was peak sunny the hottest woman ever in wrestling?
no, that would be peak AJ Lee
oh. no. no.
>no arguments
Yeah that's what I thought. Torrie rules.
lol pedo
t. racist
Stacy, Torrie, Trish, and Bliss exist so no.
Yes. Anyone who says otherwise is a gay.
I guess he must be, a man who saves naked photos of little cartoon boys ought to be an expert on the topic
I'm a miss Elizabeth guy
Around the time she was coming out with LOD 2000, pure fucking SEX.
mowgli is not naked, he has a loincloth
How did Sable Jannetty her so bad? Literally everyone seems to prefer Sunny over Sable.
miss Elizabeth wasn't the hottest, but she was the most beautiful.
Drugs. Sunny wasn't reliable. They couldn't give her an important spot because they had no idea if she'd show up or not, but she was so popular they kept her around to hawk merchandise, be LOD2000's valet, and do other unimportant gigs because the fans wanted to see that sexy little cum dumpster
WCW Liz with the big MILF tits and mom jeans would be dimes today.
5'8 + high heeled blonde vs annoying coked up midge that fucks all your talent. Once Sable did the tiddy paint it was all over, anyway.
Uncensored image please
I miss managers in wrestling