Broken Hardys in TNA

Now that the dust has settled, was it absolute BASED KINO or ultimate cringe?

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_alfredkonuwa_files_2017_03_watch-broken-matt-hardy-continue-1200x779. (960x623, 79K)

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based, blew wwememe out of the water at the time so bad they had to hire them and put the straps on them then hire prichard

Top kino

Genuinely the most entertaining that wrestling has been for like 10 years.

Anything involving the bucks is cringe.

Kino then, now, forever

It was really fun stuff. I respect it only for the fact that Matt had an idea (with assistance from others assuredly) and the company instead of fighting him went with it.

ultimate cringe

>TNA finally dumps Dixie, declares a legitimate new era
>First thing they do is let the Hardys walk and then keep them from being broken

That's when I knew they were forever a lost cause.

True wrestlekino.

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The tag team one was a lot of fun

It was great. So of course WWDisnE had to buy it and make it suck.

it was truly magical

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At the very beginning it was based as fuck and Plebbit absolutely HATED it. Then it overstayed its welcome and when Plebbit got on board it became cringe.

Based but it should have never been brought to WWE since they ruined it. However I like the match they did at least with Bray Wyatt. The only good thing they did with Woken Hardy.

Why the hell did the Hardys have to leave SiMPACT? They had creative control and a much better schedule.

Management changed and they didn't have either anymore

it was some of the best shit I've ever seen in this semen slurping sport

I liked it when Reddit and whatculture spent three weeks shitting on it and saying it was lame and embarrassing to wrestle fans, then a month later was riding Matt's dick for inventing BROKEN and it being the best gimmick ever.

Yea Forums was there first. We rules it kino the morning after it dropped.

Plebbit currently hates Bray's new gimmick. They're going to LOVE it a month from now when it becomes stale.


Imagine if the Hardys hadn't left SiMPACT. We could have had a feud with Steiner. They could have had The FINAL Final Deletion at Scott's Shoneys.

Attached: no sympy.jpg (750x1000, 147K)

It was okay at first but any of the many segments after it were actually terrible

Pretty based. Then the WWE had to buy in on it and completely fuck it up in their retarded hamfisted way like thy do with everything.
matt's based