. Source: cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822(15)00671-5
96-97% of Whites have no African ancestry. Source: theroot.com/articles/history/2013/02/how_mixed_are_african_americans.3.html
97% of Whites have no Black ancestry whatsoever. Source: unz.com/isteve/nyt-white-Black-a-murky-distinction-grows-still-murkier/
With 160 short gene sequences, race can be determined with 100% accuracy for Whites, Asians, and Africans. Source: cell.com/ajhg/abstract/S0002-9297(07)60574-6
Principal continent of origin (race) can be determined with 87% accuracy even for highly mixed populations. Source: cell.com/ajhg/abstract/S0002-9297(07)60574-6
“It is inaccurate to state that race is biologically meaningless.” Source: nature.com/ng/journal/v36/n11s/full/ng1435.html
Race is biologically real and represents “genetic clusters” of variation. Source: stx.sagepub.com/content/30/2/67.abstract

This. The "race is a social construct" argument is one that often gets misconstrued. Though I do despise the hypocrisy of the left when they bring up race when it's convenient for their narrative, like perpetually pointing out representation or talking about how a shooter is white or something. And how Israel's entire existence is based upon ethnic/racial preservation and to point that out makes you racist despite it going against everything people say regarding race being a social construct

Nice copy-paste but he never denied race's existence, just the idea that it plays a significant role in behavior, something even scientists don't fully understand yet.

That’s not what he said though.

>gets btfo by peer reviewed science
>n-nice c-copypaste
Seething cringe. Race is real and genetics determine everything about a person.

>calling out fearmongerers is the same as denying

I am not lying when I say that this should be a crime punishable by death. Inciting fear, panic, and anxiety into society should be classified as an act of terrorism.

AOC and the libs are not wrong but they are wrong for the wrong reasons. In 12-20 years the bulbasaur population will be so great.

I really believe blacks by nature are violent and impulsive.

Don't forget to donate a few trillion to the Paris Climate Agreement. That makes it to away

>race doesn't affect behaviour
Africans have higher rates of a gene associated with violence. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1913922/

The bulbasaur population isn't growing at all, despite the delusions of cuckposters on this site. It's the spic population that is skyrocketing.

They're talking about in Africa, not in the US.

All that aid money is causing a population explosion

Itsxa monky not a froog

Kek ya that is going to be a fucking disaster. Current UN projections have 50% of Earth's population by 2100 as Sub-Saharan African. I'm glad I'll be dead.

You are a massive cuck if you want to give any food aid to Africa for this to happen. All the people crying about climate change are hypocrites if they let this happen

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Oh shit he fucking buried his ass

I was talking about America. Trying reading before ya start seething, simp.

Cuck Higgy is literally seething though. That's why you can't discuss shit there outside of generals
>caps lock
So are you lol why aren't you back on wew? Too dead for ya?

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They're talking about Africa you retarded bulbasuar nobody was talking about America ya seething cuck

Pure coincidence that literally every black country is a shithole
Pure coincidence that upper income blacks score worse on tests than lower income whites.
I wouldn’t worry about it haha.

Climate scientists have been pushing that line for longer than Al Gore. We've been 15 years away from the planet becoming uninhabitable for half a century now.

Treating the environment better is fine and all but climate change scaremongering is just liberal "fuck America" bullshit because they never go after the other big or bigger polluters like China or India.

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>Nothing has happened

>upper income blacks score worse on tests than lower income whites

>yfw you sink Florida to own the libs

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>IQ is a valid "measure" of anything

Gender and Sex are two different things.

The problem is most retards skip this part of the idea and then just start doing whatever they want because they don't understand what a social construct is.

The timeline for when it will happen is the part that isn't settled.

But with so much research being corrupted by big money backing, who the fuck knows anymore.


>Gender and Sex are two different things
Gender, as you understand it, is meaningless.

>post comes after mine
Kek embarrassed yourself ya seething simp. Learn how to read

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>iq isn't valid
>peer reviewed science
Higher IQ is linked to more democracy. Source: journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8492613&fileId=S1832427400010045
IQ is the best known predictor of job performance for all studied occupations. Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ijsa.12069/abstract
The average criminal has an IQ of 85. Source: us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/21st-century-criminology-a-reference-handbook/book232189
IQ scores predict life outcomes equally well for different races. Source: vdare.com/articles/indians-arent-that-intelligent-on-average

>Rosenberg et al.
>The Root
I mean, if you're gonna be racist at least try not to be dumb as fuck.

>there is a scientific consensus on global wa-


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>peer reviewed science is racist because it upsets me

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Global warming in the new religion for atheist reddit types. Instead of priests preaching doom it's "scientists".

>new religion for atheist reddit types
Politics in general is the new religion for that lot. They lack strong moral character and need some one to tell them what is right and wrong/good and bad etc.

>why you denying science bro
>btw I cut off my dick and now I'm a woman

I remember Ted Danson getting in on this in the early 90's, saying the Earth will die in 10 years, but here we are about 25 years later.

If you need more proof that Yea Forums is retarded looo no further than this thread.

>Impact font image macro
Boomer simp

peak boomer

>nothing has happened
Americans should be banned from the internet

He's right you gullible retard.

>there are still marks getting worked by the global warming angle

Ungodly BTFO if real.

can't blame the marks, they have been told for 40 years than the world was going to end in the next 10 years

Disco has literally never been wrong about something for years now

Eurocucks and third-worlders should be banned from American websites.


What's funny is I didn't believe it at first but now that I know Retard Disco doesnt believe it I can 100% confirm we have 12 years to get our shit together.

There's no source to this image, I've tried looking

When you tell a conservative that in 12 years, the damage will be irreversible, they literally hear "The world will explode in 12 years."

Maybe because that's pretty much what retards like AOC and Beto have been saying.

Everyone from outside the US

I sincerely apologize for the fucking absolute retards in this thread who have never sorted the simplest calculation..
whether or not anyone should be cavalier about their personal beliefs in the face of what 99% of independent scientists are agreeing on.

Imagine for a second that all of the scientists in the world are telling us an asteroid is coming to kill us..
And youre so fucking stubbornly dimwitted because youre political affiliation.. that you would literally say "lol i dont think so, this is probably a conspiracy made up that will mismanage our finances".. and actually taking the time to fight this point in threads like this.

Direct evidence of our self destructive tendencies literally based in sheer stupidity.


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See what i mean.
Pathetic dimwitted stupid fucks like this will literally cause destruction of the planet.

And why?
Because they got emotional when they were exposed to the fact that conservatism is mostly a trick on stupid people to vote for the rich to get more money.

Im right wing and i hope climate change is real. The world doesnt deserve to belong to zoomers and niggers.
Im glad boomers lived at the peak of cultural humanity and fucking social justice faggots and mumble rappers will have to live under thier han masters while the fresh water and food dries up

"eat my ass bitch" - boomer head stone

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Dude at least youre not such a walking stubborn PUSSY that you cant break with your party and say "hmm maybe all the scientist more know than me"

I respect what youre saying rather than regurgitated dumb dumb shit
>lol its made up bro lol al gore did it to make money, lol how come it didnt happen yet
As if they never went to science class in 6th grade.

Omg seriously seek sex.


There was a time when the Artic circle had no ice caps and plenty of alligators and palm trees. Shut the fuck up.

You want to know the truth? The leftists are the ones who fucked up. The eco movement was started by right wingers. what do you thing CONSERVATION means you dip shit. The only reason america still has forests is because of FDR, a republican. The leftists are the idiots who make everything about tribalism

Climate change is real, and i love it, and i love that humans are going to go extinct, because around the time obama became president evetything went to shit. Whites will become a minority. Basically everything sucks. And im fucking glad the world is going to be a hell zone and florida and california are going to melt and recede into the ocean.


>be leftist
>demand there be less people because of overpopulation
>also demand more people come in and cross the border

What did the libtards mean by that?

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Edgy too. 10th grade will be a hoot.

Dont use stupid arguements to support your ideplogies though man.
Pretending the left hasnt been on the forefront of environmental and animal activism and that the right hasnt been the corporate interest money making party is disingenuous and makes you lose credibility

Holy shit. See everyone. This is how intelligent conservatives are.
This is basic math.

“FDR, a Republican”

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The easiest way to get votes is to import them. Why do you think Merkel was so gung ho about “migrants”?

"Things didn't exist once."

Conservatives are literally so stupid, it's amazing you remember to breathe.

>Americans should be banned from something they invented
maybe you should just make your own? doubt it would be used for anything other than gay porn tho hehe

I hope he's thinking of Teddy.

There was a time in this country, believe it or not, where Republicans were not all retarded conservatives. I know this is shocking.

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Ah yes, semantics - for when you don’t have an actual counter argument.

Not from the US and I'm beggin ya, please have sex
Also, not even a comparable situation

Reminder that this is the geek who got so giddy when he thought arn might get into a fight with enos that arn was forced to turn around and slap the shit out of him for being a mark faggot

Eurocucks are gonna actually get banned from the internet

FDR was a Democrat ya simp, his cousin Teddy was a Republican.

You're an idiot. These shlmos only want to steal your money and channel it into their own non-profits. Do you think they're telling the people in China and Africa and the middle east that are responsible for the state of the World to tone it back?
This is the first time, and likely only time, I'll ever say this to another person but please do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Cody "Bi and proud" Collier

forgot pic xd

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If Colby were like 3 inches taller he'd have a future in the business.

A shame Colby is stuck in a division that died when GSP left it and didn't put anyone over on the way out

Finally it will all be over soon....

Blame Dana for not putting GSP vs Khabib fight set up only to save it.

>Climate scientists have been pushing that line for longer than Al Gore
Link to a study that says this. Something in a peer reviewed journal, not an article written by a journalist.

>global warming exists. Its extent is unknown but the only certain thing is people who dont believe it are stupid, but the people who do believe it are doing nothing to prevent it.
>To stop the inevitable would require everyone to live like hippies, recycle, live off the land.
>Cant use cars, certain hair and skin products, and essentially electricity that isnt solar in general.
>Trying to get the world to commit to something when no one gets along and people in India still shit in the street.
>We are fucked no matter what,whether its 10,20,50,100 years or more we fucked but thats fate
Thats about it

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>still butthurt 11 months later
>accusing anyone else of seething
lmao @ (You)

>and nothing has happened.
Except weather is getting more and more extreme

>Al Gore has been pushing this agenda for almost 15 years
My favorite part is how guys like Gore and DiCaprio fly on private planes dozens if not hundreds of times a year just to lecture you on your carbon footprint.

>scientists have been pushing false narratives since the dawn of time
>call them out
>dude why the fuck are you questioning science, fucking conspiracy theorist
I'm genuinely curious as to how many "scientific facts" are full of shit and baseless.

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Damn Higgy you already got BTFO ITT once. I know you are an obese raging autist but I didn't know you are an AEWtranny...oh wait autism and trannies go hand in hand

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lol ya mad af

kek you cannot discuss shit on wew without making their welfare neet mods cry

>autism and trannies go hand in hand
this is unironically true

ya board so dead ya gotta come here and cry tranny?

forgot this

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even Kirt thinks Yea Forums is better lol

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There has literally only been one post on /wooo/ in the last hour