What’s the ceiling for my boy Tyler Bate?

What’s the ceiling for my boy Tyler Bate?

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about 5'7''

Dude needs a ladder before he could even come close to reaching the ceiling

Dude is based, shame his size will hold him back.

205 Live

If this cunt was another six inches you'd say put every single belt in existence on him. But as it stands, NXT midcard. Maybe a comedy spot where he gets eliminated from the proper rumble by some hench lad.

ceiling fit for hobbits kek

Manlet is too small to touch any ceiling.

The one in Bag End that Gandalf bumped his head on.

This guy is the shortest dude ive ever seen in my life, barring literal midgets. His ceiling is fucking slag trannies in nxt UK forever. Not so bad

There is a 16 year old girl who works weekends where I work and she is really short to the point that she's self conscious about it. She is literally taller than this guy.

An above-average performance during next year's royal rumble, maybe a significant wrestlemania moment and either 205 or nxtuk irrelevance for the next few years

manlet who compensates by being in the gym 24/7


This nigga can lift WALTER and Chris Hero despite being so tiny. Roman struggles to lift guys smaller than him.

>NXT midcard
Size didn't do much to stop Gargano.

Why are wrestlers so tiny now, were trans fats the magical key to making everyone tall or something?


He'd still be a manlet even then

The chads all go into MMA and football now because wrestling is so uncool

Toni Storm's pussy.


*bangs a tranny in your path*