Why do white women ruin their bodies with too much surgery bros...

Why do white women ruin their bodies with too much surgery bros, why can't they just stay natural like my japanese girls?

Attached: Mandy fake butt.png (283x587, 366K)

Her ass is real. Other stuff might not be

Those are butt pads, if a wrestler got ass implants they'd probay burst eventually like Buff Bagwell's calf implants did.

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waddle back to your containment board, faggot incel.

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Asians get surgery to look like white women

>getting this worked
2020 is coming sweetie

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look at this faggot.

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Toxic masculinity forces women to constantly feel like they have to out ass, tits and face the competition

Yea Forums has been sperging out over this pic all week what a bunch of fags. This must be the power of being a low-test weeb who gets off to armpits

I wonder if President Sanders will visit Donnie in prison



>i wonder if president free shit shekelberg will ever exist?


And when he is in prison for life the nation will be wondering if he'll visit Hillary in Hell.

who here high af?


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would like to sleep in that ass

Based and very Based

President Yang*

Worked by an old jew

there’s nothing wrong with pits

Bernie's crusty old ass will be dead within a year

Based Bro

President Buttegieg

YANG 2020

imagine the poop lads


Attached: Bayley Butt Padd.png (2560x1440, 2.04M)

ive never seen her vids