New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions

>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions
>Constantly growing and more profitable than ever
>WWE has a system where everyone gets to be champion regardless of how good they are
>The least popular it's ever been and bleeding money

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>>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions
>saying this after school schooter-kun

>>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions

How much of a fucking mark are you?
They build around who is the most realistically profitable/favoured by the company.

>Switchybrado isn't based
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions
you mean only okada and tanahashi

New Japan is built around maximizing profit you moron. Thats why Naito never gets the hebby, he draws the same with or without it. Its why they dont push Juniors as major stars, they dont draw on the same level as their HW top guys.
Jay is good and will be great. It was the right idea to put the belt on him if they plan on using him for years.

>Only ONE tokyo sports best bout

yes in wrestling merit is based on dime drawing, nobody smarten you up yet mark?

>repeats what I said
>"nobody smarten you up yet?"

Holy brainletoli

There are 30 guys on the roster better than Jay including some young lions. He's the Jinder of New Japan.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, e-drone.

He's right, though.
Jay's not a spectacular talent, he just has a spectacular appeal to a certain demographic.
I love Jay but he alone rebuts the notion than NJPW pushes exclusively their "best talents". They push the ones who can draw dimes. It's not a meritocracy, aesthetic, showy businesses and meritocracies rarely intertwine successfully.
You think Chris Hemsworth is Thor because he's such an A+ actor?
Nah he's Thor cause bitches want his dick

yikes’ing at ya simps
you’ll cowards probably think okada is unironically the best njpw talent. meltzer thinks that, and Yea Forumsies eat it up. he’s roman tier in japan

3 cases of rent free

Jay White is a solid preformer, but he needs to polish his in skill ring.

Okada is a solid preformer, with solid ring skills.

That's really it.

>can’t talk wrestling without a mental tenant

>Naitofags seethe whenever anyone praises Okada
Just get over it dude.

Attached: okadasbitch.png (668x758, 151K)

>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions
you know it's fake, right?


Attached: kek4.png (300x250, 36K)

i’m beggin’ ya

Attached: B1B2062B-8170-4040-9D72-4445D4E011C7.jpg (958x539, 120K)

>Proving the point

>Okada is a solid preformer
the man is a fucking GOAT and you have to be insanely low IQ not to see that


>New Japan has a merit based system where only the best are champions
It's a work ya mark

>Naito should have won at WK!!
Every time.

Attached: okadalaugh2.jpg (236x353, 13K)

>must be a naito stan if you don’t like okada
rent free


Attached: okadanaito.jpg (600x338, 92K)

Based Ronda



Meritocracy vs Equality