Best story arc

>best story arc
>GOAT match with Rumlow
>GOAT match with Winter Soldier
>GOAT Survivor Series against Team Stark
>GOAT match with Bucky vs Iron Man
>GOAT repackage with the Nomad gimick
>Best promos
>Carried Thanosettey to a 5-star match at Endgame
>Carried himself to a 5-star match
>Went out on his ass rather than putting himself over

Attached: cap.jpg (264x350, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Could have a match with anyone
>People's champion
>Never had to turn heel
>Protected his finish
>Let his stablemates get their shit in
>Women want to be with him
>Men want to be him

Honestly I didn't see the movie but I already know what happens

Based Cap one of the few marvel wrestler who can draw a dime

anyone else catch the death valley driver captain america did to himself

>pure babyfaces don't work anymo-

I usually like well made capeshit so I’m not trying to be contrarian, but this movie felt off in so many ways and went full Hobbit trilogy for no reason

It was released by a major studio...

But even then, all hyper-heroic stories like this start to fall into the same lanes as classic myth was inevitable.

It felt weird, it felt like the first act of a movie for 3 hours, still good and all the stories got where they needed to be in a fairly satisfying way but it was weird.

Certified Draws
>Drax the Destroyer

Top Guys

>Red Skull
>Black Order
>Winter Soldier

>War Memechine
>Captain Marvel
>Every other antagonist not listed

You forgot Benedict Cummerbund

>iron man does the job
>hulk does literally nothing
>thor turns into a fat weakling
>captain america runs away to the past to be with his oneitis
>new thor is a nigger woman
>new captain america is a nigger
>yaaaaaas queen slay scene v thanos
done with this semen slurping series

I couldn’t take it seriously after a smart Hulk bullshitted a time machine to make Ant-Man a baby. It was intended to be a comedy scene but it sweeped under the rug the fact these characters achieved fucking time travel and it’s like no big deal

If your putting a shitter like Groot or Hawkeye as a top guy throw in Bucky instead of throwing him in with jobbers

>No Black Widow midcarder

Someone's gotta carry that division.

>new iron man is a woman
I think Phase 4 is a hard pass

Iron Man saved everyone.
Hulk was shit but they've deliberately made him ineffective for balancing reasons.
See above, but by far the worst story arc after what he achieved in Ragnorak > Infinity War.
Based good guy Cap.
Yeah, awful move thrown in at the last second but AsGuardians of the Galaxy could he lowkey kino.
Bucky should have been given the shield.
This was atrocious.

Quill got fucking buried big time on this show

Imagine being a 100% hulk fan going into Infinity War and Endgame
I thought Iron Man 3 was dogshit since they trashed Iron Patriot and Mandarin as gags in a shitty movie, but man Endgame takes the cake for character assasinations for anybody not named Cap

Wanda got put over really hard. I wonder how they intend to bring Vision back if they do go forward with the Witch & Vision series.

>>iron man does the job
Suitable end.
>>hulk does literally nothing
The first snap? Inventing time travel?
>>thor turns into a fat weakling
I kept waiting for the training montage... But yeah, kind of dumb.
>>captain america runs away to the past to be with his oneitis
Wouldn't you? Let the guy be happy.
>>new thor is a nigger woman
Wat? She's just mayor of New Asguard or whatever
>>new captain america is a nigger
Should have been bucky
>>yaaaaaas queen slay scene v thanos
This was dumb as fuck. Even my GF said it was dumb shit. They were already fighting side by side.


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jesus fucking christ, ain't watching this cringe ass shit

I bet sasha banks is furious she wasn't included in this.

It's only 20 seconds but it's the worst moment of the film and I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.

>Let's have every female character stop what they're doing in the middle of an apocalyptic battle to pose together

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I'll wait until the Bluray rip drops

>Men and women fighting side by side fornthe fate of the universe
>Somehow all the women are suddenly in one place doing nothing for a throwaway moment that takes the audience completely out of the battle
>Captain Marvel juat blasts through the enemy ranks and didn't need back up anyway

I guarantee you this was some studio exec note they had to add.

worked me into a shoot

Attached: proximommy.jpg (533x678, 92K)


None of them know one another and Pepper has literally no reason to unmask except to show the söydience that it's a female. Pozzed as fuck.

Don't forget
>gets a bigger pop using Thor's finisher than Thor ever did

Truly the Michaels

Captain Marvel and Black Panther both made a billion dollars ya seething incel.

Why did they stop Thor's push?
Was it because he got over by himself?

paying people to see your movie isn't a thing to drag about

How about Hulk? he got squashed by Thanos and never got his win back. Took on a pussy nerd gimmick and got buried.

They had to nerf him a bit after killing the older Thanos. Getting fat and depressed gave him a storyline and redemption arc. Also creative just made him the leader of a new stable. GOTG 3 will draw mega dimes because of him.

Thor had to step aside because Tony and Cap were retiring and about to have their last match. He didn’t go into business for himself, and let his friends have one last moment.

Thor is based now and probably the most over babyface of the MCU. He’ll draw massive dimes with GOTG3.

compared to their comic book alter egos hulk got done the worst. the guy never had the political skill to make it to the big time.

>Have every female stop and pose

That's literally the most realistic thing about the females in this shit series

Yeah Hulk got dabbed on. At the same time he was responsible for bringing everybody back.

>10 second scene in the movie
>basement dwellers seethe

Thor had to rebuild his career after that disastrous arc with Malkelith, the awful romance with Jane Foster, and the terrible Dark World angle. Missing Survivor Series didnt help either. He has a stable now and will be the guy.

one scene can fuck a whole film

My girlfriend and her friends thought it was stupid as well tho.

I wanted more of the Clint tweener run desu.

Your fingers talk to you? Might wanna get that checked out bro.

Lmao, sure bud.


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Ronin repackage was based though.

Lmao Captain Marvel was carried by Infinity War hype, she isn't over the brand is over.

Exactly why I wanted more.

Are the netflix guys just not gonna show up again also what the ceiling on my boy moon knight

Attached: Moon_Knight_1_Cover.jpg (750x569, 66K)

Yeah. Why didn't The Defenders or Agents of Shield come out?

*gets the biggest pop of all time in your path*

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Wrong pic

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Uh, I don't know if that finish works for me

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>CapCucks seething

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Thorcel cope!

>Implying NetfliXT is relevant on the big leagues

So who’s going to be the monster heel now that Thanos is gone? Big Dimes Galactus?

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Im just waiting for the skrull heel turn

>Thoretty in a rage because Chadtin America did his gimmick better than he ever could

Scarlet Witch big heel run
Iluminati Storyline (It would suck without Big Money Tony)
Dr. Doom
Norman Osborne

Norman is great if they want to set Pete up as the guy. If MCU continues and Holland doesn't leave they could pump out Spidey and Spidey-led crossovers for years.

hopefully him or doom

Ultimate Reed Richards

I'd love to see Thunderbolt get a final run as Red Hulk.

I thought Doom and F4 are on the Sony fed?

They were fox owned but the mouse gets what he wants

Nah, they were Fox. I think all Sony has is the Spider-Man stable.

Actually good list, I'd put T'challa in the midcard though and Zemo on the top card, but solid list all the same.

>Fox Studios invasion of the MCU angle

Minimum 7 years till we get avengers vs x men

The fucking shameless shitty pandering, and with fucking captain cow on front, fuck this company.

It’s the A Force. It isn’t pandering.

I don't understand why there's so much emphasis on the nameless Wakandian bald bitch. Even Valkyrie is more interesting.

Valkyrie gets a pop outta me every time. Would be totally keen on her getting a solo run.

There will never be any kind of animated media that will bring to glory Charles Houston's MoonKnight, and that's probably for the best

A force makes me seethe because they got the straight outta compton cover

I hope you are kidding, there's no writer out there that can make him justice, even in ultimate comics : the ultimate while he had an AMAZING run, the last 2 issues completely buried the character forever.

Cap Wolf.

The fuck is A force?, I dropped Yea Forums altogether when civil war II started so I'm probably rather out of the loop...but you know what, don't tell me, I don't care nor do I want to know, fuck this shit.

>kike son of a rabbi
Ya gotta pick one

All womens team

>Puts over old tag team partner in the end


He knew bucky for 80 fucking years but he give the strap to the worst sidekick in the mcu

Dark Reign but with Fisk instead of Osborn

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Cap knows it's all downhill from here onward and doesn't want Bucky to take the blame.

They really need to push Iron Fist. The guy is dimes but they always seem to book him in shit feuds.

This faggot should've died instead of Tony.

Tessa Mae Thompson has a weird face but it works and shoot makes me like her desu
Plus that accent she puts on for Valkyrie works my diddly

Implying there are better rivalries to match his

I mean forget the feminist pandering. What the fuck is mantis going to do there?

What the hell was Mantis was going to do?

She knows praying mantis style kung fu. She could also make lower intelligent creatures fall asleep with just a touch or something.

>Netlflix shitters

Get fucking Doctor Doom and don't make him a bitch like Ultron. Motherfuckers better give him a GOAT theme like this

Attached: god-doom-kills-thanos-3.jpg (997x1531, 1.3M)

Is this the WOAT look?

Attached: Ultron.png (334x479, 373K)

Heh. Feige would have (deservedly) jobbed out those indy shitters if they were called up to the big show.

Even the fucking U-Drones looked better.

>that comic
>I'll make you wish you were facing Magneto

>Missing Survivor Series didnt help either.

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I dont even know who any of them are. Wtf, this superhero shit is cringe.

My Second Favorite Capeshit after Spiderzoomer.
Gonna Miss him.

>try to avoid Headgame spoilers
>literally every site I go to has spoiled shit
Well, I guess I should give (((Disney))) my money and see the damn thing now

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Doom. And he'll be a white nationalist. Galactus is just another cosmic threat.

you forgot
>had sex
based fucking cap got a clue

>Didn’t watch opening weekend
Kek feels good to be a pre-sale ticket Chad
I won’t spoil it though user

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>took a shower
>gained height
>hit the weights
>had sex
>got a clue

Nash would be proud of Cap. Truly an inspiration to dweebs and manlets everywhere. He will be missed.

>Didn’t watch opening weekend
I usually wait 2 to 3 weeks before going to see big movies. Every time I see a big movie on opening weekend I have a terrible experience..

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