/Miki/ & Friends: Mako Edition

Previous Thread hit the bump limit - CMLL's Torneo Increible de Parejas final takes place tonight with Titan and Cavernario taking on Volador jr. and Ultimo Guerrero

- Mako's ramen segment from Sunday Japon was well received by viewers

- Miki will be doing commentary for Wrestling Dontaku for the NJPW World feed

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Other urls found in this thread:


Respect RinACE

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why does she look so pissed off?

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Attached: D2HAwcuUYAgEsEv.jpg (900x1200, 189K)

who is this? lol

watch Rizin

Attached: rina reading.jpg (1676x939, 150K)

Based Mako!

Mako pulled a power move and used her political connections to get in the OP

I'm looking forward to Dontaku but I couldn't be more excited for BoSJ. It's going to be awesome.

Attached: 57168469_385658402028455_8358240570692071777_n.jpg (1080x1080, 76K)

She's cute!

I think Shingo is gonna win this year

BOSJ always delivers. I can't wait to see the block placement and who goes where

BoSJ final was my MOTY last year

That one was good! For me, it was Ospreay vs Taguchi from 2016

Ospreay vs Taguchi from 2016 was your match of the year last year?

Attached: Miki thinking.jpg (1440x810, 257K)

Lmao i meant to say my most favorite BOSJ match ever and not from last year

Attached: D4fV9NAU8AEUAK0.jpg (640x640, 66K)

I figured, was just busting your chops lol

Thank you Kris Wolf!

Attached: Kris and Mikitico.jpg (1200x900, 141K)


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Kris is retiring tonight :(

her retirement show is live right now, found the link in the oedo thread if you wanna watch rabb.it/Bobbie_
WARNING: it's pro wrestling eve

> pro wrestling eve

thanks for the link though, bud

Attached: 1555164121548.png (212x250, 99K)

exactly, that's why I gave the warning lol, just watch some good Wolf matches instead


don't mention it!

Attached: kemonito think then kemonito point.jpg (1920x2160, 193K)

thanks for the link!

>good Wolf matches

why does this promotion look like an underground feminist pro wrestling fed?

have sex
because it is

name some of her good matches larper

what is he larping as, a wrestling fan? I'm confused by your post


I've yet to see a bad one, but I'm not gonna spoon feed you

figured as much

yeah I assumed the gender since it's Yea Forums, but you should check out her high speed belt run if you are looking for some good matches.

I wanna kiss Mako!


it's a shame Shanna's run was so bad because I really enjoyed their match together


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Attached: kris thumbs up.gif (405x300, 2.87M)

I'm gonna miss her

me too!

Attached: Miki lewd Sumire.webm (630x354, 1.34M)

>WARNING: it's pro wrestling eve

why is she retiring?


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Bumped her brain to sawdust.

Attached: Stardom in NY.webm (822x462, 2.95M)

Attached: Stardom in NY II.webm (822x462, 2.92M)

omg yurie!

Attached: Mikitico.webm (800x450, 2.94M)



Notice how usually Megu does an enigmatic and over-the-top sign in photos but here she bows out to Rina's preferred pisu sign. We can take this to mean that Megu sees herself as Rina's inferior. Just more icing on the cake that Megu Ugajin is nowhere near ace status.

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Attached: Megu&Rina.jpg (1080x1080, 53K)

Proof that Rina is the true ACE

Attached: Rina 爆報!THE フライデー.webm (1000x560, 2.75M)

Attached: Strawberry Rina.jpg (640x800, 127K)

I think it's a case of "if I don't do the shit Other Rina wants me to she's gonna keep bugging me to take more until I do"

lmao theres more posts about stardom in here than their own thread

Tae is based

Attached: Tae Honma.webm (900x504, 2.86M)

and she is a CUTE!

Attached: rinaok1.jpg (711x880, 91K)

I agree, it's an underrated one

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Attached: Junna laugh.jpg (611x563, 32K)

Attached: Junna & Rina fight.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)

Attached: maoko tbs.webm (1000x562, 1.57M)

Simple and cute Maoko

Attached: simple Maoko.jpg (1600x900, 304K)

She's such a qt!

Attached: Miki laptop.jpg (720x405, 91K)

Attached: shockedJunna.jpg (510x680, 60K)

Junna is so pretty

She was so cute

she's a really good wrestler, I need to check out her CMLL matches though

She reminds me of someone but can't put my finger on who

Attached: D4VHvnVW0AYhzOx.jpg (1199x985, 211K)

Oh no no no no
that herpes sore

impure sullied infected bitch

Who are you talking about?

ya mum

Attached: 1550788663411.png (1053x1051, 1.07M)

t. virgin that doesn't know what the herp looks like


Attached: D5IKr4gUIAE-6zp.jpg orig.jpg (768x1024, 71K)

Honma a cute

dear /miki/ even though I don't visit your threads because I believe they are firmly nu/jp/ material and are only tangentially wrestling related because of Miki, I think you guys do a good job and I want you to have a good night's sleep.
Don't reply to me with cringe shit or I'll shoot on ya


good night user

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>only tangentially wrestling related because of Miki
get a fucking clue streamable.com/dvqgv

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My nigga

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Attached: ugajin20190320_11_l.jpg (1440x810, 171K)

I wanna go to a nice Mexican restaurant with her


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based Koike proving the doubters wrong

based ace Megu

Megu and other Rina



Anyone got a stream for this ?

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based UgakACE

based former ACE

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Attached: 宇垣美里 UGAKACE.webm (500x416, 2.19M)

Attached: ugakiout.webm (852x480, 2.25M)

Attached: Miki lmao.jpg (386x388, 19K)


Attached: Ugaki kimono.jpg (1183x660, 108K)

wonder why Megu isn't at Ugaki's going away dinner

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Attached: 43979900de4c7a998c29.webm (480x852, 2.9M)

footage from Ugaki's book signing

Attached: Ugaki fans.webm (1188x666, 2.3M)

She's a draw unlike other Rina


Junna actually showing some personality and Rina is too busy taking Instagram pics lmao


based ace Big Leaguing the simps, taking from Hana's playbook

Attached: Hana whistling through the wheat field.jpg (677x499, 75K)

Junna re-birth arc when?

Attached: junna.webm (1000x560, 2.92M)

Megu was at the Jinsei Saikyou Restaurant and couldn't go lmao
She needs to show more charisma and even she can surpass other Rina

Lmao she looks so nervous

I would be too if I were flocked by that many birds lololol

Attached: junna_birds.webm (1000x564, 2.9M)

Attached: はやドキ 04.26.2019!.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

anyone else watching Crockett Cup???

Yep. Hope the CMLL team does well.

I don't think they'll win this match, but I hope they show off their skill!

Stuka jr and Guerrero Maya Jr are both great but they're probably not winning it

Attached: Kemonito y Guerrero Maya Jr.jpg (647x361, 37K)

this has been a very good match so far! I love Cornette on commentary, too!

damn! Great match, I love that move Flip won with

Attached: Liger, Miki, Milano.webm (800x544, 2.89M)

what is this move even called? lol

Attached: _.webm (800x604, 1.92M)

no idea but it's like a spin out cutter, I like it a lot


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kino show so far!

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Former TBS ACE Minami Tanaka is one of the panelists tonight!


Attached: preview.jpg (900x505, 84K)

fuck, Bandido lost

Time for sunday japon!

they lost to such a shitter tag team also!

Rina made it on the episode preview

Attached: tbs_sunjapo_04282019.jpg (968x535, 73K)

I think that team may be winning, which is a shame
that's Other Rina!


oh shit, she just shit on that dude's Crocs lmfao

Attached: Megu sunday japon.webm (976x546, 2.62M)

she did LOL

that was quick! based

Our ACE is looking extra cute today

Attached: Megu sunday japon 2.webm (900x546, 2.42M)

Attached: junnalaugh.jpg (862x500, 45K)

Megu straight roasting this geek.

Attached: Rina laptop.webm (900x546, 1.27M)

Is Ami's character theme Liar Liar from B'z?? that's a badass song

Based ACE
I missed it! I had to use the bathroom

based Ami!

Attached: akaganeinpain.png (261x348, 172K)

nah they're talking about that guy with the blue dot, who's a bullshit artist and is a ビジネス芸人 (Business Entertainer)

a CONMAN, hence the song, Liar liar

Attached: Ami field report.webm (900x546, 1.39M)


Attached: minamitanaka.jpg (1200x675, 119K)

seikyo shimbun mom is a cute, who is the actress?

Attached: Minami & Rina.webm (976x546, 581K)

Yo this Miyahara guy has a thing for old women LMFAO!

Ah I missed it. Do you have a screencap?


I don't sadly

Mako seems to be getting the last segment again tonight, just like last week.

Attached: Miki & Mako 1.jpg (1649x917, 107K)

based ace

Attached: Minami hello.webm (900x546, 2.95M)

I wanna kiss Minami!


Attached: minaminotsureifbasedorcringe.jpg (482x518, 49K)

I want Mako to interview me!

did I miss Mako?

fuck yeah PCO won!

Attached: rinayamamoto_0622~1556411239~2031647181464955134_7127622911.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

you did
fuck yeah, he's awesome!

I would have never expected it. I'm so glad for him.


Attached: PCO.webm (800x446, 2.57M)

fuck! I hope someone posts it

i got you!

Attached: Mako sunday japon.webm (900x546, 2.96M)

thanks dude! Mako is the GOAT!

what was going on with that Chinese guy

Overworked IT guys in China. The guy had a panic attack

lmfao the pissed off divorced Nic Cage karaoke video

Rina tells Minami that she thinks she is really cool and was her favorite of the TBS staff when she was in college. Minami skeptically asks Rina who her favorite announcer is now and Rina says, Akiyo Yoshida. Minami calls out Rina by saying I knew it (like Rina was only saying nice things to her and sucking up)

Ota says, that's okay, since Ugaki is your kohai anyway and she's doing gravure like you are doing now

Attached: Rina & Minami.webm (900x546, 2.09M)

Rina is such a goof


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I am monitoring the number of unique posters in this and all future threads

don't expose /stardom/ like that

Thanks detective. I'm glad you're on the case.

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Attached: rina seethe _.jpg (1655x932, 227K)

did someone say detective?

Attached: Detective Risa.jpg (1080x720, 910K)

Attached: iuveiau.webm (694x546, 124K)


Attached: Ugaki .webm (1000x560, 2.77M)

This thread is bad, dude.
For the love of G*d please stop making it.

Attached: Miki deal with it lol.jpg (720x1215, 107K)

Attached: laughing Hana.jpg (1365x2048, 253K)

I can't wait for Tokyo Cyber Squad to go on Breaking Battlemen

That should be based. Hana and Miki can speak to each other en Español

Pls stop bullying Rina

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Megu is based

you mean Other Rina?

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Attached: (YOU).png (1035x813, 1.56M)

was that on SunJapo? Lmfao!

Attached: cage.jpg (1526x939, 90K)

Attached: Airsoft Megu.webm (1000x560, 2.85M)

Based airsoft megu

she's a sharp shooter

Attached: Airsoft Megu II.webm (1000x562, 2.87M)

top kek


Attached: Junna giggle.jpg (1440x810, 442K)


Stop saying rude things about my wife

Attached: 57488285_1551377788327944_8624798199226381818_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com.jpg (480x480, 34K)

pick a wife with talent and you won't have to deal with this

Lol failed ace other Rina

Attached: 8c3854780003c7d5fa1df7133a25795f5e18afdb7d70e315efa0ed8b9cda5963.gif (142x230, 2.05M)

Megu seething she wasn't invited to Ugaki's party

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UgakACE is hot!


Attached: Screenshot_20190401-162804.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

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that belt probably weighs more than Koike

Attached: koikee.jpg (1265x713, 74K)

Attached: combat_Rina.png (494x635, 618K)


RinOps reporting for duty
Operation take down surging threat Megu Ugajin in progress

Attached: 37235675_201753210519273_612695196651487232_n.jpg (640x640, 77K)

I wanna kiss Rina

Holy shit that's BASED

/our/ ACE

you come at the king, you best not miss

Attached: Megu hadouken.gif (400x225, 3.09M)

so this is like a lucha and puro general?

Yeah sorta. We have eclectic tastes.

a bit of both lol

Attached: mikitico says watch lucha.jpg (720x405, 88K)

kinda, like said, we discuss other stuff sometimes like the NWA show yesterday.


Attached: Megu Report.webm (1000x560, 2.83M)

cool, these girls are cute too

Attached: Junna cheers.jpg (900x1200, 161K)

Attached: tbs_asachan_04292019.jpg (1911x1079, 278K)

Ami befriending some foreigners at a restaurant

Attached: yoshihara20190423_15_l.jpg (1440x810, 176K)

Me on the left

Megu sneaking in on these shots cracks me up

her shitting on the guy wearing crocs last night was funny too. She was so subtle too because she said "The man's characteristics are, wearing these "shoes", and his hunched stature

Based Ami rejecting this guy LMFAO

Attached: Ami says no thanks.webm (800x720, 2.77M)

Holy shit that poor guy haha

based ace

Me on the left


I think Ami is into Mexican guys...

Attached: アメージパング!女子アナとはしご酒[字].webm (900x720, 2.91M)

I wouldn't put it past her getting influenced by Miki with this to be honest

she did work alongside the rare triple michaels, so there's that too lol

Attached: Miki + 2018 rookie class.jpg (1194x2010, 272K)

Pee Wee Herman looking ass

Attached: JunnaLOL_.jpg (356x357, 20K)

Attached: Miki_TBS_lucha_mask.jpg (700x571, 42K)

Attached: Akogare Kanai paint.webm (800x442, 2.85M)

Based Akogare

Attached: Megu Karaage.jpg (1200x900, 205K)

I want one!

Attached: 46a7f1fb.jpg (1440x810, 243K)

I miss Hiromu :(

Me too. I'd rather have him show up much later than coming in earlier and get injured again

I just hope he comes back at all


Attached: Miki Junna Kemonito.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Attached: rinayamamoto_0622~1556497150~2032367869947794242_7127622911.jpg (1024x1820, 75K)

Attached: cmll kemog.webm (1188x672, 1.93M)

Attached: Akogare 金井憧れ.webm (734x410, 2.76M)

/our/ ACE

That's not Megu though

based Mike and Sully

are they, dare I say, /ourguys/?


Attached: 1150177_1.jpg (630x630, 81K)

fucking based, I love those movies


rare double Michaels

and the rare triple michaels are here

Attached: 1556158639070.webm (966x536, 2.65M)

the ultra rare quintuple Michaels

Attached: dab.jpg (960x448, 36K)

Attached: kemonito combo.webm (762x424, 1.69M)


Fucking legend right here

Attached: mikiya_m39~1556414038~2031670668029904169_3677806175.jpg (1080x1080, 50K)

the dive was a work, the following punches were definitely a shoot though

don't fuck with the GOAT


got any more?

Attached: Screenshot_20190428-193500.jpg (1415x947, 732K)


Risa, stop!

Who's the better sharpshooter? Risa, Rina, or Megu?

RinACE for sure!

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Megu, you little bitch? I’ll have you know Megu graduated top of her class in the Navy Seals, and she's been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and she has over 300 confirmed kills. Megu is trained in gorilla warfare and she's the top sniper in the entire TBS armed forces. Other Rina is nothing to Megu but just another target. Megu would wipe her the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Other Rina being the ace over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak Megu is contacting her secret network of spies across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. Megu can be anywhere, anytime, and Megu can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with her bare hands. Not only is she extensively trained in unarmed combat, but she has access to the entire arsenal of the Japanese Marine Corps and she will use it to its full extent to wipe Other Rina's miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you and Other Rina, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. Megu will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You and Other Rina are fucking dead, kiddo.


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Damn that's hot

Attached: oiwrowie.png (447x432, 414K)

lmfao good response


Attached: rina_frown.jpg (705x705, 258K)
