If Benoit didn't kill his family, why doesn't his ghost just clear his name?

If Benoit didn't kill his family, why doesn't his ghost just clear his name?

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of course K2 would fall for that hoopla

Why do white women do this?

I am terribly sorry, but I don't think even they know why.

because he’s over with the fans in hell

based Test working thots into a shoot beyond the grave

Because the real Benoit is not dead, but trapped in an alternate dimension. A demonic doppelganger from the Black Lodge took his place here on Earth and murdered his family.

Why do women do anything? Attention.

>implying Kevin Sullivan never prepared a Ghostbusters ritual for this very purpose right after killing him

meanwhile Eddie's waiting for Shawn at Heavenmania

Benoitty btfo

Benoit is just protecting the business

/x/ still working Yea Forums into a spooky shoot.

>black women don't chimp out over spooks

this is what happens when you think wrestling is real

>have literally every single ding-dong diddly dead wrestler to pretend to talk to
>go for Test

Why didn’t she just test him? Ask him to say something only Test would know?

They probably fucked
He was a near 7ft blond jacked dude that loves drugs

What reason would a ghost have for lying about his identity?

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They dated

>Eddie ain't in heaven.
>Eddie's down there.

Attached: 3322726-randyeddie.jpg (480x322, 19K)

>YFW Eddie’s challenging Satan this Sunday at Earth in a Cell

Attached: 3E61875A-C04E-4A53-AEC1-68CD65CA69EC.png (658x545, 210K)

Canadians don't have ghosts because they don't have souls.

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to trick you into taking over your body ya simp, some demons may pretend to be ghosts

Fuck u buddy

>T-Test...? Is that really you? Are you still dead?

Because he didn't fuck one of the retarded "divas" who would go on this show and fall for this shit, and the retarded diva he did fuck he killed before himself.


KEK what a bitch