He's not going to make it, is he
He's not going to make it, is he
Justin Credible is a wrestler I can't conceive of liking. Apparently he was pretty over when ECW was lossing talent, but I never saw anything in him.
he was over as fuck with x-factor
Looks like a guy that works at Home Depot
Is that Leon the Professional? What happened to him?
Imagine being Portuguese or Spanish and looking like a basic vanilla white faggot, what a waste
too much vanilla to me
holy fucking cringe he's putting himself over too much on this
wrestling isn't real so I don't care
He wasn't really that over. Paul pushed (ridiculous push) him because he knew he wasn't talented and wouldn't leave.
he looks like a typical portuguese/spaniard. and by that I mean he looks jewish
he wasnt over in the ecw. all the internet nerds hated him
The documentary is looking like a complete farce, dude's relapsed and been arrested so many times. His "redemption" being actual death seems like the only ending possible.
He was over sort of like Baron Corbin, could get great heat but couldn't work a big match or draw flies to shit. He could've gotten better with more time in the oven but was rocketed to the main event because ECW had literally no one left.
>The documentary is looking like a complete farce
Cutting a promo at the end. Really comes off like another carnie work. Saw the Jake angle and thought he could replicate it.
Always thought he seemed like a solid guy. Was never a big fan of his work, but didn't hate it in ecw. He is rumored to have been a Kliq fringe Kliq member, because he hung out with the Kliq and was buddies with them back in the 95-96 era. Probably would've gone a lot farther if he was a better politician and used his Kliq connections to further his career.
He carried their bags
Literally was HBKs bag carrier upon arrival. Jeff Jarrett was more of a Kliq guy.
nah, trips carried their bags usually.i think he was 1 level above trips, but 1 level below waltman.
Trips was more the chauffeur and gym partner.
They played up his Kliq connection in ECW and X-Factor but I imagine it was a Waltman situation and they were just his shoot friends, he hasn't made any enemies or played any politics that anyone knows about. Fuck, with how that 'career' turned out he really should have.