based or cringe?

Attached: Adam “Edge” Phoenix ( edgeratedr) • Instagram photos and videos.png (915x594, 1015K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Father bonding with his kids. Based.
Naming one of the kids "Lyric". Cringe.

god i hate cuck'd dads so much

Cringe because instead of keeping it to himself he's posting it on social media for SJW, numales and feminist cred points.

Attached: 1483943798490.jpg (675x945, 71K)

Maximum cringe because his kids are old enough to know not do that but they're retarded.


Edge used to be so cool.

how did he go from rated r superstar to edge phoenix? where did everything go so wrong?

Based because he actually cares about his kids

Edges dad wasn’t in his life and it shows

Edge can be a bit of a dad but he's just a happy dappy father now so kinda Ding-Dong Diddlybased

how has he aged so badly dince 2011?

He needs those points in order for his wife to relieve him from the chastity cage.

Attached: 9k=.jpg (225x225, 9K)

h-h-he typed it out

All she lets him do is Edge

Uhhh sorry newfag redditor, no he didn't

holy cringola
one of the biggest numale faggots in wrestling.

Attached: Edge Phoenix.png (598x431, 110K)

you outed yourself brother

holy fuck it's actually real why is this the first time i've seen this?
another Yea Forums maymay comes to life

Based Edge manning up and being a dad unlike the incels on this board.

I’m glad this virtue signaling numale suffered a career threatening and life altering injury.
