Cuck cold simp autism EXPOSED

>never the guy
>never drew a dime
>always carried by vince and dwayne - ratings collapsed as they left
>shoot cried on tv when he had to make superior talent look strong
>walked out when he had to put superior talent over
>would never stay down until taking multiple finishers, then proceeded to complain about too much finishers
>would have killed the business if nash wasnt around to save it
>got into his position by sheer luck
>worse hairline than paul heyman's
>bald alcoholic
>hearing impairment gimmick
>stole his finisher from a literal who
>failed to sell the easiest move there is to sell and broke his neck
>failed to sell tickets
>failed movie career
>small dick as proven by him seething when debra saw men with actual dicks in the locker room
>buries superior talent on his podcast for no reason
>beat women because he couldnt beat men
>jannetty to the rock, undercarder, bret hart, savio vega, hbk, kevin nash
>not a member of the wrestler's court - less respected than holly and jbl
>ecw reject
>wcw reject
>wwe reject
>fat, terrible look
>faithless fool

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Stole his look from up and coming, legitimate draw in waiting Bill Goldberg


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>tfw your gimmick is being unable to comprehend english and resorting to violence like a bulbasaur

>pushing a meme endlessly for months
>not over in the slightest

ya seethe

fuck off carter

>y-ya s-seethe
Yawn. Thread will get about 20 replies and die and you'll make another one tomorrow that won't go over either.

This doesn't work with Austin OP as he is literally the GOAT

Austin stole his gimmik from Nash

Nash was swearing, raising the middle finger, calling out Vince, etc. while Stevetty was the Ringmaster

nash is a faggot

ya seethe

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>loses his hair
>loses his faith in god
kek what a bitch

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imagine actually thinking Autism was a bigger draw than Rock. you'd have to be a inbred redneck retard to believe that

>wears an earring

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who comes up with this stuff?

jannettey to rock

this, also everyone with a brain knows mr. mcmahon was the draw

based and truthpilled



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Jesus Christ

>For fans wondering about “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s podcast, it looks like he was fired from Podcast One. Piper noted that he was fired because of the content of his last podcast where he had comedian Will Sasso on doing an impression of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
what a fucking simp

christ what a self mark

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It was more than Sasso being on doing his impression of Austin. He insinuated his only friend was his dog and just took personal shots at him the whole segment

*where's and earring*

*where's and best*
*shrink cans of bears*
*beats his wave*

Add failed Podcaster to the list. The Steve Austin Show hasn't released a new episode since December 2018.

Beer chugging, wife beating, meth smoking rednecks EXPOSED

Dwaynetty BTFO

Cuckold Simp Autism BTFO

stole his look from Sid, his gimmick from Sandman, and his finisher from another ECW reject

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OH NO NO NO NO Autism fans on suicide watch!

Attached: Dime Drawin' Dwayne.png (1282x841, 636K)

OP you've have been trying since 2016 too get us to shit on Stone Cold and it's not going to work

he gotta act like a baby to match that bald head of his lmao!

sucked a lot of jewish dicks

>you've have been
clearly the education system doesnt work where you live! expect nothing less from a simp autism mark!

>Nash "Anyone who is more popular than me is gay" Kevin