Ya ya AEW was always my dream

>ya ya AEW was always my dream
>i dont care about WWE

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Running your own unlimited joshi fed really is a dream

Why would he turn down a multi million dollar contract if he cared about WWE?

>caring about where you wrestle when you operate a joshi harem

The amount of yellow fever betas on this board is alarming

take the yellowpill mate, white women are gross

He obviously wanted to go WWE when he signed a development contract.

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Attached: KennySoymega.jpg (1920x1920, 647K)

There's no more than a dozen or so on this board. And that's coming from someone that lurks their generals. In fact, that's how I know.

E-drones on life support because they sense the end

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They're all obese, or skinnyfat losers.
Not a single one of them could prove me otherwise. Fucking losers.

Only weebshit permavirgins care about joshis.

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>turns down multimillion dollar contracts
>h-he really wants to be in the E
what did op mean by this

you just know Kenny wanted to sign with the big leagues and go to mania but felt too guilty about leaving all his retarded friends behind in the bingo halls. His problem is he's too nice and too afraid to grab the brass ring

All women in Japanese wrestling are low class country bumpkins and Korean immigrants. If they weren’t wrestling they would have married some nignog navy guy. No self respecting Japanese man would touch them with a ten foot pole but these guys go crazy for them.

Intimidated by superior tastes I see.
Tell me, how was RAM this week slugger?

Imagine actually watching wrestling. I come here to shitpost.

Right. Kenny Omega.

Roastie detected

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No beta I just don't lust after women I perceive as childlike, weak and submissive because I'm too scared to give orders or take control.


Faggots who greentext outside of a chan should be burned at the stake.


>implying Japanese man would try to talk to any woman

That's the most bitter roastie response you could've given.

This. Seeing that shit in Youtube comment sections is cringe enough, now faggots are bringing it out IRL.

Sure thing lad. Post your body timestamped so I can laugh at the fucking state of your 400lb beta ass.


>*bitter roastie responses intensify*

>doesn't know how to greentext
>lusts after waifus
>his only attempt to defend himself is paint everyone laughing at him as his hated enemy
>his hated enemy is literally pussy
Post body. The whole thread already knows.

>*bitter roastie continues to work self into shoot*

>everyone who thinks yellow fever betas are cringe MUST be female

Why are Aewtists so thin-skinned? They're as bad as Bronies.

Post your body with a timestamp user. Show us you aren't a 400lb virgin obsessing over Asians because they are the only women not to laugh at the state of you.

Hate to use plebbits buzzword of the week but they are literal incels. You can see this one faggot already seething about evil roasties. All women are fucking useless but if he'd ever been inside one he'd put up with them.