>Fan interest may be at an all-time low. The key figures that indicate fan interest, event attendance and merchandise, are all drastically down. This is not a popular product. And the thing is they've been listening to the fans. They pushed Daniel Bryan, and Becky, and Kofi. But it hasn't worked. The one real star that WWE has made, John Cena, has been absent. And that could explain it all. But John Cena is not there anymore. Who do they have to replace him? Who's a real star? They don't have any. And the thing is, John Cena wasn't even a star on the level of Austin, Dwayne, and Hogan. Where is this going? It's scary. The under age 35 interest in the product is at all-time lows. They're not making new fans.
And meanwhile...AEW is the new cool thing that everyone is excited about. WWE is in trouble.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>AEW is the new cool thing that everyone is excited about.
lol. You retards do realise that if WWE dies no other company is going to replace it right?

Not at the level of WWE with needlessly high amounts of overproduction? Sure.
But wrestling will always be around

>You retards do realise that if WWE dies no other company is going to replace it right?
And that's a Good Thing

>Spend 6 years building stars the people don't like while burying the one's they do like
>Push the people fans like for 6 months

Fuck the boomers. They need a transitional period to build new fans, but stop/start pushes and no long term attempts to build new stars isn't helping. John Cena wasn't built in 6-9 months. Neither was Rock, Austin, Orton, etc. At the moment it seems like if you're not immediately swimming then WWE make you sink. John Cena himself was an anti draw for the first two years of his career despite attempts at pushing him, but he was never buried.

i fucking want that.
so many Other good promotions right now.

Thanks Dave. How much does AEW pay for your falsehoods

>It's scary

The reason why is it's down is because it sucks lol

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Still better than whojapan or autism everywhere wrestling

so how that works for AEW?

Wrestling in general is dead. Even if The Rock or Stone Cold came back in their prime people wouldn’t tune in. That’s the real issue, WWE can push whoever they want but nobody likes wrestling anymore.

>Gedo believes the best way to draw in wrestling is by having larger then life Heavyweight stars
Lol can't wait for wwe to die

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american wrestling it's at his lowest, that for sure.

It will take years to go up again

>aew being so desperate they pay le meltz to lie and come up with numbers that make wwe look bad

No it's not. If wrestling was dying Non wwe companies wouldn't be having so much growth

in what way are the numbers fake?

>Neither was Rock, Austin, Orton, etc
Hi Randy!

What American pro-wrestling promotions are having "so much growth?" It ain't Impact; they're just the roach that refuses to die. It ain't ROH. It ain't AEW since they haven't even had a show yet.


>ROH just had their best financial year
>GCW is red hot
>Impact has money according jericho and he almost went their
>AEW just drew 10000 people

>in what way are the numbers fake?

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In the way that I fuck your mom in the ass.


Pro wrestling is dead. It will never see the same popularity it did from 85 - 89 and 97 - 01

Tony started this at the exact right time.

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So good to see WWE's fan hating chickens come to roost

AEW fanbase consists of minimum wage fatasses , NEETs and welfare support losers that will be hardto sustain. Thankfully for them, pro wrestling fans are a special breed that will spend on those money to support their """cause"""

Still doesn't help WWE getting new audiences tho

Based ESLtard

ya seethe, lil boy


People have never been more disconnected with the wwe product.


explain switchblade

>company which peaked in the early 00's and has relied on nostalgia acts for the past decade to keep chugging along isn't doing well with the younger demographics today

I, for one, am shocked by this revelation. Reminder that Vince's alliance with Trump and the Saudi government are desperate acts from a desperate man who sees the cliff-edge approaching.

WCW and WWE fought over 12 million eyes on their product.
AEW and WWE are fighting over 2.5 million, decreasing every day.

Sure you'll have your wrestling, but a tiny tiny impenetrable niche full of ridiculous flippyshit that normies will despise even more than they do WWE now.

>WWE are fighting over 2.5 million
globally the wwe product is enjoyed by billions of fans who dont affect the ratings - none of them know about aew or other bingo hall promotions. wwe is the major league and makes more money than ever

>globally the wwe product is enjoyed by billions of fans
lol no it isn't.

I too would like to see what's the impact of non-US viewership. Back in the Attitude era, we'd get Raw on sundays with a 3-4 week delay in south america, and the only way to watch PPVs was to buy/rent a tape on Blockbuster (which would arrive months after the actual date of the PPV). I imagine Asia and Middle East didn't get WWF/E at all until relatively recently.

Why the random dig at Cena to make it seem even worse for WWE? Fact is Cena sold more merch than anyone ever and had a longer single run than any modern guy ever. By the end of the AE Rock and Austin were pulling less and less numbers, according to Meltzer himself. Also during Rock's comeback run Cena was often drawing more numbers for solo segments and Big Show crying drew a bigger rise in viewers than any of Rock's appearances since his return.
I'm not an EDrone, but Meltzer is really trying to just heap things up on them. Tje viewer and attendance bit is true, but then he just tries to throw speculation and opinion on it as if the stocks falling justify that. They also didn't really push Bryan besides handing him the title and keeping him on what was supposed to be the BShow until the Fox switch. If they wanted to push him hard they would have had him be the one to go over Lesnar, but they decided only Shield can do that. Also not many fans asked for Women's Main Events, constant Charlotte feuds, Baron versus Angle, and pushing Kofi was a kneejerk reaction to be able to say 'hey, we listen!'

>wwe is dying because it is listening to numale smarks and pushing niggers wymyn and indie shitters
>aew is going to soar because it is listening to numale smarks and its roster is wymyn indie shitters and literal trannies

that dude doesn't look larger than life at all and is skinny fat

Tony is aware of this and more...he's in analytics after all. Contrary to what haters seem to think, he's not some mark who won the lottery and is blowing his fortune without a clue of what he's doing. Key things he says they're going to focus on is creating new fans and reducing the number of dates wrestlers work so their bodies get more time to repair and prevent injury. These are some of the biggest problems WWE has faced.

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>Wrestling will die in your lifetime

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If they listened to the fans, wwe wouldn't be pg still

Wow, look at those goal posts go.

I hope you don't take it personally if I think that you're probably a fucking nitwit if you think WWE's business sagging is going to mean the death of the business itself.


>company bows to sand niggers and immediately loses fans

Deadie Cuckerrero got raped by Art Barr in the summer of 89.

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The guy is an off the books AEW employee, so whatever trashing he gives WWE is nonsense.

more people are excited to watch the wrestlemania weekend shows than wwe itself

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How is he doing that? The wrestlers he's signed so far are incredibly niche indie darlings, transgenders, and past it old men like Jericho. The only thing they're going to achieve is to consolidate the 250,000 (a generous estimate) wrestling fans left that would be willing to follow their niche.
It really isn't enjoyed by billions. I will give you the reach worldwide of WWE probably reaches 13 millionish, in one form or another, but that certainly isn't all paid and absolutely isn't anything that keeps wrestling afloat. The Indian market, for example hates paying for wrestling or any entertainment.

High IQ

>ponder to cucks/feminazis/sjw
>loses all its popularity
made me think

That's what people thought in 1983 and 1995.

I know the group of 4 I was with over WM weekend were

Pro-wrestling in North American will be back to exclusively indie level within a few decades. WWE has no future and AEW will never get big.

true can't argue that

And yet, whitout the fat smarks they would be out of business in a week
Remember, a vocal minority doesn't keep a company afloat

this. prowrestling is suposta be grimey, chaotic and violent not necessarily czw or even ecw levels nonstop but there should be a place for blood and a few dirty words.

>AEW is the new cool thing that everyone is excited about.
AEW is the new thing that a bunch of obsessed marks and dirtsheet writers are excited about. Half the wrestling audience has no idea who they are and nobody outside of it has a clue they exist.

A somewhat rushed decision to replace Kenny's role in okada's storyline

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switchblade has the look and was always going to be world champ. his whole character now is getting the belt back motive since he got to cocky. he's been humbled. Okada had to beat someone from his past and Jay was the other option

AEW isn't going to be any different from ROH except it's going to be more insufferable with the added political propaganda.

I love how Okada can be an absolute Chad in one scenario and a giant virgin in the other

That's the power of a true Chad.

the best wrestler in the world doesn't have to tell you he's the best every 5 minute like all the false pretenders

>hated Chads when I was an edgy teenager
>respect and praise them now
we truly live in a society

honestly lads the only wrestling event i watched this year has been mania, which i skimmed through
i still come to Yea Forums everyday to shitpost though

i accidentally clicked on this board. I only know the undertaker and that whatever aew is has a ton of washed up people.

Hundred of thousands or at the very most, a million give or take. there aren't billions watching WWE. That's just stupid. In the UK and Ireland, its something pathetic like 25,000 watch any given week.

American wrestling is going through what Joshi wrestling went through in the late 90's in Japan. The industry is dying and instead of serving families and young people it's going to end up taking place only in small venues with men in their 30's and 40's attending.

Once WWE dies you're gonna see the real dark age of wrestling.

>Sure you'll have your wrestling, but a tiny tiny impenetrable niche full of ridiculous flippyshit that normies will despise
normies already hate wrestling, its already a niche and whoever gets knocked off the top (WWE) will always be replaced (NJPW, AEW, etc) its happened throughout history and won't suddenly stop just because Vince McMahon wills it.

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Meltz is saying that Cena is their only star, but compared to the stars before him isn't on that same level, which is objectively true.

WWE is dying because it has long-lasting issues that can no longer be quickly fixed by "listening to the fans" anymore

Okada has tons of presence, not everything is strictly about SIZE you brainlet, even look at Conor McGregor its about charisma.

there's a lot of variety out there now and more and more fans are starting to see that WWE isn't the be all end all anymore, in fact it never was in the first place

>skinny fat gook with no charisma
>larger than life
kek you weebs really need to have sex and buy a brain

>Once WWE dies you're gonna see the real dark age of wrestling
OR we see change, evolution, more creativity and a resurgence in popularity, or none of those things. It's still better than the status-quo.

G1 Supercard is proof he's a draw and has presence plus WWE has wanted him for years because he's actually quite tall, meme all you want its a fact.

The key is that WWE has pretty much burned through all the good will it ever had with fans. Lapsed fans don't care that they're pushing the favourites, they know in their heart that WWE will find a way to fuck it up.

I just realized that Yea Forums collectively hates Bullet Club, The Elite and AEW as a whole. They really don’t want AEW to succeed.

Also it’s weird, RAW and Smackdown are mediocre. But NXT is actually kind of good to watch.

>wrestlemania weekend

Maybe not the best example that indie wrestling is what people want, because all those shows only exist thanks to WWE

Roman is even 1-2 levels below Cena.

His move to SD hasn't had any effect on viewership, even worse, it dropped.


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and WWE only became popular due to leeching off of the territories, what's your point?


Wrestling is not mainstream at all When you get to work on Monday (implying your fat lazy ass is employed) ask about AEW around the water cooler. Here’s the response you’ll get from coworkers:

The root beer?

Huh? Sap hates WWE and wishes it fails at least once an hour. Nice victim complex for a shitty t-shirt company, I’m pretty sure people here just don’t like wrestling, and those that obsess and watch too much are those rooting for AEW.

Me? I can’t see myself watching ANOTHER hour of wrestling a week so I’ll continue to not watch the stuff I don’t think is very interesting I.e. AEW

being larger than life is more than just physical size. It’s a big part of it, but it’s presence and the aura they give off, if you can buy into that. watch any Okada entrance... you know immediately he’s a big time main event star. It’s all about natural charisma and maximizing the presentation to enhance it. wwe doesn’t know how to do this anymore. They just don’t get it

The few casuals left in wrestling would just leave all together if WWE ever died, like WCWs audience left after it died

Should've given back some Creative Control to the Wrestlers! Could've had The Elite by now.

>They pushed Daniel Bryan, and Becky, and Kofi. But it hasn't worked.
>AEW is the new cool thing
The type of people who wanted these guys pushed are the same people excited about AEW. It's not going to pick up new wrestling fans or takeover where WWE is failing if it ends up being the same indie shitter style.

Trying to get a genuine consensus of something here is damn near impossible. Personally I think all AEW needs to do is be an alternative rather than competition and they'll be fine.

It's been shit for over a decade. Wrestling started to get good again in 1996, it was only in a down peroid for 3 or 4 years in the 90's. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting, Goldberg, Sid Vicious, DPP, Kevin Nash where are these people today? There's nobody to even sign to offer an alternative

So, who at WWE is sitting reading wrestling subreddits all day? Is it Stephanie and her minions?

>we pushed Bryan 4 years after his steam dried out
>not working
gee I wonder why?

They lost an average of 500k viewers a year from 2015 to 2018 by pushing Roman, noone is watching and then they went ''woke'' with a nigger and a woman to show ''how progressive'' are they

Mg hobby would be so much more enjoyable if more simps were watching it.
Darn it.

>Kevin Nash

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They do its weird
People here are legitimately edrones

>And the thing is they've been listening to the fans
When your fanbase is a tiny remnant of obsessive nerds, why would you listen to them? You make money by marketing towards the mainstream.

philanthropy is the way brands are going to win, right?

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>creating new fans
>by pandering to E-Drones


>everyone knows wrestling is fake now
>make the focus completely on in-ring action and ignore characters and storylines

Who wants to watch two flabby boring dudes play-fighting?

Listening to the hardcore simps will only drive the mainstream even further away. Could you imagine what it must look like to a normie when they click #Raw and see all the rainbow flag trannies, and the morbidly obese.

things i like being popular definitely makes it more fun, that's why the attitude era will never be topped

I'm just gonna say this: I would 100% watch WWE for Seth, AJ, Finn, Bryan, Roman, Sami, KO, etc. etc. etc. etc. if the writing wasn't total nonsensical cringey shit. There's no continuity so nothing matters and half the good potential matches are ruined by producers. The show makes me cringe so hard it hurts. I love the roster but the show itself is too shit for me to watch.

Fan service DOES work though, look at Disney with Star Wars and the Marvel movies. WWE's issues are not staying consistent with their product and fan base.

having the same matches over and over and over again makes the ppv nothing more than Raw/SD matches without commercials

disney and marvel appeal to your average NPC though, thats why they're swimming in it

why yes indeed, i do like being able to shoot the shit with my coworkers about the things i'm interested in without them thinking i'm a hillbilly.

>without them thinking i'm a hillbilly.
this stereotype is weird since working class hispanics are the biggest single demo for WWE, the hillbillies left with WCW

>normies already hate wrestling, its already a niche and whoever gets knocked off the top (WWE) will always be replaced (NJPW, AEW, etc) its happened throughout history and won't suddenly stop just because Vince McMahon wills it.

It really hasnt happened before though. Vince was the first to go national and ever since it's mostly been his game. Wrestling is dying, and AEW is its cyanide.

hispanic wrestling is actually culturally acceptable down in mexico tho

Hi Donald

>if the writing wasn't total nonsensical cringey shit. There's no continuity so nothing matters

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>WWE's issues are not staying consistent with their product and fan base
True. No idea who the modern product is supposed to appeal to.

The "lowest rated non-holiday" Raws started popping up at the height of Super Cena. It continued the decline of the company that really took off during Triple H's reign of terror. The decline only got worse without him but they went through great lengths to make sure he was the only star they created during those years, in spite of better interests.


Times was, WWE would run angles backstage and out of arena. Soap opera angles that gave purpose to the staged fighting. Nowadays it’s all in ring, no reason for anything other than, “I’m a wrestler and I’m better than you. You think otherwise? Let’s settle this in the ring!”. Straight up homo shit. Zero drama. No wonder we have a tranny problem.


>“I’m a wrestler and I’m better than you. You think otherwise? Let’s settle this in the ring!”.
This right here.

>AEW is the new cool thing that everyone is excited about.
[citation needed]

AEW will fail for one reason. Even though they don't watch WWE millions of people are aware of WWE since they were catered to as children. They know Austin, rock, Rey, triple h, Shawn, hardys, edge, cena, etc.
Maybe there are kids watching the stars right now and will grow up to watch if still. Great. AEW and Indy fans don't have that.
If WWE fell off, AEW doesn't have the world building for people to care. Majority of people will not invest time into wrestling as an adult.

>They listened to the fans
Maybe they should stop that?

It isn’t Roman’s fault himself, but they squandered him and the rest of the Shieldetties pushes so hard, along with a ton of other guys. They were supposed to be stars and most people either dislike or don’t even care about them now.

>with star wars
You mean the new movies that people have been shitting on for years?

The old white people in the back

the old white people in the back want to see kofi and bryan as their main guys?

They listened to the wrong fans

>Dave "Fake News" Meltzer

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They want to abuse the new sjw shit but are still years behind

it doesn't matter who they push, the entire active roster has been fucked over by the incompetence of the people in charge. that's why I don't get this meme where people blame whoever is being pushed right now.

The WWE and Vince sell you a dream of becoming a WWE Superstar the likes of Hogan and The Macho Man Randy Savage, John Cana and the like still to this day. With a locker room that stacked, rarely are these dreams realized.

AEW isn't offering a dream, just a dream job.

It's not scary to see the WWE close shop. Maybe crazy, but not scary.

You left out autists who attend shows but are startled and triggered by "sensory overload" or whatever the fuck.

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>It really hasnt happened before though.
I'm talking in broader terms, in every walk of life everything has to eventually end or be replaced and WWE is no exception.

>Majority of people will not invest time into wrestling as an adult.
Majority of people don't invest time into it right now, so your argument doesn't make any sense.

imagine thinking that this is bad

People shit on Star Wars back in the 1970's too, the difference between WWE and Star Wars is it still has a marketable product that people ultimately want to see. As well as establishing a new generation of fans that WWE hasn't been capable of doing.

you can have all the stars in the world and your show will still be dead in the water if your writing sucks

Meaning you are more likely to get back into wrestling if you watched it as a child. There are millions of potential fans who watched it as a kid who would be more willing to get into wwe than some who promotion with people they have no interest in. Even in modern wwe that is hard. I have a friend who fits this case and he only has found interest in Balor and Nakamura.

>wwe dies and the regional promotions come back

>Sure you'll have your wrestling, but a tiny tiny impenetrable niche full of ridiculous flippyshit that normies will despise even more than they do WWE now.
Imagine basing everything you do on what normies like and are into
Peak NPC in this entire post

He'd probably be into NJPW then if he saw their shows. Nakamura and Devitt came from there afterall.

>There are millions of potential fans who watched it as a kid who would be more willing to get into wwe than some who promotion with people they have no interest in.
nice opinion you got there but there's no data that supports this, pro wrestling isn't popular but WWE is UN-popular especially right now and I believe if a new company with enough money and innovation gets going it very well could compete. Its going to take a few more years but something whether its a New Japan or All Elite Wrestling its got a chance at least, WWE has too much package and will need to go through a complete re-building (like TNA and/or NOAH) before it has any chance to regain those millions that it has lost, forever.

Every one that will ever watch AEW is an edrone

It wasn't the New WWF Generation or WWF Attitude that brought back the Hulkamaniacs in the 90s so you're right.

you are delusional and in a year from now it's gonna be fun watching AEW cultists try to defend TNA-like ratings

WWE: We listen to our fans
> pushes Charles incessantly
> buries Sasha, Bayley, Mickie


It's true, I almost totally forgot most of what happened in WM but I still remember how good bloodsport and spring break were. better content always wins in the end

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>buries Sasha, Bayley,

-champs for 2 months
-first ever womens tag champs
-segments on all 3 shows where they didn't even wrestle, they had talk segments just so they could cry the ring about how they are the first womens champs

they had their chance and they bored and botched their way out of the titles

They need actual new blood. Everyone is old as fuck and have been wrestling for like 5 years already. We've seen every fucking match. They need to drop the PG shit and go back to having actual storylines and not two guys who both want to be the best having a decent match. Thats boring.

>And the thing is they've been listening to the fans.
what they are listening to is a minority of people in the echo chamber of social media. the reasons they have lost so many fans and continue to do so are really simple. first, they stopped pushing guys with larger-than-life appearances and characters. (note that "larger-than-life" does not necessarily mean "physically large.") secondly, they have been pushing the least athletic people on the roster i.e. the least athletic white guys like punk/bryan, the women, and over-the-hill guys like hhh/undertaker.

wwe has plenty of guys who look like a million bucks and can actually wrestle. give them actual characters/personas/gimmicks and book them well, and put the women's championships on their own nxt-type show.

Womeme shit is definitely a contributing factor, no one wants to watch 40 minutes of unathletic botch fests with average looking women. Not that the men are that much better but at least there wouldn't be as much filler.

sasha had high ratings as champ. Bliss had two reign of terrors and she served no dimes. even Brazzer's couldn't help that ratty jew get dimes



Me:(someone withe a degree in finance and worked in wall street for 20 year) nah, wwe's price will bounce back soon and the ratings arn't as important today than they were 30 years ago. i go to meetings and meet tv excs all the time and they don't caer about ratings anymore

Too bad he's also the reason it will fail. Daddy Khan invested in this so his son can have a shiny new toy after Tony fucked Fulham.

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Denying reality is a symptom of delusional disorder.
Seek help.

>someone withe a degree in finance and worked in wall street for 20 year
Imagine making up lies about yourself to look cool on an Anonymous imageboard.
IMAGINE being that pathetic.

You know there are people on Yea Forums who are employed and NOT just in IT or fast food?

The guy doesn't know the plural form of the word year.
He's clearly bullshitting.

Check the Sony leaks to see how top executives actually communicate. Protip: its anything but impressive.

If you're willing to believe there is a poster on Yea Forums who not only graduated college but has "20 year experience in Wall Street", then I have a bridge to sell you, mark.

>more people are excited to watch the wrestlemania weekend shows than wwe itself

how is that possible if all those that attended those shows would probably only fit in a section or two in Met Life stadium? And who knows if those shows were even streamed online but if they were, they were significantly less than WWE's subscriber count.

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It already did in mine. It died when WCW and ECW folded and Vince decided to mail it in for two decades.

WWE is basically the story of every corporation post obama. Pushed diversity and catered to the smarks. While ratings and profit plummet. But at the same time vince fixed it so wrestling is as boring as possible and no one can ever get bigger than the product.
We also live in a post monday night wars world were wwe has a monoply on wrestling and no one can challenge it

I think in the long run wwe is going to implode, but that that might lead back to a pre wwe mode were its nothing but indies, sort of a neo territories era. But it will be a dark age for wrestling as wwe's failure will signal wrestling is dead to the suits. Wrestling will be regulated to backyard hot dogs and a handshake irrelevancy.

bumpy wumpy e-drones grumpy

>I would 100% watch WWE for Seth

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Indy wrestling will die with WWE too. You do realise that indy wrestling doesn't make new fans it just converts e-drones right?

The main draw of outlaw wrestling is that it's wwe but better

I have friends and room mates that enjoy going to shit like Beyond and Kaiju Big Battel but we would never go to a Raw or ppv in town when the arena is about a 5 minute train ride from our home

Sure you do bud. You and your friends totally go to see indy wrestling with absolutely no prior experience of seeing the wwe in any capacity. That totally happens

replace it in what? If WWE dies, a big whole will be left in the industry and someone will step up to pick the pieces. If anything, that shit company will be the ultimate filter that once and for all will get rid of the shit wrestling fans that made Becky and Kofi main events.

That hole left by wwe dying wont be filled by another wrestling company lol

sure it wont kid, whatever makes you sleep at night

Indy wrestling will literally always draw. Do you not ever go to your local shindy and look at the crowd? It's families, old people, a small scattering of young people - chances are none of them watch WWE weekly. As far as some of them are concerned it died 20+ years ago. They're only there because they like wrestling as a concept or have nostalgia towards it, it's a comfy day out.

A good reference for this is the really old ECW shows circa 1993, practically everyone on the roster is a shitter and national interest in wrestling was at rock bottom, but the arena/gym is still filled with kids marking out for Surfer Sandman and JT Smith's shitty moonsault and hardcores in the front in awe of Funk, Snuka and Paul E and other recognizable stars. Even if WWE and AEW simulaneously collapse shows like this will still be happening, somewhere, for a long time. Shindies are the true lifeblood of wrestling, it's the circus after all.

>They pushed Becky

Was this the push that STARTED with her tapping out clean to Asuka? Maybe it has to do with the tremendous incompetence of the retards actually running the show, and not much to do with whoever is just in the shitshow.

All three of Meltzer's mentioned pushes have been botched to shit really, I could break down the critical mistakes in every one of them but there's no point, everybody knows WWE can't book their way out of a paper bag. It literally doesn't matter who you push when you can't remember how to push anyone in the first place.

>go back to having actual storylines and not two guys who both want to be the best

You're a fucking moron. Wrestling went steady for DECADES on the principle that two guys in the ring where going to compete to be the best. The problem now isn't a lack of soap opera bullshit, it's WWE-speak idiocy insisting that everyone bang on about being the best PERFORMER, they're going to have THE MATCH OF THE NIGHT, STEAL THE SHOW, WWE UNIVERSE, ENTERTAINERS, WOMEN'S REVOLUTION, BLAH BLAH BLAH

They have to stop this meta bullshit. It's fun for exactly zero fans. Which is why no one likes the goddamn product.

Imagine falling for b8 so blatantly obvious that it was actually just a parody of real bait.

Something to think about

Becky Lynch got catapulted to the top of the company because people were sick of the shitty booking. She was supposed to be another victim of Charlotte as a herl. She was supposed to get beat by Ronda as a way of hyping up Charlottes Maina main event against Ronda. She might still be buried after a few months exactly like Benoit (Lose to Orton so he fan hand title to HHH) and DBry (Jobbing to Roman).

Right now even Kofis push goes along the idea that he was ignored for over a decade. The company can only accidentally get people over by booking them like shit

Imagine someone sitting down to watch WWE Raw for the very first time, then thinking "That was a really entertaining show. I think I'll watch next week's episode."

Pretty unbelievable right?

I was lifting in the gym, and saw a guy I see in there regularly, who regularly complains about the Yankees with me. I don't remember how the WWE got brought up (I think I was joking that 6'7'' 282 lbs Aaron Judge should be in the WWE), but he mentioned that he used to watch it and stopped. He said he saw it was on TV and flipped to it for shits and giggles. His son (probably in the neighborhood of 5 years old) liked it, because, quote, "It was fighting, of course he liked it."

He was dumbfounded. In his words, it was "45 straight minutes of talking and chick fights!" And after that, he said was some "little guys doing ninja moves and shit."

The point is this: Normies don't give a shit about women, flippyshit, or soap opera prattle. They want to see a fight. Obviously wrestling isn't a real fight, but it should LOOK something like one. Smaller guys are fine (Brosef had a high opinion of Eddie Guerrero for example), but the ridiculous, goofy flippy bullshit like webm related is dimes repellent.

I'd also wager most normies don't want to watch shows that never fucking end. 7 hour PPVs are torture. I can only imagine RAW tapings are an absolute chore to sit through, taping some Main Event or Superstars or whatever bullshit prior to it, then 3 hour RAW, then a 15 minute overrun, THEN a fucking dark match. That doesn't sound like fun. That sounds like work.

Attached: Utter Cancer.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

>Worked by buzzwords
Definitely virgin.

>The company can only accidentally get people over by booking them like shit

God, you're right.

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Right into not watching WWE for literally years at this point. I gave up on RAW entirely in 2016, and stopped watching Smack!Down when John Cena beat AJ for no reason other than to win a fake championship to tie a fake record that isn't even correct.

They sure outsmarted me into not selling me on their product! Great work!

Yeah, there's a general flavor of boredom and sterility throughout the entire product. Angles are just inane most times, matches are overproduced, contrived bullshit, and Kevin Dunn is a fucking retard.

Attached: Kevin Dunn Refuses To Stop Being A Complete Retard.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

The whole Cruiserweight style peaked in the 90s, that's why it was over then and isn't now. The sort of stuff you'd see in WCW/ECW was athletically impressive but was still grounded in reality because it was built around a struggle between wrestlers, not a 'showcase' where guys go through the motions barely even looking at each other. I don't know what the fuck caused the transition, it's like they started learning psychology from video games instead of trainers.

>it's like they started learning psychology from video games instead of trainers.

That's probably exactly what happened. The entire state run education system in the west deliberately producing complete puppets with a specific emphasis on destroying any capability for critical thought for at least 30 years now enabled it.

They gave Balor, Owens, Wyatt, Seth, Jinder, Dean, and such world championships in the middle of Roman's mega-push. They were very unimpressive. They had their chance, and they were midcard-tier champions. If these people had longer title runs or pushes, smarks would say they're bored. They never blame their darling who is in the middle of a push. Instead they just say they were "booked badly." Smarks have some weird pathological obsession that causes them to hate the WWE, yet be the most consistent viewers. The WWE's problem is that all their guys are former-marks who have been in the indies for a decade. They're all bland, and never had the need to develop charisma and promo-skills because very few people will watch an indie consistently enough to follow long-term stories. The only two people I saw any potential in becoming a "big deal" in the past five years have been Ryback and Braun; and that's probably just because I'm a sucker for monster pushes. The only person who really hasn't been given a chance in the main-event was Cesaro. Oh and remember Sheamus? He was pushed so long, and smarks hated it! They bitched, said he should turn heel (remember that Sheamus was Roman before Roman debuted), and when Sheamus did turn heel - they were still bored. What happened to all that talk of "character development"?

The problem with the industry is that everything is tailored towards two groups: the hardcore fans, and children. The indies are all tailored towards the hardcore fans, so all of the WWE's talent is going to end up being smark-darlings. Then they have to take the initiative in order to appease children, which they typically do with the face of the company, thus Roman. The problem is the smarks. They are the most self-destructive fanbase in the history of media.

Non-WWE companies are almost exclusively watched by smarks. That means their growth can be fast, but it's limited to only a certain portion of the total amount of people watching wrestling. They're also downstream from the WWE since the WWE is the only company turning marks into smarks.

>The problem is the smarks
The problem is, more specifically, that smarks are the ONLY people left, There are no more casuals, no more kids, they have to tailor for them because it's only them left buying tickets. That and the shoot retarded. Years ago if smarks were upset about something, many times in the Cena era, they could afford to ignore them and they'd still have an even split crowd at worst. The absolute biggest failure in all of this was the fact WWE couldn't make Roman a draw with kids, they wanted to 'replace' Cena and they couldn't do it. That's not smarks fault, that one's on them.

The normies are gone because of shit like what's detailed here

the only people who care about aew are dumbfuck boomers who are desperate to relive the monday night wars

You realize it's the same small demographic watching all of these products right?

I don't think Roman was a complete failure. He wasn't a new Cena, but I think he's a new Orton. Roman will always be believable in the main-event scene now. The main problem he faces is that every possible match has already been done, so he's not going to be doing anything new or interesting. I think he's going to start to grow on smarks, assuming they don't restart Roman vs Lesnar.

But back on the topic of losing kids and casuals. They only lost kids fairly recently. It wasn't that long ago that they had shit like Santino, and Saturday Morning Slam, I think it was called. I'll go back to blaming indies for not having anyone appealing to kids. Indies created people who smarks like. The WWE poached its talents from the indies. Thus, the WWE had a smark-oriented roster. Kids aren't interested in seeing a guy in a beard do flips. They want stupid shit. They want skits. They want comedy. They want a very distinct good vs evil, so they know who to root for. (everyone these days is a tweener essentially) I seriously can't think of a wrestler under the age of 35 who you could give a bright uniform and send to go entertain the children.

Casuals seem to have been lost for multiple reasons. There was a consistent bleed due to the smarkification of the roster, as mentioned above. There's also the fact that the WWE went from having several stars to almost none overnight. Casuals seem to love money matches, and those are extremely rare post-attitude era. There's also the way public opinion shifted against wrestling. It became the default opinion to think wrestling is cringe. But I don't know if this is a cause or effect of the WWE losing popularity.

And people tell me Yea Forums is bad for wrestling conversation

>They gave Balor, Owens, Wyatt, Seth, Jinder, Dean, and such world championships in the middle of Roman's mega-push
>Romans mega push
There's your fucking problem. If you don't book your champions as champions but book them specifically to get another guy over you're not building talent, you're building canon fodder. A token 3-6 month mini push isn't enough to build new fans when they know it's just you distract you from the guy that actually want.

>If you don't book your champions as champions but book them specifically to get another guy over you're not building talent, you're building canon fodder.


Kids have never been the fucking core audience of wrestling. They're a bonus on the fringes. The core audience is males who have actually hit puberty. The current WWE product is completely repellent to them, which is why the WWE's audience has dwindled to TNA IMPACT levels.

No it's not. I only watch one of those 4 shows.

kids have always been the core demo. Whom else are they gonna sell toys, video games, trading cards, and other kid-friendly paraphernalia to? Plus, a kid who wants to go see their wrestler live, automatically is a 2+ ticket versus a single ticket for single white males with no kids 18-34.

They weren't canon fodder. I mentioned Roman because it showed that they were doing other stuff, and weren't focused entirely on Roman. I don't think any of the people I mentioned jobbed to Roman around the time of their title runs. You're just re-imagining things because smarks short-circuit whenever faced with the prospect of not blaming the face of the company and WWE booking for everything wrong. You have no idea how to interpret things outside of that very narrow perspective, so you don't even try.

You're right. Kids have never been the core audience of wrestling. Smarks have been the "core" in that they're the safest group to fall back on. Kids don't need to be treated as the core, because you don't need to devote the entire show to them to get them watching. If you can actually get kids watching then they offer a great ROI. Casuals were only treated as the core audience when ratings actually mattered. The WWE's business model has shifted a lot with the introduction of the WWE network, and the total collapse of television. Their strategy is essentially to always be producing content and dragging everything out as long as possible. Ratings don't really matter these days, because what the WWE offers is actually pretty damn good, and they'll always get a good TV deal. Television income is fixed income, but network income is the variable. That's what they're trying to keep up. It's why B PPVs almost seem like old RAWs, and why they don't try to make big matches for Big 4 PPVs. They make their money from consistency, not money-matches.

The market has shifted along with your dying society. Adults now heavily 'collect' that trash, same as 'stars' like Gargano, Ryder, etc... Same as adults (if you can call them that) collect video games and other trash. The only companies that have succeeded at keeping kids instead of a majority of manchildren although they are still there) are Nintendo and Shounen Jump. The rest, WWE, Marvel, etc... rely on fans from the past that never found anything better to do with their life.

>mfw learning that women would main event wrestlemania

it's a very small subset of incel, white men: "Young white men often number among the most useless and deficient individuals in society, precisely because they have such a delusional sense of their own importance and entitlements. They've been raised to believe that one day they'll be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars (and superheroes), but they won't, and they're having a tantrum because of it."

I used to shitpost "1.2 AGAIN LOL" on here, there and elsewhere circa 2006 in TNA discussions and I can't tell you how fucking surreal it is WWE is not only hovering around that area but looking to drop even lower soon. I thought wrestling was cold THEN, god damn man.

>Becky quietly beating everyone on the roster while charlotte gets all the title shots
>Fans start getting behind her organically
Storyline is already fucked by this point

Then she gets over as "female Stone Cold" because of le epic Twitter bantz and getting shoot punched in the face by Nia, except:
1. If it didn't happen on TV then it didn't happen; cut your wrestling promos on the wrestling show, not on the internet where only a small segment of harcore fans see it

2. SHE REALLY GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE, and while it may have been kino they can't take credit for "getting her over" when she really got hurt. And then they just dropped all mention of Nia Jax and tried to deflect the heat onto Ronda because it wasn't supposed to happen, even though Becky vs. Nia was the natural match to make.

They stumble ass backwards into anything that gets over and then they get pissy that they don't have control over it, and when that happens they just run it into the ground

Attached: becky[1].jpg (2000x1333, 302K)

>The company can only accidentally get people over by booking them like shit

This describes WWE perfectly.

Same thing happened to Asuka. She lost to Charlotte at WM, had a crappy feud with Carmella where she looked like a doofus all the time, was placed in a filler tag team with Naomi and then one segment happened to determine a new contender for the SD womens title where she got by far the biggest reaction of everyone that was presented as a challenger. I bet you WWE wasn't expecting that the way they booked her the months prior.

I strongly agree but I'm not sure Becky CAN cut her twitter promos in real life, that's the problem. She can talk but seems incapable of showing any real intensity, she can't make an angry face without looking like a bad child actor, the smarmy Becky-Two-Belts shtick she can do but that's not what people took or wanted from the Nia bit. It convinced people there was a "female Stone Cold" in there when there never was.

How they handled her time away was also piss-poor in this regard, instead of her being pissed off they wouldn't clear her (like Austin) she cried on Twitter and LITERALLY cried in that Youtube video of her in the empty arena. Just immediately undid everything the segment did, and for what benefit? I'm so fucking done with women crying, if there's one crutch WWE keep coming back to in everything involving the division it's that.

Yup, they'll have her cut the standard issue babyface champion "I deserve it / just lucky to be here / look at my accolades" promos that water everyone down to the same level until the next flavor of the month comes along

Attached: becky.jpg (957x540, 117K)

Based thread


Cringe reddit thread

seething. have sex.

>actually wanting a serious discussion about wrestling
Grow a chin


you seriously need sex. Hookers aint that bad.

You reddit boys are so easily worked

There's a lot of reasons, but the big ones are:

- Kayfabe is dead and no one even attempts to keep it anymore. Asking a wrestler nowadays not to break kayfabe is like asking them to do rocket science. And the idea of watching complete BS is not something that most people are going to go for.

- Wrestling isn't wrestling anymore. You can't have evil foreign heels. You can't have stereotypical gimmicks. You can't have blood. You can't have people challenging each other's masculinity. You can't offend anyone ever, amongst other things. Almost all of the staples of wrestling are completely gone.

- There's too many entertainment options these days. I never have to watch something I don't want to ever again because there's a million things on at all times.

- WWE stopped listening to the fans after they bought WCW. We suffered through HHH's Flair tribute reign, then Cena's reign, then Roman's reign, which was so bad that I longed for the days of HHH/Cena. It's just not worth tuning in each week for the off-chance someone I like actually gets a push.

- The majority of millenials are not doing great.

>then one segment happened to determine a new contender for the SD womens title where she got by far the biggest reaction

when was this

I think he's talking about this youtu.be/kzNh9Jj9ECw?t=88 and it wasn't for the SD title, it was to face Ronda at Survivor Series. Maybe there's another one that I don't remember

I don't really know what WWE is thinking these days. The entire audience knows wrestling isn't legit now. So you'd think they'd focus on the larger-than-life characters and dramatic storylines. But no! They completely abandoned all of that. Who's going to watch two guys off the street pretending to fight? Not many people.

but she doesn't speak English how can they pop for her like that

>still picking Charles

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Taking shekels to bring their show to an evil government is nothing new for carnies, ya simp.

I think the idea is that since kayfabe is dead, they want to focus on the "real" side of wrestling. Like Kofi Kingston really has been there for 11 years slaving away and never getting a title shot, that's all true.
Problem is he's been there for 11 years and never had a title shot because he's a B+ comedy midcarder that shouldn't be in the title picture. Don't bring reality into it if reality is mundane.

>WWE is in trouble.
Stopped reading there.

>whole crowd goes silent when Becky steps in-front of Sonya
I wonder what she was thinking at that moment

>the added political propaganda.


>Wrestling will be regulated to backyard hot dogs and a handshake irrelevancy.
its irrelevant right now, whether WWE exists or not literally doesn't change anything. Its death would be a big story, but most normies would probably ignore that headline too, it isn't the juggernaut entertainment vessel you all seem to think it is.

you do realize independent pro wrestling existed before WWE right? Right?

>wwe dying wont be filled by another wrestling company
Of course it would, why do you think WWE is worried about AEW, ROH and NJPW becoming bigger companies and stealing all the talent in the world? Why they made NXT? They do not want anyone else becoming a threat to "their family business".

Plus anybody with enough money would jump into that empty market place, that's just business 101.

I sometimes think vince stays awake at night wondering this.

Or youtube.com/watch?v=hYAuR5bkIlQ

Probably that shes a midcard heel and not supposed to get a reaction if she isn't a mark

It was and everyone expected Asuka because Becky was in a blood fued with Charles where she complained about her getting handed everything. So they overlooked the next highest kayfabe power level wrestler getting the most pop because they still REALLY want Charles at the top


she should at least get some boos, and not dead silence like she did

Based Dave

Vincels rekt

That's true about the millennial bit, I imagine most people in that bracket don't have the money and time to go and buy merch, pay for the network, or go to liveshows/PPVs. It's pretty expensive to (legally) be a wrestling fan, all things considered.

millennials don't have $10?

>wwmeme will die in your lifetime

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>People over the age of 16 don't buy video games

>Plus, a kid who wants to go see their wrestler live, automatically is a 2+ ticket versus a single ticket for single white males with no kids 18-34.

Look at ANY wrestling show. 19/20 fans you'll see in the crowd are grown ass adults. That is where your bread is buttered as a wrestling promotion, grown ass adults. Stop being a retard

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>I mentioned Roman because it showed that they were doing other stuff,

Everyone you mentioned except Finn and Owens were either on the Non-Roman Show, or pushed when Roman was out with the flu. And Owens was 100% cannon fodder. AND at not point was the focus of whatever show Roman was on something other than Roman.


Buzzword buzzword buzzword


WWE's Start/Stop pushes, 50-50 booking, repeating matches, and random turns don't help anyone.
Remember when Rusev Day was over naturally? Buried, then Rusev went from face to heel within 3 months because Forgieners can't be face in Vince's eyes.
Remember when Bray finally won the belt after YEARS just to lose it to Randy because Vince doesn't like building next stars?
Remember how many times mid carders were given pushes to maybe at least spice up tag divisions or mid card title scenes that stop?
Remember when Vince said Finn wasn't over because he booked Finn to just get squashed by Kane for no discernible reason?
Remember when people were hot on Becky so they tried to cram every Stone Cold storyline they could into the build that ended up overbooking it?
I could go on, I really could but contrarians are already typing up how I'm wrong and that everything bad about WWE is because they're pushing non Caucasians and women.
>Yet these same people saw no problem with Jinder being the worst champion for the belt ever

>Remember how many times mid carders were given pushes to maybe at least spice up tag divisions or mid card title scenes that stop?
Poor Mojo he's had at least 2 of these recently.

and Apollo had like 3.

>everything bad about WWE is because they're pushing non Caucasians and women.
not everything, but there is something to that. i don't dislike kofi because he's black, i dislike him because he only got the belt because he's black. he's been enhancement talent basically his entire career and i've never once heard anyone say they were a kofi kingston fan, even after the title win. almost any other black guy int he company has more star power and charisma and could have been built up with a more interesting story. why out of everyone they chose kofi i will never understand.

That money goes to Netflix and Hulu

>Vince McMahon (according to the latest WoR) told Fox that shares are down due to post-Wrestlemania slump and no 'A-listers' on the roster.
>He also stated that everything will turn around Oct 19.

So, why even bother watching anything between now and then?

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>i dislike him because he only got the belt because he's black

That's obviously wrong though. He got the belt because he was the only person anyone had ANY reaction at all to in the lead up to Wrestlemania, and Bryan's reign had mostly run its course.

WWE tried to play up the Woke angle while they were doing it, because they are complete retards who still don't realize that the SJWs who actually bang on about shit like that don't have any money to give you, because they're too mentally and emotionally defective to hold a fucking job.

It also probably doesn't help that WWE REFUSES to admit Bryan got massively over DESPITE them not BECAUSE of them.
So they try to artificially recreate his story to tell and thus inferior because it's manufactured.

>Oct 19.
so.... John Cena? Brock Lesnar? fucking Goldberg? they are so desperate for stars its beyond pathetic

is there any other promotion that has as good as a story line or a feel good moment like when Kofi won at WM apart from NJPW? I don't see this kind of stuff from ROH, Impact or MLW.

>he thinks graduating from college is some kind of achievement

RoH had plenty of "feel good moments" back in the day, but not anymore

CMLL technically does still, but only if you're familiar with lucha culture

It’s time

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Yea Forums would be stuck in an eternal seethe if he got any kind of push. would be pretty fun to laugh at that

You forgot to include the part where Dave was concerned about AEW's future because of wrestling losing popularity at a nosediving rate.

Mistakes they made every single day for 10 years straight are catching up with them all at once now.

They literally frustrated and fucked with the fanbase for so long, and so severely that caving in to them now is all too late.

its going to be strange times ahead.

>a feel good moment like when Kofi won at WM

go back

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holy reddit

>white skin

of course!

>as good as a story line or a feel good moment like when Kofi won at WM
please explain how this was either a good story line or a feel good moment. i sincerely don't understand. what was his claim to be a number one contender? wasn't it just "i've been in the company a long time so it's my turn now" or something like that? sounds like entitled shit to me with no story at all.

its not though

Tony Kahn is a fucking faggot

Someone who never had the opportunity and had been over looked for years, finally given a chance to prove himself, succeed, but the powers that be are still not convinced so they put obstacles in front of him, he overcome that obstacles on the grandest stage of them all.
It's the same plot line as Keanu Reeves's Magnum Opus before John Wick, a film called "The Replacement".

You must be either retarded or a sister fucking hillbillies to not understand that the story is not about entitlement or someone is getting a gold watch run, the story doesn't work if Kofi doesn't get over with the crowd, but it's obvious that every week, the crowd was invested in him and his story and he gets the loudest babyface reaction out of anybody.

imagine believing this

Yeah, the whole lead up to Mania probably would have been better if they just had one #1 contender match (or possibly a 4 man, two round tournament), and Kofi just won his way in without all the tired, played out, fucking insufferable McMahon horseshit.

here's the thing about fact, it's true whether you want to believe it or not.

>It's the same plot line as Keanu Reeves's Magnum Opus before John Wick, a film called "The Replacement".

It's "The Replacements," plural, and has your dumb ass never seen The Matrix?

>A thread actually discussing wrestling has stayed up and mostly on topic for 22 hours


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Why was he finally given a chance to prove himself?

Kevin Nash was raped in the hot steaming summer of 1992.

The Matrix is a good B+ action movie that is carried by it's revolutionary special effects but "The Replacements" is an A- sports movies with a bunch of C+ actors.

>revenue up
>getting mad cash from the Saudis
>huge TV deals coming up, including putting SD on Fox
>Meltzer reports on dead metrics as indicators of WWE's demise
>Shills for AEW as a replacement

Meltzer is an AEW shill on Omega's dick. He's about as unbiased as wwe.com.


He Lou Gehrig'ed his way into the Elimination Chamber. Then beat Daniel Bryan, Jeff Hardy, and Smoa Joe (pic related) in a row in some wacky gauntlet match to determine the last participant to be let out of the pod in the Elimination Chamber match. Then, in the elimination chamber match, he eliminated Randy Orton and survived to the end of the match.

Do you even watch the fucking show, you stupid double plus turbo nigger? ALL of that shit resulted in Kofi being basically the logical choice for a 1v1 match against Bryan for the championship. The only other halfway defensible option in kayfabe would have been AJ (who finally eliminated Kofi in the aforementioned gauntlet match), but he had already lost to Bryan, a lot.

This is a fucking company that gave Jinder Buttfucking Mahal a championship match on the basis of him winning more than one match in a row for the first time in his useless career. Kofi's run to Mania was Shakespearean writing by comparison.

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Kofi was a replacement when Ali got injured then Kofi got over after that match, if Kofi didn't get over, every week afterwards, then he wouldn't have the WM match. If the crowd was happy that Kevin Owens took his spot then Kofi wouldn't have the WM match.

It's already dead
>0 stars
>Hasn't been relevant in 7 years
>Hasn't been mainstream in decades
>New record low ratings every week
>20+ wrestlers, writers, producers, and staff have quit in the last couple of months
>Never the guy
>NXT, UK, 205 Live, and house shows hemorhagging money
> arely any attendance for RAM, Smackdown, and PPVs
Wrestling since the mid 2000s has just been a corpse Vince has been desecrating

that's all I wanted to hear
you're very rude and I'm not going to talk to you anymore

I apologize for calling you a stupid double plus turbo nigger. That was uncalled for.

I stand by the rest of it.

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Can't imagine why people aren't watching, with SCINTILLATING camera work like this

Attached: Kevin Dunn Is A Complete Retard.webm (240x135, 2.57M)

Oh boy, here I go dumping Kevin Dunn's greatest atrocities again!

Attached: Kevin Dunn Is Still A Complete Retard.webm (678x376, 2.76M)

Attached: Kevin Dunn Continues To Be A Complete Retard.webm (712x400, 2.95M)

>Quick, switch to the shot which doesn't show how bad the women are
>No wait, they still look shit; switch back
>No, that still looks like shit. Switch back

The first time I really noticed this was the RVD Vs Jerry Lynn matches in ECW. Blatantly choreographed shit and with a stand off/pose down every match.

How do people think this way

WWE didn't invent wrestling you simp, if anything they greatly reduced it's popularity.

every big guy does a dive or some shit now so the small guys have to get even more wacky with their moves to stand out

keep dreaming e-drones

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>being in wwe would get him even more famous

Attached: 1555827176359.jpg (560x665, 39K)

>things that never happened

>I was lifting in the gym

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No it wouldn't. You would get some sports news shows laughing at him because wrestling is lame, then he would disappear from the mainstream.

The real world isn't talking about lousy Ronda Rousey any more.

One of my many issues with the product is it looks so dull and sterile. It's boring. Nothing has a unique set anymore outside of Wrestlemania and Summerslam. Everything looks the same. The theme music is bad, nobody has a gimmick, the belts look like shit. Just a sad, boring product all around.

My generation is poor. I love wrestling but I don't have cable and I don't have 30 bucks lying around to throw at a shit t shirts. 15 dollars for the NXT roadshow is about as far as my budget will let me go and I'd say I'm way better off than most of the people I know in my age range.

Television is dying, WWE needs to adapt.


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ITT: people who need to:
hit the gym
have sex
get a clue

If you want a genuine consensus, if someone is shitposting just take the opposite of what they said. If they actually type something reasonable take it at face value.

Pushing popular stars is definitely important in building stars, but yeah, you need to ACTUALLY BUILD STARS.

Sacrificing everyone to Brock, especially those with charisma like Dean Ambrose and CM Punk, at the expense of those without charisma like Roman Reigns and Big Dude 24912424 hurt a lot of their long term prospects.

Wrestling is, and always will be, a star-driven business. Not a "Could this guy believably beat up Brock Lesnar?" business.

Fuck believably. Give me the entertainment (but not Russo style).

>those with charisma like Dean Ambrose

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