Has anyone had trouble cancelling their WWE Network account...

Has anyone had trouble cancelling their WWE Network account? I tried to cancel it like two months in a row and they kept charging me anyway. Just had to do a Paypal chargeback and even then I'm half-convinced they'll just charge me again next month.

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>Ever paying for the WWE Network
LOL - WWE making their drones SEETHE

Just max out your credit card so when it's time to get charged there won't be sufficient funds and it'll just cancel automatcially. That's what I do, then I sign up again the next time they give away a free 1-3 months and repeat the process.

No, you probably never cancelled it.

lmao imagine destroying your credit for the wwe network

Nope never had an issue the two times I dropped mine

lmao imagine only have 1 card to put everything on. It's a shitty $200 limit card that I've had since high school and I only use for occasionally internet purchases. My credit rating is just fine.

>max out your credit card to avoid a $10 charge
Nigga wtf you talking about

OP said he couldn't cancel his network, I gave him a way that I've done it. It's a shitty backup/throw away card that I keep near it's limit and only make minimum payments or I'll add what I need if I wanna buy something with it. What's so hard for you poorfags to understand about that?

>I tried to cancel it like two months in a row and they kept charging me anyway

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>$200 credit limit
>calling anyone a poorfag

lol @ ur life

Full Ret*rd

>he subbed to the network

i tried but i cant live without wwe network

Yeah that 470 credit score is going to change your life bro

What a fucking brainlet

What a dumbass E Drone LMFAO

my credit score is 790 and I have been a NEET 12 out of the past 13 years

thanks mom

No - I don't pay for mine.

Fake and gay

Guess you missed the part it's a back up card and not my only one. Nice reading comprehension, stupid.



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