481 days


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i think janela might take it next friday

they need a champ who can go to japan

Based and eastern block hate club gang affiliated

why is he throwing up blood gang?

Because he uses fake gang signals as part of his gimmick to pretend he's actually tough.

Janela is back from injury? Had no idea, sweet.

He comes off as the guy who thinks he’s tough, tries an MMA class, gets his ass kicked, and then makes excuses about how “that shit wouldn’t work in a real fight.”

>Because he uses fake gang signals as part of his gimmick to pretend he's actually tough.

>hold ups title belt made out of literal cardboard
is this mark ass buster serious?

That's pretty much his character exactly. Honestly it's dimes but I'm looking forward to him finally losing.

its high quality posterboard with premium gold foil decoupaged you unartistic fuckwit, you can create your own by visiting any Micheals Arts and Craft store and be a champion of your very own!

Absolutely BASED stealth art supply store marketer!

Is Gage allowed to leave the country? I thought he did shows in Mexico one time

He is his whole ex-convict act is just pretend. He just tends to not leave because it builds up the allure of his character and it lets him spend more time with his family.


Attached: GCW 2K20.jpg (679x849, 307K)

This guy sounds and seems so fucking dumb.
Like, literally boarderline retarded.
But fucking hell I would not wanna get in a fight with him, he's an absolute fucking nutjob.
He just doesn't care.

He was in prison ...
Didn't know he had a family desu

Based Gage keeping kayfabe


481 days as champ and hasn’t drawn a ding-dong diddly dime. GCW needs to let this shitter go back to the mudshow death match scene.

*is shoot 5'5 in ur path*


Who is this? He literally looks retarded.