Leaked mitb match

Based or cringe

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my ass is leaking and i need a diaper lol

I unironically only know Cesaro and Rey

5 star Lars is in a multi-man match. It's going to be a classic.

Andrade would be great.

I only know Rey


Is Andrade fucking a board finally going to pay off?

Thats actually based


who the hell are the other guys?

looks based to me

This match was made to put Drew in the title picture.

McIntryre is winning

5 star Ricochet and Lars back in a ladder match

All I know is Lars is the only one drawing me.

No way. No fucking way.

That's jobberpalooza.

And Richochet/Black are front and center?!


is that val venis on the far right?

Andrade/Finn might be happening though so who knows

For both brands???? That's the best 7 guys they could come up with? WHY DO YOU BULBASAURS STILL WATCH THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!@@!

Is this the power of tranny vagene


none of these midcard retards are worthy of the briefcase for 4-6 months (unless Lio Rush or Heyman are their manager)

speaking of which, where are the tol draws? this lineup is GAY

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Finally a MITB without main eventers, that's how it should be.

Lars looking like some mentally retarded make a wish kid that's getting brought along

I want Cesaro or Rey to win but it's going to be one of the NXT manlets or Lars

On the 1% chance this isn't bait, far left is Drew McIntyre. He's on every episode of RAW. Center is Ricochet, right of him is Aleister Black, Andrade Almas, and Lars Sullivan.

That was my first thought too. Which is a shame, because everyone else except maybe Lars is going to look better in a ladder match, and no one is going to want to see McIntyre win. And, if they had any brains at all, they could just push McIntyre into a championship match without this gimmick.

With Sheamus being kill, they JUST MIGHT have enough sense to put Cesaro in that crisp 007/Hitman suit, tell him to keep his yap shut, and give him the briefcase, having him silently loom over whoever is champ until he cashes it in.

Cedric has no chance on RAW with Ricochet there

Can be good if true

Giving the monster heel guy a briefcase is ding-dong diddly cringe, braun still hasn't recovered from his

No he doesn't.

fuck from catalog thumbnail i thought andrade was roode, and was going to say based, but nah cringe because cesaro is the only good wrestler and he'll be the one to eat the pin like a simp

>7 guys
>MITB is 8 guys, 4 from Raw, 4 from SD

Based Lars gonna put on another 5 star classic

its literally been 7 for years ya simp

andrade is the only one that makes sense to win


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I could see Drew winning, especially since Roman moved to SD and Raw is now the B show. Lars would be a disaster.

but drew is boooring

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>The Miz

what year was this?

that's 10 so it doesn't help your cause

When taking photoes for these are they forced to
just stand and either do a generic smile or a generic frown?
No interesting poses or facial features?

Stagefright autist ryback2.0 is gonna win. Ricochet is only ther to do a 360 900 whatever flip move off the top of a ladder and mysterio is only there two 619 or baseball slide a ladder into someone’s face. Screencap this

New Day was sending one person ya idiot

Get rid of everyone besides Rey and Ricochet

the absolute mental state of this simp

He does. You just like massive anti draw shitters

congrats to Drew on winning the MitB. I guess after 2 failed cash ins in a row he's gonna be the one to walk away with the belt. I'm predicting the cash in on Survivor Series

I have no idea who's won MITB since the Sheamus year.

Ricochet winning and gets a massive push.
Calling it now.
Someone leaked something a day or so ago that someone is winning this and a plan is already in place for them to get a seriously big push... I reckon it'll be Ricochet.

I didn't say I liked ricochet or aleister

Holy shit of this is real then wow different people for once. I fully expect it to be Roman, KO, Sami, Bobbo, Finn, and Rey.

>I'm predicting the cash in on Survivor Series
Waiting this long would make Drew look like a bitch

as opposed to "ironically" knowing them you fucking idiot?


Damn. The match might be good because Rick O'Shea will do his flippy shit. But holy fucking zero dimes Batman.

Based only if Andrade wins.

Got em tbhfam

>Death Rey
Could've sworn it was Cucklisto. All of these jumping beans look the same

Drew is winning

I genuinely don't know who the last four guys are.

Alma's is winning it.

mega cringe

Cesaro and Almas are wasted with all these cringe midgets and anti/dimes giants.

either lars or andrade are getting it
good chance big dimes voice mcintyre might too

a heel wins the case every time, 50% already lost - peeps who like this lineup are almasfags or drewfags and BOTH need to die.

I bet the ladder will win this match

Is Cesaro sponsored by Rocktape now?

The way its strapped im sure it does jack shit

I'll be pulling for Cesaro, but I know he ain't winning

5 Stars Lars in another ladder match? You'd better believe it's based as fuck.

I legit thought that was Kalisto.


based, but not a ladder match guy
based but shouldn't be in a ladder match
based but shouldn't be in a ladder match

big guys shouldn't be in ladder matches, but Cesaro is probably the best of the lot as big guys go. Honestly Almas is probably winning.

Drew is winning so he can take the belt of Seffers during Summerslam

>5 star Lars in a ladder match
Kino is back on the menu boys


based af lineup

Miz, Lashley, Corbin, Wyatt and Zayne are busy being fed to Strowman

Im hoping Black wins it. 1st because im a fan, except for the sfx they added to him rising up, and 2nd for all the fags saying Black and Ricochet are cringe.

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If Andrade doesn't win, setting up a Latino run on SmackDown on Fox, then I'm cancelling my network and selling my 1000 shares.

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Every time I see this thread my butt just keeps make more poopy!

Would be Moody Blues if anyone new, but it’s gonna be Drew lmao

Drew is almost too obvious a winner for this. When you think about it he really doesn't need MITB to be in the title picture. Once the Corbin angle is done he's arguably the top heel on RAW already. Honestly think this could be a win for Andrade.