Politics his way to changing the outcome of the big drawing Thanos invasion angle so he goes over

>Politics his way to changing the outcome of the big drawing Thanos invasion angle so he goes over

Would he have been the top guy in 80s WWF?

Attached: ant-man_trailer_screengrab_2_h_2015.jpg (928x523, 52K)

>haha if i put wrestlefag lingo in my kiddie movies then Yea Forums will call me based xD


>Same guy keeps posting pretending to be many

Is this what Yea Forums calls "worked"?


Fuck off just go to a fucking comics board you fuck face I want to discuss wrestling

Not samefag but fuck off already this is a wrestling board why talk about movies in it?

You are a cringe fuckhead just go away

>Wants to discuss wrestling so comes to Yea Forums

Attached: iLBMdvg.gif (400x231, 867K)

>wrestlefags seething
Imagine being a fan of professional wrestling in 2019.

Just get out of our board you fuck face this isn't a Superhero movoe forum

>is the goat heel in your path

Attached: A9DDC8BA-C96A-4046-8305-0C7400CFB22F.jpg (679x452, 29K)

You are a samefag odiot fuck off from our board and discuss your movies in a movie board


Attached: 29F20226-7DBD-4EDA-AD20-0DBF842B96F1.jpg (828x294, 144K)

>Replies 12 Posters 5
OH NONONONONONONONO watch me create a fuckton of superhero threads now, worked simpolla

Nice photoshop you fuck jead not fooling anyone now get out and go to /movies/

No why troll this board? Enough of that with the scateboarding threads and stuff this is a wrestling board fucl head

>It was 3 different guys

Samefagetty btfo because he can't handle big draw Avengers burying the E

Not a samefag but I agree fuck off

That's photoshopped you fuck head

Go away and leave this board and go to /movies/ shit head

This will get taken down anyway you fuck so we'll see who's laughing shit face

Me because the heat I'm drawing is what's getting me to the main event, brother.


Cringe fuck

Samefaggety is BOILING

Cringe shit head

You've to move on to the Cap white meat baby-face one now


This is now a game of seeing how long we can keep this thread floating around for.

Just fuck off you fuck head this has nothing to do with wrestling so post somewhere else idiot

Why are you sweating with anger, user?


Because you samefag fuck heads won't stop trolling this board with your shitty superhero threads

Capeshit IS wrestling but in a 4 sided ring

Bulbasaurs who dont remember the Metal Gear threads


The best threads on this shitty board are the ones that use wrestling lingo over different topics (like DB or Pokemon). That tells you how lame the wrestling bubble is right now and how bad the quality of the memes on Yea Forums are. Kys, edgelord

based and truthpilled

I find it funny how this guy has two movies that take him seriously as a character but when it comes to Civil War and Endgame he is completely ignored and shitted on by other characters despite being the key to bringing back all of their dead friends

based and truthpilled

Actually pretty cringe you never say you are going into the business for yourself even on a Chinese embroidery board

I was just thinking that wrestling and Marvel suffer from the same problem for a lot of people -- unbelievable stars. Like it just randomly hit me that if Terminator-aged Arnold Schwarzenegger were playing Thor or if a younger Sylvester Stallone were playing Captain America, how much more interested I'd be in these movies. RDJ is the only real star with any charisma. The others are all flippy indie midget tier.

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These three do not belong together fuckface

Based scott

this would be true if marvel movies weren't the most popular thing going right now
it's more like arnie and sly were hogan and macho man, and these marvel fags are the attitude era
also hugely popular, but you're a boomer now and don't like it