Fuck sakes man, imagine spending hundreds of pounds and THAT is the photo you get...

Fuck sakes man, imagine spending hundreds of pounds and THAT is the photo you get, fucking disgraceful man have some fucking respect

Attached: based.jpg (768x768, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eminem looks like that?!

>imagine spending hundreds of pounds
I can't because I'm American, not a faggot

You can tell Mark isn't an entertainer.

>didn't even take off his beanie
lmao carder is such a cunt

carnies are supposed to separate marks from their money

which one is the real undertaker?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm badd ass

Come on Taker man, how the fuck you gonna do the fans like that.

Attached: 59E3C8AD521745A6BE4FED38ECBDFACA.gif (500x281, 2.47M)

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his WWF comfort even when Ted Turner threw millions at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '90s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '10s
>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
>Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
>Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
>His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" was utterly BTFO by The Kliq and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Savio Vega on us
>His biker cosplay was cringeworthy
>His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURE STRIKER IN DA WWE""""""""
>Shit taste in whiskey
>Shit hairline
>Has his ex wife's tattooed on his neck
>Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Wrestlemania streak
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Bret Hart of all people had to take the belt off him
>Buried DDP and ruined his potential WWE career because he didn't shake his hand backstage
>Buried Bray Wyatt (twice) for no reason
>Huge mark for himself, according to Paul London he drives around with the license plate "DEADMAN" and wears his own merchindise
>Besides Wrestlemania 13 having the lowest buyrate ever, it is the only Wrestlemania ever not to sell out
>Couldn't draw LeBron James to come out of his locker room to meet him despite getting dressed up and waiting for an hour

Attached: UNDERCARDER BTFO.jpg (852x477, 127K)

Lmao Undertaker looks like he can’t believe that clown paid money for this

That dude should make better life decisions. Taker looks like he wants to goto sleep

So true.

Taker was a side show. Not nearly invisible like wwe makes it out to be. Lost to everyone. Never had a real World Title run because he was cringe. Fuck him

I've always heard Carder is standoffish to fans, no matter what setting

Is that a fan, or is Taker standing next to a shitty wax statue of himself?

for the amount of money this fucker is charging, you'd think he put a better effort

Props to the dude for a decent cosplay and having a proper scowl. Taker could of at least brought his hood down and stand next to the dude.

reminder taker is being paid 25k for this appearance


i'm seeing double, four carders

>>didn't even take off his beanie
God forbid he try something new

Taker has always been a dick to fans, there are stories that he'd scream at fans that approached him in public

He was essentially the anchor of the company, he'd always be that guy that would work a program to help put over the new champion but never truly the guy himself

No you weigh hundreds upon hundreds of pounds you fat mark

Imagine being Undertaker, taking the effort to go along to this, some mark comes along and he you realise that he looks better doing your gimmick than you. Mean Mark really is the epitome of antidraw.

based take protecting kayfabe

Imagine being the mad Bongistan that posts this 3 hours after the fact

>tfw you realize your life has actually been a cringe fest the past 30 years

Attached: 35342.jpg (1280x707, 381K)

>Imagine thinking I'm the bong and not user shitting on you
Oh dear son

his NEET son streams obscure vidya to an audience of 5 people
you wouldn't be smiling either

At least I hope he received some pure strikes for all those pounds.

His gloves say TAKER UK, he's probably one of the WWE tribute act UK indie wrestlers and Mark doesn't want to give him the rub of a decent pic.


Attached: 6e10c9bd956680a989d1266af76cdd7b.jpg (375x500, 28K)

>give him the rub of a decent pic.

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)



>>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
really. what's the story here?

>>Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
>>Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
name them

literally /ourguy/

Don't confuse Taker.UK (left) with the UK Undertaker (right)

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-rYoS4c3Mq3.jpg (1052x450, 133K)

undertaker's nose is literally dick shaped

If I wasn't a wrestling fan I'd think that the guy on the right is Taker.

damn taker don't play LMAO based


Attached: crippled.jpg (189x292, 13K)

The least he could do is actually look like the fucking Undertaker if he is gonna keep kayfabe.

this...it's the entire business.
It's not work rate or character development or how real you can make it. it's not even how much money you spend or make. The only thing that matters is how much money you take.

If he bulked up he'd look just like Take.

That man is far too old to be dressed up like that. This is just sad.

Take UK is a really nice fella, he's always at cons and turns up with tons of props and Ministry dudes. I'd rather get a photo with him than pay through the arse for the real Taker who wont even fucking take his hood or hat down or bother to get in character.

Attached: 960.jpg (960x620, 52K)

>he's probably one of the WWE tribute act UK indie wrestler

Please tell me this isn't actually a thing

Attached: 10876.jpg (1125x900, 108K)

Attached: 88239.jpg (600x381, 24K)

Attached: 900018.jpg (225x225, 7K)

You've never heard of our country's fine tradition of tribute shows?

Attached: mJxGx-1_1jl2k6RaTBLV4BRACEYNBv1AYl7dtNslrSM.jpg (720x960, 157K)

I used to live here and I bet this was one of the biggest events of the entire year. Absolute boring shit hole.

Attached: mmmm.png (1080x1920, 775K)

the absolute state of that dude's hairline

These people should be ashamed of themselves.

I'd go to this shit if I had nothing else to do

rhea perlman on the left


I agree, he looks like a stupid teenager with that beanie/hoodie combo.

The one who looks the most dead

based filter going over this jabroni

Attached: 43475245_248839945721213_5396023848038562036_n.jpg (699x699, 61K)

Please tell me there's video of one of these shows online


Attached: 1_image-510x652.jpg (510x652, 75K)

based taker going over these jabroni marks


Trump supporting christfag. Next.

>that'll be $150 + tax/fees and tip

Attached: TAKE event.png (1041x1010, 691K)

Attached: 1553535908598.jpg (600x600, 37K)


Triggered, trumpflake?

>paying 150 dollars for an old man who pretends to be a zombie and playfights with oily men to scribble his stage name on a piece of paper
oh no no no no no

semi-related, baiting on /pol/ is probably the easiest board to do it on

Attached: MEA.jpg (1317x412, 158K)

First of all that looks almost like a mannequin and or photoshopped. Secondly it doesn't look like taker, he's too short and different face. I'd be pissed if I were taker. Why is this guy dressed like him? Is it mockery? Undertaker might not be in attire but he still lives his act. He legit attempts to preserve kayfabe and his real personality isn't too far off anyway. He's usually less than enthusiastic with fans but he looks like he wants to tombstone the guy

He hardly lost to everyone. Aside from dirty finishes, quick pins, dq matches, very few. Lesnar, Kane, Stone Cold, Rock. Oh and Khali


I was at this event in Liverpool yesterday.

Taker had his own booth with private bathroom and didn't leave it all day. £100 a photo pre-booked and then an announcement went out that you could now pay on the door.

The lookalike guy had a funeral parlour set up and was a proper nice fella letting people take photos for free.

Fuck taker man.

why doesn't the advertisement show a hobo in his street clothes

One of the most based finishes to a match.

Attached: d7e1ftn-a3688d78-a06b-4fad-908e-d6dc81c7c92b.jpg (400x681, 89K)


kane in regular clothes is always a treat

Attached: tsuit.jpg (599x337, 24K)


/pol/cucks really are giant marks

>that kane
>little taker
>undercarders shirt

should have went with the SARA neck tattoo instead if carder was gonna act like this much of a bitch

Do you have to pay extra to get carder to smile?

literally fake news

people in YouTube Facebook and Twitter seem to like carder why is that?

Take is kind of an ass. He agreed and got paid to do this photoshoot

Actually based

>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
Das rite

Attached: kane.png (551x517, 516K)

god carder is such a dork

Most people's idea of what is "good" is dictated to them by corporations. 98% of wrestling's fans' lists of best wrestlers/matches/whatever are identical to the list the WWE (or Meltzer, or PWI, or someone else with a financial interest in wrestling) would put out. It's only on Yea Forums that you hear the real truth (ie, Hardcore Holly and Big Daddy are the only two good wrestlers).

Mmmm yeah...truly badass.

based carder

there are few fans who are truly cringe

>Bret Rico is D.X.

Attached: 1537189452975.gif (204x208, 669K)

Yeah i bet hes thinking of that when hes looking at his bank account



He is a good dude, he does the undertaker cosplay to raise funds and help kids. With the money from gofund he buys them uniforms, soccer balls, and other stuff. Fuck undertaker and his army veteran Cosplay.

could have sworn that was a wax statue, then I saw the other pics in the thread... jesus christ, taker

I, too, hate Jew-loving cucks

The chokeslam to punk was fucking based.

Attached: 1553798760151.gif (478x342, 3.63M)

yeah, it's why he wears the beanie.
