I think Alexa needs to buy a ladder guys

I think Alexa needs to buy a ladder guys

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Why get a ladder when she can use my face?

she is just too cute

>has no taste and fills the kitchen with soulless "Yum" "Eat" "Love" pictures
lexi why

White people are pigs

How is she not tempted 24/7 to eat that tasty looking piggy?

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>wearing shoes indoors
>wearing shoes indoors and then stepping on your kitchen counter
>owning one of the filthiest animals on the planet and letting it in your house
>having no ass when it isn't squashed in to booty shorts three sizes too small
The state of this midget

>that brown stain around her butt
absolutely based and shitpilled

Man, Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss really get along huh?

White people are fucking weird

>not being white

Damn she’s flat as a board too

I'm glad they'll be extinct soon

nice try Mercedes

seething white weirdo

She's kosher, goyim

me on the floor


t. nog who'll be dead or in prison by 25.

You’re literally blind if you think that’s a big ass

House looks comfy tbqh senpai

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Cringe beta cuck

why's the rat hanging out with asuka?

I'll fuck plenty of white women before I meet my maker then

Those aren't exactly the best pants to judge that in.

Nobody say big ass but definitely not flat

Its 2019

God I wish I lived in a good house.

Not if you post here. You're shit out of luck.


Cope harder needle dick

Fucking weirdo ass Blisspedos get off to how quirky, cute and small she is


No pantylines.... Sad

Did this really need a thread?

Then she wouldn't own a pet pig


Hi bexcel

Nah. Try again

who took the pic


Soul crushing commercial crap isn't 'comfy', Vince.

Her mom probably

>Meme fridge

What's better? Pictures of my lame family?

post a photo of your fridge, fat ass

you think she's ever tasted that pig's curly fry?

No, but Murphy has.

Your family is worth millions so stop bitching you geriatric genre goofer.

There's a rumor going around backstage that Braun used to room with Alexa during the MMC and someone (Nakamura) walked into Braun pinning Alexa to the wall by the neck while he inserted his peepee into her pooper.

It was Bliss walking in on Larry Steve fucking Braun

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based Larry Steve

I wanna eat her butt

man cannot believe martin split ratos shithole apart lucky guy

Martin is confirmed gay, this guy apparently did though.

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The funny thing to imagine is almost everyone has shit their pants at one point in time, i.e. Alexa has def shit her beautiful panties at one time.

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>ratfag had to look it up
pathetic as fuck ya dork

How many pounds of bacon you think Larry Steve could make? Also I'm think a nice slow pork roast with some wine glaze.

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you sound fat

Nia, is that you?

Looks like that house has a rat infestation

>Looks like that house has a rat infestation

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Not a Blissfag but I don't get the rat meme.


well cared for pigs are fucking delicious.
this. it's fucking gross

MasterSplinterfag FUMING
Rooks rike rat

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>not a rat fag but

sounds like something a ratfag would say

I don't see it, also glam squad deserves to be shot.

>reddit spacing
Go back.


>i-its the glam squad

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>posts another picture of her with glam squad makeup
She looks better when she does her own makeup

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She has a rat face. Keep coping blisscel

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She looks best with way less makeup.

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There are no white people in that picture though...



Easy there, Muhammad

Piss btfo


>Brap Stacy
Holy fucking yum!

>Wearing shoes on the counter
You Americans are out of control.

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God I wish I was Larry Steve

no that's an actual pig. I see how you could make that mistake, tho

Delete this.

>Alexa grew her own stepladder (larry steve) to climb onto the counter
This is next level thinking.

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Reminder that Blisspedos are sexually attracted to her because she is childlike

Reminder that posts like this are textbook projection

Children typically don't have big fake tits.

1 alexa pic drawing 100 replies BIGGEST DRAW ON Yea Forums
LEXI is /ourgirl/

Somewhere Charlotte is crying and shouting why doesnt asp love me like they love Lexi

Ric Silently mumbles- god i wish Lexi was my kid instead of this spic loving broad

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>no banging ass?
>fake hair hurts my eyes how bad it looks?
>brewing station?
>I'm so unique I have a pet pig?
>such a huge touch screen on fridge?
I'm torn here I really thought she was hot

based Lexi dimes

This post reeks of reddit. Take you question marks and never come back.

Go fuck yourself you stupid faggot. Only true homos say reeks of reddit. Go watch the star wars trailer again

>no banging ass.
>fake hair hurts my eyes how bad it looks.
>brewing station.
>I'm so unique I have a pet pig.
>such a huge touch screen on fridge.
Now what super faggot

You sound gay.

Tell me more about reddit champ

ya seethe bitch lmfaooooooooooooo

i mean pedomods a ratfag thats the company they keep


Buddy Murphy gives her the full nelson anal

Becasue they're made by reddit cucks like you


Oh man in a thread on Yea Forums you said seethe. You know what's up!

worked and FUMING

This started out as a work but I got worked into a shoot when one of you son of a bitches shoot called me reddit. I'm seething, I'm worked, I'm fuming. The dogs are in the enclosed pool area.

>ipad on the fridge

the slave-name of the house negro? lol

I want to be her ladder

She is a (((jew))) they don't eat (((their))) own.

That’s a expensive fridge/freezer.

Mental reminders to eat food.

She was anorexia when she was younger and had to get rushed to the ER because her ding-dong diddly dumb ass didn't want to eat food.

stfu and go blow someplace up, Mo.

>costs $3k
That's not expensive for Lexi Dimes. Not even half of one of her salary payday direct deposits

>one of the filthiest animals
>proven to be one of the cleanest

Facts dont care about your feelings.

>has no taste and fills the kitchen with soulless "Yum" "Eat" "Love" pictures
atleast it's not "Live Love Laugh".

>I think Alexa needs to buy a ladder guys

She needs to buy a table first. Why is she eating off the floor?

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pigs are actually one of the smartest and cleanliest animals

when was the last time this kike took a picture with anything related to Buddy? no possible way they're still together

They never really took many pics together even when they were definitely together. She was hanging out with his best friend on Tuesday.

Murphy's a cuck though, so he stays friendly with her. Plus Murphy wasn't even there he was at SD

based and lexitramplepilled

Yea Forums is a lexi board
go back

>coffee aficionado
pick one

Those are house shoes, you uncultured, third-world swine

they both have cute tummies

Me on the bottom

God I wish that kitchen counter was me

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nigger dicks

Thats still a lot of makeup

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relative to her tv makeup that makes her look like a witch you nimrod