This is an interesting plot turn

This is an interesting plot turn.

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welcome to a year ago

i wonder how his kids feel about this

>white guy with dreads
his kids are probably happy that he's not around to embarrass them anymore

I thought he basically bailed and left them for dust

Replased by based Knash

He pretty much abandoned them

Father-daughter feud when?

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What's Bray's stand?


So weird how open he is with it. Was his wife a cunt or he just couldn't resist dat ass?

Both most likely

I'd leave my entire family if I could plug an ass like that everynight

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Sister Abigail of course

>falling for the ass in heels meme
You're not gonna make it with the wolves, kid.

Rob Zombie

Her leaks she doesn't have heels on and the ass is still fat

I've said it once and I'll say it again: ABNORMAL RIKISHI ASS

Is that JoJo? She's looking rough

Shes preggers

aka the end of her run

>white guys don’t abandon their fami....

So is this "coalburning" and "race treason" as well?

Drilling for oil
>race treason
I think JoJo is mixed, her existence is race treason

Honestly in lesser posed pics such as OP she isn't even that hot.

Racemixing is okay when we do it.

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Brandi is already at least 50% white, she has European facial features and straight hair.

But Cody is not as human

*more than human

cody is a mugato.

It's the future of the black race.

No, because it's OK for white men to fuck whomever they want. In this case Bray is still a piece of shit, though.


>Bray Wyatt
I don't think so Rabbi

I would argue that Brandi is whiter than Cody

>leaving your family for a limited time of fun
You're whats wrong with the world, you failed as a strong male.

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I can't believe how fat she got

This pic is from 8 months ago


Shes dating a fat guy, its what happens

>Knash Rotundo-Offerman


Before he got dreadlocks I thought he was /pol/ due to his hillbilly gimmick mixed with heavy fedora tipping.

Should've been named Gnash
Gnash Bloodsaw Rotundo-Offerman
then he would've been born with the strap

itt: people who take ben shapiro seriously

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