Sell me over on this game. I haven’t played a fun WWE wrestler since WWF No Mercy

Sell me over on this game. I haven’t played a fun WWE wrestler since WWF No Mercy.

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Its good. Career is fun except you don't go in the rumble which is dumb.

Only good for updated roster. Aside from that, it's still shit. Really not worth it

Matches have no background music like in SvR. Really kills the game

Pick up Fire Pro instead

This but not for full price

I'm completely stuck on the first battle royale on RAW, can't figure out how to throw people out of the ring.

It's fucking shit. Get Fire pro no memes.
But wait for a sale.

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How to lift into a back facing stun?

Don't buy WWE games. They're bottom of the barrel worthless crap.

Imagine being so poor you think this 80s 2d shit is better than 2k19 on a ps4 lmao

>buying games

OP just needs to get an SNES emulator and a rom of Saturday Night Slammasters

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>Imagine being so poor you think this 80s 2d shit is better than 2k19 on a ps4 lmao

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It's on sale on ps4, that's about all I have

OP Here, I'm usually the guy who does the Fire Pro Wrestling Generals on the week days. I just wanted another wrestling game to play ontop of this one. But yeah, Fire Pro Wrestling World is pretty fun.

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It has a first person vr mode that you can play all raws from the attitude era through the eyes of all wrestlers and fight and finish raws the way you want with a continous story line and much multiplayer.

>Get a bro.
>Make a bunch of Caws.
>Put em in a simulated rumble while providing commentary.

Unironically my favorite game

Especially if you're a fire pro veteran you're probably gonna have a bad time with the 2k games gameplay except for maybe the universe mode

Can I do anything wacky, like make custom finishers that break the game?

Otherwise I was going to make a bunch of wacky CAW's and have them beat the shit out of each other.

It's fun. I think the gimmick matches get a little stale, but if you have played the previous 2Ks it might be fresher. You can adjust the AI and have a workable match with chain-wrestling, reversals, selling, comebacks or book squashes or just fuck around. Excellent downloads for create a wrestlers. Asptard zoomer late-comers to FPW haven't actually played it and convinced themselves it's better to watch a computer vs computer matches.

>muh graphics
It should be a sign of how shit the gameplay is when people are looking past the graphics and playing fire pro instead. Sorry about your low IQ

nobody "plays" fire pro, they spend hours upon hours editing "logic" and then watch a fucking computer simulation. peak autism.

Simming in 2k games with the CPU doesn't come of naturally. When they fight each other is pretty awkward. It's a shame really

Fighting game, not a sports entertainment game

>WWE 2K19 costs 89.99 at full price (with DLC)

>Fire Pro Wrestling World costs 70 on steam altogether and people still bitch about the price.

Golly gee E-Drones will pay anything.

Not true at all. I take advantage of all their work and download their caws and play the fucking game. You're just seeing the vocal community who aren't actually playing

Are you retarded

If you haven’t played them at all I’d pick it up just to see what it’s like. It’s pretty fun and spots are much much more easier to do. Matches logically end when they should.

The last fun wwe game was wwe2k14 desu

What is the draw of the gameplay now besides nostalgia? The novelty used to be you had a game with all the international stars with expanded movesets and death matches, but now the death matches look silly and you can get the rest in 2K plus actually build a match with them. It's a fighting game, not a wrestling game like somebody said above.

>Fire Pro Wrestling World costs 70
you are a fucking retard if you pay 70 for that game. Gameplay and features have not changed at all since their SNES releases and the graphics don't justify the price. I wouldn't pay over 10 for it.

This, but it applies to any wrestling game. My bro and I gave Jack Swagger a racist gimmick after he personally eliminated every black person in the ring. This went on for years. The best part of any wrestling game is playing it with friends.

Your retarted

>Steam Workshops constantly churning out new wrestlers
>New mat, ref, and area mods allow for unlimited content
>New Japan Licensed DLC

There's also a Suda 51 DLC coming out, later this year. You don't really need to change the game play, if the game itself is solid.

I buy it every other year for updated rosters. It's like a B- game in general. It'll give you what you want but the deficiency is glaring.

Purchased this 3 days ago and literally just got into bed after playing 5 grs of career mode.

They've made the gameplay way too technical - its definitely not a game which you could play when you have friends over that haven't played it before.

Imo they should make the controls a lot more simple, its why it used to be such a great game to have when THQ and Yukes were developing it. Seems as though 2K has run it to shit.

Also I don't know half of the roster on there lol, seems like so many /literally who/s - but that might be because i dont watch wwe much anymore and only remember wrestlers from the ruthless agression and attitude era.

Also seems as though you cant do male vs female matches lol

4/10 game but eh may as well try and see if you enjoy

I have zero nostalgia for the gameplay. You can play it just fine as a fighting game. The appeal is that it's gameplay is good and I'm still waiting for 2k to eventually tighten their games up. I've played every 2k game and they're simply just not that fun aside from the graphics being arguably decent. If all you care about is graphics I can see the problem

>My bro and I gave Jack Swagger a racist gimmick after he personally eliminated every black person in the ring

I wish there was a Cowboy Hat option in FPWW, that's really it. I want to make Ram Ranch

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>dumb marks pay 70 dollars for a reskin of a 20+ y. o. game

is this bait

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Literally have not said one thing about "graphics." In 2K you can do chain spots, hope spots, cut offs, hot tags, comebacks, false finishes and finisher reversals, your character sells damage, takes stamina hits and has unique animations for kickouts and pin combinations, you can book run ins, have ref distractions, knock the ref out to cheat, etc. Fire Pro is still basically kick punch slam get up + repeat.

Fire pro has literally every single one of those built in to the system.

.... But you can do literally all of that in Fire Pro Wrestling World too.

Including knocking out the ref, holding breath during a grab to sell a throw / hit, steal finishers, and maybe a bit more.

Lyin ass nigger. Do you even play it? You can NOT hot tag, do finisher steals or chain wrestle in FPW and the reversals are all boring stock animations like a go-behind, low blow or elbow to the back.

"While this is commonly referred to as "Finisher Steal", it does not always steal your opponent's finisher. It steals a move from their grapple moves."

Why do you faggots need to lie so much for this overhyped shitty game?

you can do finisher steals goofy ass

You also know that you can't target the ref and fuck him purposefully from behind, if he's counting someone out for example, like you can in 2K. He may get bumped accidentally, that's all. Lol, this is sad, man.

I'm not a fan at all. The 2k games are absolute garbage in comparison to the old ones, even ones like WWE '13 and stuff.

The story mode is okay, better than the last few, but it's still not worth buying the game over. 2K just can't make good wrestling games.

They cut back on everything gimmick match related. You can't stack tables, you can't place them anywhere you want, you can only place ladders in 4 areas. Outside, in the middle of the ring, in the corner, or stacked onto another ladder.

They took away GM mode a while ago. They took away creating your own stories. They took away fast paced action, basically it's a simulator now and it feels wrong. They took away stupid things in creating your character and added a point system, you can't make whatever you want (without mods). They took away so many small minor things that add up and make the experience feel horrible.

Only decent part would be the graphics and the community creating random shit, and even then they aren't great.

You're honestly just better off playing the older ones at this point.

Fire pro's system of "a finisher is built into your moveset and you decide when it's best to bring it out" is way better than "press Y to win lol". Don't get mad because you've gotten used to the taste of shit.

This is actually sad.

Do breathe + Light and Medium the minute your arms touch their shoulders.

Don’t @ me

PIN and Submission System sucks!

> (You)
lmao at thinking you can do anything like this or like, the flair-steamboat pin reversal bridge spot in that busted ass game

There is no chain-wrestling. It's not a feature of the game. Period. People have been asking for it but they haven't made significant upgrades in over a decade. Time to move on.

Also I RKO’D Gedo and Izuna dropped Ishii the other day. FPWW isn’t ‘boring.’

Graphics and presentation is off the charts good. Gameplay has a learning curve. My career is corny but its decent. Universe mode is fun if you committed to it


Bet Ishii got up from that 2 secs later, too.

>Also I RKO’D Gedo and Izuna dropped Ishii the other day. FPWW isn’t ‘boring.’
great, try lose your virginity before posting here again ya neckbeard

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>Needing minigames in your minigames in your minigames to be entertained
Oh, there's the issue. Sorry, I thought all posters had to be over eighteen to post here. My misunderstanding! Have a good day!

Lol everybody getting mad for a game

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What -is- that? A chain of quick time events? No thank you.

>is not boring guys pls buy
holy fucking jap shills gtfo back to /wooo/ here on Yea Forums we don't take your gook shit kindly

It's fun if you wanna play dress up and make hunks senpai.
Pretty easy too run a custom promotion can be rewarding if you put some time into the roster.

Deluxe edition includes biker take mmmmmMmmm

Holy shit you don't know what you're talking about when referencing fire pro. You really need to stop

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chain wrestling is fucking boring anyways moving on


The best wrestling game out there atm and the only one with emergent gameplay. Meaning instead of scripted animations, it relies more on physics. You can stack and place tables wherever you want, people can fall into them and they break, you can be hit by a guy doing a move on someone else, chain grapples and reversals actually related to the move you are doing, you can squeeze/stretch on holds, had allie/enemy logic which affects how AI behaves including even the refs, perform your own entrance, custom music, massive roster of hundreds featuring WWE, NJPW, lucha, legends, custom ring shapes/sizes, ongoing career mode which includes negotiating new contracts with different promotions, funny dialogue, unlimited wrestlers in the ring, the list just goes on.

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Gain height, clue and sex and play a real enjoyable wrestling game instead ya marks.

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Just press lift from behind

>tfw wwe games are so shit and god awful looking a gta5 mod with wwe characters and gameplay is more fun and lifelike

i just want to enjoy a wrestling game, 2k is boring and universe mode feel's so soulless. I think im gonna try a TEW attitude era run where i sim the big matches in fire pro i can have a little bit of chaos to it. i just want a 2010 njpw tew mod but they don''t have any :(

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>it’s fun with friends
confirmed to be garbage

cause it is. Fire-pro maybe boring and overrated but it runs laps around the held together by paperclips and bubblegum shitshow that is WWE 2k games, especially since 15.

Fucking Pac-man on the Atari is somehow better made than the last WWE 2k games have been. The game is a fucking mess stability wise, and gameplay wise its the same shit you played since 15 except slightly less shit. Only good thing about it is making freaks/vidya characters and watch them duke it out and find jank shit, or purposely finding jank shit with friends. You can continuously pin people over and over and there's no way to escape, good luck with that on the shitty online that makes Street Fighter 5's look amazing.

Its sad that 2k14 is still the best of these fucking games in the last decade. Its been over 5 fucking years since that got released and they're still somehow playing catchup to that, and it wasn't even good or healthy for a PS3/360 to begin with.

It's shit. Play Fire Pro-Wrestling World instead.

At least you will get some enjoyment out of it simulating dream matches and fun as fuck multi-man tag team matches.

Which game is that?