Not supporting the president of the Unites states?>mmmmmmmmmmmm that will be 1488 pure strikes

>Not supporting the president of the Unites states?>mmmmmmmmmmmm that will be 1488 pure strikes

Undercarder is a confirmed nazi someone should beat his ass

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Trying to beat up the Undertaker? What could possibly go wrong?

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fuck this backwards thinking, gun toting, blood money accepting fuck.


>not supporting Trump
mmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him

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I love this forward thinking, gun toting, rich fuck

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Based 'Taker supporting the President. Also Kane's mayor video on WWE's youtube had one guy with a MAGA hat on.

God forbid..........

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Fucking who

undertaker confirmed based

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Yup, the allure is officially dead for me. First looking a corpse while losing the streak, then looking like a geek standing outside Lebron James' locker room and now a supporting a russian/north korean cocksucking mutt like Trump under the guise of muh patriotism.

Fucker can sign autographs for the rest of his life as far as I'm concerned. He's being regulated to a piss break if he ever wrestles again though I could throw in a shit and make a sandwich by the time he makes it to the ring.

Behead those who insult Trump.

Based Trump still making nu-male subhumans seethe through other unrelated people.

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Go away, deadman. You're no longer relevant, grandpa.

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