Lexi isn’t jewish

>lexi isn’t jewish
That’s her mom

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Why did you post a generic Italian looking chick then?

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Ya seethe lil fella?

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Her mom's maiden name is Kelly.

Her eyes snap so perfectly

Blatant jews trying to hide their schnozz with surgery

Is Kelly a jewish name? And Lexi's nose looks the same as it did when she was a kid except her nostrils are fucked up from it getting broken.

>making a serious reply to obvious bait

Kaufman is a jewish name. Lexi's mom is jewish, but her father was a goy, Kelly. As we both know jew lineage is through the mother. Since Lexi's grandmother and mother are jewish, that makes Lexi a jew.

Attached: Jewish Gathering.jpg (480x800, 39K)

You literally said yourself her father is a goy and though you tried to switch it, it’s common knowledge the Kaufman name comes from him. At this point it’s time to find a new gimmick

Jerusalem is not part of Italy.

You got the parents names backwards

Only reddit calls the Aryan Goddess a jew.

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That's an italian woman.

I'm saying the last name Kaufman doesn't make Lexi a jew in the same way the last name Kelly doesn't mean her mom isn't a jew. The jew lineage comes from Lexi's maternal grandmother, through Lexi's mother, and to Lexi. Last names are irrelevant. Lexi is a jew

Proof her grandmother is a jew?

She survived 7 different gassings in 7 different camps

Horsecucks seething and neighing

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She survived a roller coaster that ended by throwing her into a pit of acid and also it was on fire and the nazis were karate chopping children's heads off left and right in there as well

Oy vey I’ve got hereditary memories

I want to eskimo kiss lexi's mom

She looks like she gets loud when she gets mad. Fucking Italians.

ASP is full of idiots.
First, let me explain something and make it clear. Last names are not a for sure way to identify if someone is a Jew or not. Jews have married into many non-Jew families. There are Jews with the last name Smith for goodness sake. Mac Miller has a white last name, and guess what, he was Jewish. Just because many Jews have the last name Kaufman does not make it Jewish. Have you ever heard of a guy named Alfred Rosenberg who was a NSDAP Official who wrote books on Jews? Was he Jewish? No. Is the WWE guy Peter Rosenberg Jewish? Yes. Now there are many last names that are obviously Jewish and anyone who has it is most likely a Jew. Goldstein would be the most famous example.

Is her mother Italian? What makes you think that? Her skin tone? Take a look at her mother's face and how tan it is, compared to the top of her boobs, which is pale white. She clearly has a tan.

Third, if Alexa is Jewish, please explain how she has absolutely no Jewish facial features. Go ahead. Name some of her facial features that are Jewish. From her chin, her flat forehead, her perfectly aligned teeth, to her eyes: there is nothing Jewish in the body of Alexa Bliss.

Fourth, why can she blush? Mixed race mongrels generally have lost the ability to blush. Alexa can blush.

Anyone who has actually studied anthropology, last names, and race will know that Alexa is a Anglo/German mix. Look at her photos when she was really young. That is a young German girl from what I can see.

You people really need to quit "lurking" here and pick up a book or two.

Attached: alexahair.webm (640x640, 836K)

>reddit spacing
>typing all that out
Nice try Rabbi

Reddit spacing? Or just typing?

It took me less than 2 minutes to type that out.

Holy fucking cringe. Please have sex. Imagine white knighting this hard because a girl is jewish

>getting this worked by a meme
No one actually thinks she's jewish.

Please help me understand the mindset of you ASP people who consider yourself better than normies.

What will having sex do for me? Will I gain some enlightenment or knowledge? Will I be cooler in your eyes or in the eyes of society?

You are calling me the whiteknight. Ironically, you are the whiteknight. By saying I need to have sex, you are further pushing the agenda of female superiority and male inferiority. You are further elevating the SMV of the vagina. So, you are the whiteknight, not me.

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cringe. She is you fucking brainlet

No she isn't, it's already been proven. Your meme is dead horsefag.

cringe. There’s two online sources confirming she’s a Jew.

Oh, besides the one where she was asked by a Jew Peter Rosenberg on his podcast if she was Jewish or not? Then she said "No, I'm not Jewish.'

What do you manchildren get out of this? It's so cringe. Yet you all call normies and redditors cringe.

Her own words>random gossip websites

She never said "No"

Of course she’ll deny it publicly. They were probably laughing their asses off and rubbing their hands together off camera

She said "no, I'm not", she also said she is German when asked in another video.

Really, link? I knew she was German. Germans seem to have the best physiognomy.

Post proof about her deceiving people then

>Post proof about her deceiving people then

Only a kike would try so hard to push a lie.

I'm looking for it, it's on streamable. It's been posted here several times but I haven't seen it in awhile.

This. OP was exposed as JIDF long ago yet still continues to push a false narrative despite it.

her parents

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If that was the case it would be stated so on her Wikipedia page like it is for every other wwe performer. Stop making up shit and accept that it’s 99% likely she’s a Jew

Doubt it.

Now tell me: do you really believe she is a Jewess, or are you just posting a meme? I want to understand the psychology of you ASP posters. I don't understand why you derive entertainment from posting stupid things like this?

The jew host goes on to admit they will try to claim her as Jewish regardless. OP is one of those fiends.

found it
Her wiki page doen't say she's jewish either so by your logic that's more proof she's not.
It's a tired meme, nobody actually believes it. They seem to think it pisses people off but it just makes them look stupid.

Yes. German Jew. This is not news

>she never says no
Oh No no no no no

Prove that she's a jew or stfu.

He's a jew, there's no other reason he'd care so much.

Thanks. I'm saving these two streamables for sure.

These high school photos WWE posted definitely made me realize she was German.

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For this clown of course

She never explicitly denied she’s Jewish. All she said is her family is German. They could easily be jews that are from Germany

Why is JIDF so desperate to claim Lexi?

Absolute german going by these

Her dad definitely has German features.

The seething horsefags can't stand their mutt steed being Janetty'd by a superior woman.

Talk about rent free. Holy shit you cucks talk about Sasha more than you claim “horsefags” talk about Bliss

What i learned from this thread is Alexa ain't Jewish but (((OP))) sure is lmao

Is this the best wrestling MILF, or does it only count if she also wrestled (outside the bedroom)?

Jews are hot

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it’s like anuddah shoah in this thread


I love it how you come up with an actual response proving she isn't and everyone immediately goes "HAHA WORKED." Because they're too retarded to admit that they're wrong.

bitch needs to lose the "cute" schtick and start looking slutty

She can do both.

She can’t get into Heaven because jews deny the divinity of Christ

She's Christian and that has nothing to do with her being cute or sexy.

user I wish she was too


and this

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ratfags proving once again they are the easiest faggots to work


The greatest work the devil ever worked was convincing Yea Forums Lexi isn’t a jewess

nice try JIDF


She’s a German Jew like James Caan. FACT. End of story.


How can there be German Jews when 87 million were murdered in 6 years? Check mate

>kikes get BTFO
>they still try to claim Lexi
kek how pathetic, this is why nobody likes you

>this much delusion
beggin ya to get a ding-dong diddly clue

Italian women have the most Jewish ancestry out of any demographic in Europe.

So Mandy has jew in her too?

>that’s right goy be a lesbian don’t procreate
In a way

White Italians still exist. We need to remember that most of Italian blood has been bastardized racially by Muslims, Turks, etc.

I say Mandy Rose is white. But many Italians are not. It's the same way with Spain. Look at Fernando Torres and then Sergio Busquets...

Sonya is not white. Btw Lexi and her mom are jews

cringe and seething


cringe and seething

Yup thats a Jew

Attached: joo.png (292x204, 96K)

Ratkikes OUT, Yea Forums is a w/asp/ board.