ITT: Heels who literally did nothing wrong

ITT: Heels who literally did nothing wrong

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>in before someone posts hitler

it came down on the railing which is part of the stands
steve was in the right

His heel move made the Cubs win recently that much better. They should thank him now.

Hitler was a face, you nob.

>Killed millions of whites and decimated Shitrope
Damn you're right


Jews were like 6 million out of the 60+ million causalities

>he actually believes this

>He's a holocaust denier
Yikes and incelpilled

if he was a marlins fan, it would have been based, but for a cubs fan it just made him an idiot.

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Nobody believes this nonsense.

Everyone always goes for the foul ball. Alou blamed it all on him even though he wasn’t going to catch it anyway. Shit. Bartman only had his hand out because others were doing the same in his section. He legit didn’t know what was going on because he was listening to the game like an autist.

Dare I say, based?

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At the risk of sounding like a soiboi, this was honestly one of the most disgusting stories I've ever read about
They literally hunted, harassed and threatened this random meek-looking fan just because he allegedly ruined a dumb baseball game by doing what several other people near him were also trying to do (compare to how athletes who botched "important" games like Bill Buckner and JR Smith never got this extreme of a reaction; sure they got shit on in sports media and by sports fans, but that was the extent of it)
They had this dude hiding from the public for his safety
Then when the events were summarized years later and those people had no choice but to face what shitty overreacting assholes they were, we get a bunch of self-serving half-assed "apology" news articles towards him from people who tried to make themselves feel better about what they did
He gets invited to various events by people who just wanted to repair their public image and not be known for joining in on the hate mob
I'm glad he turned all of that down. Never give them an opportunity to forget/cover up what pieces of shit they were

t. Heronetty

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unironically the outfielder wouldn’t have caught the ball and used bartman as a scape goat for his short comings

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>Wasn't even the 9th inning
>Wasn't even the last out of the inning
>Cubs gave up EIGHT FUCKING RUNS afterwards
bruh this whole time I at least thought it was the last out of the inning. How did this guy get shit on more than the Cubs bullpen allowing eight fucking runs.