>negative $80 in my bank
>24 yr old neet virgin
>broken family
Give me one ding-dong diddly reason I shouldnt go play on train tracks right now.
Negative $80 in my bank
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Jesus loves you
Suplex the train.
I'll be your fren
You should play in traffic instead
I'm a kissles 30 year old virgin NEET that still lives in my moms house and I'm starting to develop heart [problems but I still keep going, you can to user.
also this, unironically
>having a bank account
My dad tells me it gonna get better
But it always gets worse
Get a job
Make your own family
Life is a cruel joke with a shitty punchline.
I doubt he's Sabin
Because all of Yea Forums loves you
You're too lazy to do shit.
You haven't done anything positive yet, why start now?
Dont do this it is what the jews want. More taxpayers and wage slaves.
>only 24
stop wallowing in self pity you still have time faggot!
Crockett Cup tomorrow and Impact ppv Sunday.
Hey leftypol
Brother I'm 25 and 20k in debt from crypto. Everyone on this board is a wrestling fan. For fucks sake lad were ALL losers. We just fuck around on here to kill time before we die. Yeah I know I'm killing asp kayfabe but just admit it for this one thread you guys
Easy for you to say your prob trust fund kiddy
remember The Rock's $7
Yea might as well dude
My mind racing 24/7 im on strong anti depressants and been locked in mental hospital 3 times this life is so fucking cringe i just want to feel nothing eternal bliss like before i was born
No leftypol, not everyone who isn't miserable isn't a trust fund kid
>Married, fucked plenty of women
>Own my own house, have been in my career for over a decade
Want to trade places? You have freedom that you don’t even realize. You could get up, go anywhere, and leave everything behind. Sell all your shit and go figure out what you want to do in your life.
Not with that attitude he aint
you have someone that loves you, you can keep going
Remember The Rocks family got him instant try out with WWE.
Oh yeah anyone can do it....
have fun staying in depression with that kind of self defeating attitude.
>no money
I’m pretty sure I have a partially dislocated shoulder and something wrong with my hip. I’m in pain from the second I wake up until I fall asleep. Any time I make mention of this, nobody takes me seriously. Shit sucks but whatever.
Define love. Love aint real none of this is real. You are all evil phony savages.
80 bucks isn't nearly enough to get that depressed over.
Buck up little trooper. You'll figure it out. Parents are tough but they love u user. Tell em you need help
yeah sure you do, whatever
KEK my parents fucking hate me and make me pay $500 rent every month even though i have no job yet my sisters have job and dont have to pay rent.. its a clown world baby yahooooooooo
Look at it like wrestling.
Every shitty day or thing that happens is you doing the job.
Keep doing the job but try to put yourself over by improving aspects of your life.
Slowly but surely your a midcard. Keep going and now your main eventing.
Dont stop until you got the title around your waist.
love is ya dad putting up with your depressed simp ass, clothing and feeding you and being patient with you even as ya whine his ear off
Lay on your back
Pick arm up and point to ceiling
Lay arm on the ground pointing out towards the wall
Cause your past 21.
user. You gotta grow up. Tell them you seriously need to change and become an adult and out of their hair. Tell them to go easy on the rent so you can get bank straight, then save money and find a place to live on your own. Surely you haven't wasted time but having some kind of skill. Embrace your strength and move forward. You can do it buckeroo
They're doing the right thing, you're just too dumb to realize it
if you choose to drown on such questions for all of your time you won`t be really be able to enjoy it, but if you don`t think about it you won`t be able to find your answer.
lots of people would probably love to be in your position, lots of others wouldn`t, you have time to figure shit out and to learn, enjoy it.
>Surely you haven't wasted time but having some kind of skill
I get laid but my fiance is a drunk psycho. It works though cause she's still hot and does whatever I want. I live a minimal life style but I found a vaginal entrance I can use whenever. So it's cool.
Nope, and you're going to continue be an immature loser until you realize why they're in the right.
Nah. Stop saying that man. Just take control. It's hard but you can be better. You just gotta build up some self esteem. Feel good about being the lucky who can live. Most don't get the chance to decide. Suicide is for faggots
Here ya go
that dog is gonna die
My sisters older than me and i got no job so how they right fool
Since it's relevant, I'll post this because it was the moment where I kind of stopped giving a fuck. Not too long ago, I decided I was going to get a job no matter what and I applied for all of the bottom of the ladder shit like fast food and retail etc. I ended up getting an interview at a retail store and they had me take an aptitude test to see how I would fit in at the store. I interviewed with three different managers, each interview went great and then the third manager told me I scored too high on the test. Nearly perfect. So I didn't get hired. The results of the test said I'd be great in management but since they didn't have any management openings (and I didn't have any management experience,) that was the end of it.
You're a faggot and need punished
Yikes and cringe
>No argument
I stopped looking for work after working in warehouse and having to lift heavy shit by myself because they hired women who couldnt handle anything
Money doesn’t magically show up. Go get it however you can.
You're a faggot and need punished
I’m convinced they go out of their way to hire people who are borderline incompetent so there’s constant turnover.
Lol I got hired at a bookstore with 4 women and a women manager and I had to move everything and was expected to take the same rate of pay jahahahl
my store hires incompetent people and keeps them so when competent people get hired they quit quickly because why should they be doing twice as much work than shitters that are getting paid twice as much
just do it already no one wants to hear ya fuckin sob story
I've fucked 20 different girls and dont care.
I've gone to college and dont care.
I've gotten decent jobs and don't care.
I'm blowing my brains out once I build up my accounts a bit more for my parent to have when I go. Virginia doesn't require a permit or for you to be a resident to buy a shotgun, so ky plan is to go there for a 'vacation' and do the deed.
>I was expected to do parts of the job that im better at
You idiots will never get ahead in life and will complain nonstop because you don't realize you're undermining yourself
This almost made me retch up. Fucking cringe
ok but that's not actually freedom
Based trips of love. We're here for you user (:
>letting life politic you into a career ending shoot
>throwing a tantrum instead of seeing the underdog gimmick through
I guess you were always a B+ player user.
Yeah, honestly you have time to fuck around for another 5 years or so. If your self worth is only your paycheck, or how much money you have in the bank, you'll actually bounce back much quicker once you have a good 10k in your savings, which in all honesty is quite manageable and fairly easy. Unless you're a woman who doesn't know how to save money.
Single men will always have money, so long as they work. Any kind of work.
And you're just the type of destitute guy who can live on cereal and milk for months on end to see his savings account soar fairly quickly.
So are you, so am I. What’s your point?
This is an asinine comment
Shouldn't you be throwing cow shit at your family pajeet
You should read a book by Dr John Sarno
wow, thank you for this. looks interesting.
>-$80 in the hole
How'd ya manage that one
In one ear and out the other
enough about your empty head
Your 29s are your worst decade now, because the oldies fucked up the economy. Now the game is just staying alive and not losing your soul user. It gets better and when you get through the bad times you'll be a real bad ass in your 30s, mmm.
What magically changes once you’re in your 30’s? I’ve had a few people tell me the same thing recently.
Listen up Imma make this real simple for you cos I did the same thing.
1. get work, temp whatever start making money and saving that shit
2. look for stable employment while this is going on
3. hit the gym, work with a decent program
4. get educated, get qualified in something, this will allow you start looking for well paid work.
Now go and do the work user, grab the brass ring and you'll get the push.
It's not on your 30th bday you suddenly see the magic or anything. But you've lived through tough shit, you have more confidence in what you know and that you have not had it easy and that the people trying to tell you you've had an easy life are simply projecting to try and deflect from their sheltered existence.
Toughing it out is its own reward. By your thirties you've toughed out enough that you get to start feeding it back to other people and putting them in their place.
I don't know why suddenly everyone in society is trying to get everyone else to kill themselves, but it sucks. Get tough, live through it, and eventually you get your wins back.
If they want they equal they gotta do the work, I used to work in a hardware store and they wouldn't even attempt to move stuff they just ask a guy to do it. I've got no problem moving something for someone if they can't but they don't even try.
in the same position except i turn 25 in 9 days
The incessant beating of your internal clock telling you to GET A FUCKING JOB OR BE HOMELESS tbqh
If you're a cold hearted loner, great news, you're on track to live a normal single lifestyle.
If you wanted a family--wife, children, grandchildren--well, you fucked up. Unless your wife helps with them bills, you should have been saving since you turned 21. Family's are far too expensive
Because trains are impure strikers, and if I catch you promoting such reckless style, I'm gonna have to report you to Carder. You don't want to go to Wrestler's Court, do you? I hear JBL likes his showers ice cold.
If you're a woman. There's no biological clock for men. I know tonnes of guys had kids in their 50s.
Based retard and his 5 star reading comprehension
By 50 you've saved enough to afford a family. You're established. And you're also not going to get the dream girl you thought you'd get when you imagined having a family.
Unless you win the life lottery.
Stop being a simp like Kevin Trash and go into business for yourself
But your post was saying that by the time you have money you're too old for kids, right? I'm saying that's true for women, but a healthy man can knock them out into his 50-60s.
Exactly. The Disneyfied idea you get the beautiful wife, the beautiful car has destroyed people's happiness by telling them "not to settle" for things that would have been fine for them.
>wageslaving at a job you most likely don't give a shit about and don't want to get out of bed for every day will pull you out of your misery!
replies like these must be bait
I'm the guy not him, and no, I was speaking economically not physically
Of course you can have children, there's nothing wrong physiologically. I meant financially.
By 50 things have turned in your favor financially, but alas you're old asf and the only women who want you are old, used up slag divorcees and desperate crazy women.
*Unless* you win that life's lottery.
But again, if you didn't want a family and you began working at the age of 30, shiiiit.... You're gonna be more than okay, you're basically gonna be living the good life.
The good, lonely life.
>the only women who want you are old, used up slag divorcees and desperate crazy women.
This is what I am talking about. Assuming the worst in people while seeing yourself as a Disney prince.
Why are you so certain that you yourself are not a desperate, crazy man? Maybe one of those women would be perfect for you because they understand what you've been through?
I'm actually in agreement with you, but with these guys, you have to know your audience. Have you seen the way they rip apart a female wrestler? It's 10 / 10s, or go home with these guys, so worst case scenarios only. As for me personally, a partner who I share an intimate friendship with is worth more than a Sunny in her prime. But you can't tell them that... It's definitely not all about looks. Positive reinforcement through negative means.
Throw some dirt on it pussy
This faggot gets it
So the r9k threads are fine but brapp threads get you banned.
What happened to this board?
Because in 11 months time we'll get to see Yea Forumsamania!
Brapfags got buried at Yea Forumsmania by footchads, back to /wooo/ developmental for you simp
>you've had an easy life are simply projecting
Nope, its that people who complain have an easy life. People who have been through shit understand life can be rough and accept it. People who complain are people who aren't used to it.