This nigga

This nigga

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>He's a capeshitter
I can't believe el idolo would do this to me


seriously? there isn't even an after credit scene and it's 75% time travel bullshit cop-out writing.

Where's Charles?

Every time I go to see capeshit I ALWAYS regret it. Who the fuck actually enjoys that shit.

Taking the photo while laughing out loud at how funny her boyfriend his


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>no one knows who he is

Yeah i mean, tony stark uses the infinity gauntlet and kills thanos and himself, i mean who fucking cares

he dies after this

what is suppsoed to be happening here?

The other day I tried to catch up on the MCU flicks and I just couldn't do it. They're so cookie cutter that I felt like I was watching the same movie on repeat. I long for the days of Sam Raimi's Spiderman and Tim Burton's Batman.

>I mean
Hello Plebbit!

Its literally the same storyline every time and theaters filled with pajeets who think its real

i don't know, it's not good but it's 100% something to see in theatres. I saw it opening night and it was lit as fuck. When shit was popping off, people were going bananas. Toward the end some girl started crying and the entire theatre was laughing at her. It was so long kids were straight up playing Fortnite on their phones and no one cared because it's been 30 movies of the exact same shit.

Do you guys ever wish you were innocent and bluepilled again so you could enjoy shit like wrestling and capeshit?

>not a single person recognizes him
So this is the power of WWE "Superstars"

it really doesn't matter. You know the faces are going over if you've ever heard of a comic book. A better spoiler would be cap throwing around the hammer. literally the only part that moved the needle.

When i went to see first Avengers my whole family fell asleep halfway thru true story

I mean ya worked
I mean ya seethe
I mean ya boilin
I mean ya fumin

I still enjoy wrestling on the rare occasion that it's actually good. The MCU ruined capeshit forever. There will never be another capeshit on the level of Burton's Batman, Raimi's Spiderman or even Singer's X-Men ever again.

here a you for wasting your money. I bet you paid to see it again too.

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Shazam might be good and Doom Patrol is based.

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Yep we went to see the second Ultron one but after that we agreed on never seeing another Marvel film again. Waste of time and money.

"I mean" is the most numale phrase in existence. I'm just trying to spare you the embarrassment, bro.

GODDAMN Age of Ultron was awful.

i'd recommend Cap 1+2, Guardians 2, Dr. Strange and Thor 3. honestly that might it for good movies. The rest aren't necessarily bad but some are, they're just there. Black Panther is only good compared to some of the rest and the memes.

But all those movies are dog shit too.
>Liking anything Tim Burton
Fuck off to Hot Topic. You can buy some "Nightmare Before Christmas" socks to go with your Young Bucks shirt.

I am ding-dong diddly gonna see The Joker though

>capeshit flicks have been a huge mixed bag clustering around mediocre-bad
>capeshit comics are going through a real dark age that dwarfs zoomer myths about the 90s
Why did it have to be like this bros

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GoTG first Spiderman, Punisher and Dr. Strange only good Marvel movies

Guardians 2 isn't as fun as the first and feels way longer but it has Kurt Russell and more Bluetista.

She need to take a trip to the little men's room.

spiderman and punisher aren't MCU. If we are going all out. Then Blade & Blade 2 shit all over anything marvel has put out.

Did the right guy go over in Endgame or should Thanos have kept the strap for another few years?


when are you boomers gonna just face it, every single chad in this country loves MCU

Everything Tim Burton made up to and including Ed Wood was brilliant. Everything after was cringe as fuck CGI overload.

based and wrestling related

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Sometimes I just want to watch a capeshit movie without having to had seen the other 50 movies in the MCU or DCU.

There are fucking 3 superhero movies at the same time in the theaters now.

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batman, batman returns, mars attacks, scissorhands are all shit

Forbidden Zone, Pee-wee & Beetlejuice are based.

I used to see the appeal in them when I was younger. My almost 40 and I was a nerd for that shit growing up and into my 20s, I could give a shit less about seeing any hero movie nowadays. Joker Ledger was a cool movie and too bad most hero movies don't follow that formula.

Any grown man marking out over super heroes is a sad man. They need that excitement because their lives don't match their childhood happiness. Sad really.

On a related note I don't watch many movies at all because everything seems like shit..

unironically yes. i wish i could care about anything as much as these people care about these awful fucking movies.

that was literally the last one i saw too, i never even bothered watching civil war. i think marvel movies are for people who generally don’t really watch anything else.

I wonder what the other people in line were thinking

Typical lazy spic

Oh shit is that my landscaper Hernando

fuck you, mars attacks was great.

But in the comic version Thanos only pretends to die because he believes he don't deserve the power he got.
Shit 50/50 booking.

>not liking Raimis Spider-Man

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>sitting down so nobody can tell how short he is
god being a manlet is truly hell

Do you have the actual image?

I don't get it. nobody who actually cares about the spoiler is gonna click on that because super hero fans are all homesexual

Go watch Hercules and Xena ya nerd.

hercules is based and xena is hot

The new Spiderman was pretty good. Not as good as Raimi's Spider-Man 2, but about on the same level as his first one.

>spiderman isn't mcu
are you retarded

color me suprised

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Why is Andrade dressing like a metrosexual barrista?

I thought he was supposed to be tranquilo.

Less effort less stress. Pride is for faggots.

>watches capeshit

What a geek.

Not him but here.

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He meant the Raimi version.

Huh uh whatever mexifat. You lazy faggots are even fatter than americans. How do you even manage that?

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Blade 2 was dog shit.

>every single chad in this country loves MCU
I don't

Who is this, and how can I eat her behind?

check out the commentary. it's pretty fun. The plot is awful and Snipes ego takes it down a few. but it's got a great look and doesn't take itself to seriously.
that and there were 2 other spiderman movies not made by Sony, remember? Jamie Foxx as Electro?

Isn't he like 22? how else would he dress?

Did he think cap for drawing the house?

"I mean" (said out loud not on the faggy internet) was in use in the 90s before numales existed

the AE of spidey is coming back bros

He is so based

Only almost everyone.

Holy shit imagine unrionically liking these terrible fucking movies that don't resemble comic books in anyway.

That looks like bodypaint

It's a lot older than that, listen to the Arlo Guthrie song about Alice's Restaurant.

Thank you and I mean that sincerely. I haven’t seen a single MCU movie.

It is.


Shit taste. Name a movie you like

The real spoiler is that he dies after you fucking tard, no shit the villain dies.

Basic capeshit

>Marvel kills off the villain thus making him/her unusable for future movies

that's a MCU staple of writing. It's practically their first rule of Marvel movie making.

So this what counts as charisma in the You Deserve It Era huh?

Yes, from numales to chads everyone loves that shit, that's the power of disney marketing.

>the spoiler was deleted


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Lmao based

Would not be able to walk past a line like that and not shout out spoilers before scurrying away.

>getting banned for posting spoilers to capeshit jewish movies
This place is dead

This man's career solely depends on his engagement to Charles now. When that blows up...future endeavored! Until then, he's gonna win MITB!

Those shows are pretty based tbqh.