/Stardom/ General

last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Which of you made this thread?

look at the pic, starlight chad made it

Is that Agua or the guy that makes Oedo?

that's a cute teenager

OPetty is still seething that he didn't make the last thread so he made this one early

I'm neither, but agua has accused me multiple times of being /oedo/ OP and/or his gay boyfriend/butt buddy because apparently agua is a middle schooler. This is the last I'll speak of him here since this is the /stardom/ thread and not the agua general.

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I don't care about your imaginary rules

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guilty looking post


If your threads are the legitimate ones, what is stopping you from making it regardless?

post TCS

this isn't /oedo/


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There are no legitimate ones. There is a guy a has a fit if you break his imaginary rules by posting Stardom wrestlers in the thread.

KEK. What a loser.

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fagua tries his best to make it /oedo/

Attached: 58967368_138430793952383_8237378166483784920_n.webm (360x640, 180K)


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She's done it on Viper numerous times without incident.
She's been doing it for many years on opponents of varying sizes and has never harmed anyone

his gimmick is crying about OP in the replies all day and night, he can't do that if he makes the thread

Can the user who renames his image files and lies about watching matches that didn't make tape and flagrantly samefags to make it appear as if people agree with him or to force discussion please leave joshi discourse forever? We do not want you here.

Lads, Toni vs Tam again.

Attached: its tam time.webm (960x540, 549K)

agua doesn't name his files, but yeah the rest is true. hopefully he fucks off already

>about OP
The interesting thing is, this post didn't bump the thread. Observe the time of last reply in the webm..
And an OP can't bump their thread within the first half an hour.
And there's no reason why you'd sage it, since it isn't his.
Which means Op, that you really do refer to yourself in the third person.
I'm almost sorry to expose your autism like this but it's easy as fuck and this recurring shit is real boring lil fella

Attached: clip0133.webm (828x276, 110K)

>new autist doesn't know your posts don't bump if you make multiple posts


imagine wasting time making this when you could be watching Hanan matches

Only if you're the OP :>)

this, idk why he's posting the shit fagua does and trying to disguise it as stuff OP does

this is the only good post in this thread

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This is true. if I do an image dump in a thread I make it stops bumping after the first one. If I do an image dump in a thread someone else makes it bumps with each post.

He's always talking in third person.
When's this guy gonna grow up and take responsibility for his actions?


OPetty exposed again. No doubt this was agua's fault just like the time he got caught lying about watching matches that didn't air.

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Also considering we now have proof that you not only refer to yourself in the third person, but actually name your individual personas, right 'starlight chad'?


Post pits

sorry, agua is having a fit again so we'll have to wait for pits later

He will claim it was all an elaborate false flag, just like when he got caught bumping and deleting posts in an old /oedo/ thread to keep it under bump limit because he was incensed that someone else made the OP.

Attached: Dn12W4SU0AApInh.jpg (828x1200, 148K)

someone literally admitted that it was them doing that because they wanted Nao to stay on page 1, go ruin another thread with your delusions.

>getting worked into a shoot over someone saying a thread
this is a new low


just because it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't make it unlikely

starlight kitto is a slut

>over someone saying a thread

think it's supposed to say saging, which is something really cringey to care about unless you're the OP

He literally claimed it was a false flag before desperately searching for some other lame excuse, as usual, and was promptly exposed as a liar again. So very sad.

Guilty looking post.

>saging a thread made by the person you're defending
It was beyond obvious that was OP being caught out by the autosage

>still trying to force your narrative
you were a couple posts away, looks like he is still spot on with the "paranoid" claim.

lots of great Stardom content in this thread

forgot that you think everyone is OP, okay yeah you got him good job. You can stop shitting up the thread now.

Mayu just posted STARS' unit entrance theme. Finally, STARS have their own theme instead of just using Mayu's for their group. Since Tam was the mastermind behind the Oedo Tai dance and Oedo Tai no longer use it, do you think Tam will come up with a dance for STARS to do to this?

who cares? post about OPetty

>The STATE of this damage control

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>OPetty made multiple posts defending himself
OK? He's doing that in this thread too, no one buys it.

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/oedo/ is not canon.

and this is not /oedo/ so why do you keep posting about it?

Attached: 3rd person is not healthy. get well soon.png (725x437, 22K)

Oh no no no no no look at OPetty humiliating himself again just like when he lied about watching a match that never aired

guilty looking post


yeah agua should get help

Attached: Miki cringe.jpg (1200x675, 129K)

go back to your Oedo Tard thread and stay there, don't ever make or post in a Stardom thread ever again.

>guy that used to make Bliss threads spams it for days on end because someone else took control and got rid of his rules
>one user makes both boss and Bex and spends all day bumping them a minute apart and talking to himself because barely anyone else actually posts in them
>the joshi op is schizo and has multiple personalities and talks to and about himself
Why does every op of a general inevitably turn out to be a complete nutcase?

I'd be ashamed of myself too if I ran a general dedicated to talking to myself about Japanese newscasters and laughing at my own jokes on a wrestling board.

OPetty is sleeping with the fishes

every joshi thread has different OPs, don't fall for agua's delusions

based UgakACE!

Attached: oedotard.jpg (975x483, 65K)

What day can I legally marry Starlight Kitto?

That's what OPetty wants you to believe, but as you can see from this thread no one is buying it.

lmfao what a troll, is liking that tweet all he did to drive agua insane?

I'm buying it because the original op had a very recognizable posting style and tjpw hasn't looked anything like that this year and this thread hasn't either in months.

you are not fooling anybody, "Chad"

Did this change happen before or after the twitter fag you keep arguing with started harping on about how many threads you make?


I mean we literally already know this thread is you, at this point you’re going from damage control to outting yourself as changing your post style for each thread to seem like someone else

this is why nobody buys your argument because anyone who says anything different you accuse them of being OP,
>changing your post style
nobody other than you cares enough to put forth that much effort on Yea Forums

>and this thread hasn't either in months
That's because he decided to disguise himself by leaving the OP blank. I think he only makes the thread at this point so he can post a link to it in /Oedo/ and then reply to himself with an image of Hana yawning or reply saying how much he doesn't care.

Maybe that's because you keep defending yourself over things literally no one but you ever will retard. There was no debate as to who made this thread the moment that post and webm went up about you you jobbing to the autosage

The day you realise that it's kiddo, ki-do, キッド, etc, etc, etc.


Your brain is a work.

>over things literally no one but you ever will retard
give me a minute to decipher this code, you can continue accusing more people of being OP while I'm working on this

Same issue as . I think he's shoot autistic and legitimately doesn't understand how he's fucking up.

you should see a professional

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>That's because he decided to disguise himself by leaving the OP blank.
It's so obvious that is what he's attempting.
The loser really does thinks he's more clever than he actually is.

please just post some based Momo and stop all this autism

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He's mental. Reminder that he exposed himself as Miki Poster when no one even accused him.

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should be the next OP pic given the state of this general

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Would make sense since I find it hard to believe anybody but the guy who's spent 2 years monitoring 5 generals to make the new threads the instant the old ones hit the bump limit no matter what day or time it is has that sort of free time.

>no one even accused him
agua has accused him of being the OP of every general on this board

guilty looking post

@aguakun is the only one with that free time


>please just post some based Mom
Hold up lil fella

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No I haven't. If you were telling the truth you wouldn't need to resort to strawmen and lies.

if Momo were into post-modernism, she'd be Pomo Momo. if she were a hobo she'd be Pomo Hobo Momo

he's sure made use of it in here today

if Momo were in the Matrix, she'd be Slow-mo Momo

It happened after he kept getting called it for being a NEET.

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If Momo's friends were hanging out without her, she'd be FOMO Momo.

are people actually falling for agua's shit or is he just going overboard again?


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nobody believes you

ah, the latter again

guilty looking post

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Who's been in that bed with her? Certainly not the incels from her band

Me, ama.

Me, ama.

Me, ama.

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Shiki is X


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Rossy should do Bobbi vs Toni

guilty looking post

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but who was camera?

How did you made a thread at 11:14am on a weekday after spending hours posting in the old one in anticipation?
And you made it a dozen posts before the bump limit after you cried about someone doing the same last time, lol. Does it really mean that much to your life, making an Yea Forums general thread that everyone hates you in?


Rossy doesn't fuck the talent because he knows what they do to make some cash on the side

>he knows what they do to make some cash on the side
Besides sucking his dick


but agua didn't make the thread I don't think

LOOOOOOOL dude saged the thread and worked you into so much of a shoot that you made this get a fucking life. These joshi threads are cringe enough as it is, but this might be the cringiest post.

sadly, probably herself. she's got really long arms


Arisa is live!

She should try dragging Mayu and Saki into one of her karaoke livestreams for a trio stream.

Arisa is the patrician choice. The perfect mix of beauty, talent, and autism.

lmaoooo aguakun is in the chat!!! He's an EOP!

I've always hated the idea of having a wrestling waifu. How do I stop Arisa from turning me into something I hate?

Attached: wYec_OMl5WzzPtk4[1].webm (720x720, 2.29M)

I thought it was funny at first, but it must be someone pretending to be him. However, whoever you are, you got Arisa to try reading out "what are your top five Suruga Mei bouts?" so good job.

Voice of an angel

Agua is angering her with his pathetic questions in えいご

To be fair, her trying to read his english was pretty adorable.

lmfao another pathetic display

Speaking of Arisa, video preview of her photoshoot.


don't be rude agua

>P-please talk to me

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nice try OPetty, you saged the thread earlier and exposed yourself

it's already too late, user


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>arisa alone at a karaoke place on a saturday
this hikimori thing is real holy shit

what a fucking faggot

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Mayu and Saki are the same from what we know. They seem to go do karaoke on their own in their free time. STARS' asociality is cute. Although Arisa's side job is a singer, so this could be considered practice for her.

>Not how I would have expected to have spent my evening but very fun
Took her awhile to awkwardly read that but she seemed to understand it.

As a weeb, I appreciate her singing the Bakemonogatari ED. She's actually pretty good, although I'm no expert. How would you rate her as a singer?

it's still strangely melancholy. isn't there anybody who wants to hand out at the karaoke place with arisa?

I'd fuck her, maybe buy her some glasses after

Mayu and Saki went on a date there, but still had separate rooms. It's a Jap thing, I think. A lot of them like going to karaoke alone and just letting loose. Some people just like doing their hobbies alone, I guess. Having someone else along means less time singing or something.

Are you the guy who was interviewed for the Stardom NYC show and said he liked Hazuki?

No. I'm not the guy who posted that in her chat, either. Just listening.

This guy? twitter.com/CalvinistEeyore

He's the single most autistic person I've ever seen in puro twitter and also a big Oedo fan.


Wow, an impressive display of unfiltered autism with that guy, but most autistic? user, I bring you John. twitter.com/toshanshuinla

A fat, armchair critic wannabe Meltzer weeaboo.

Brilliant deduction, Conan.
Imitation raises the value of the subject while lowering that of the impostor, a great man once put.

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Azumi glaring up at Kel while she's just ignoring her and looking at the camera is amusing.

LOL @ Konami with the "Fuck you, QQ. Fuck you, Momo Watanabe." Not up to date so hadn't seen that yet.

I think Arisa likes trolling Tam on twitter.

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Azumi wants to dominate Kel sexually.

I wonder if she answered agua's messages on twitter


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Arisa is live, voice only

Queen's Quest themes/remixes - top to bottom.

1. Io
2. Unit/Bow Down
3. Momo
4. Hazuki
5. AZM

Attached: Kuiezu Kuesuto.jpg (600x400, 50K)

lmfao the autist posted a review

Another trainee quit, one other broke her foot, and Mana also got injured. The 36 year old has somehow managed to be the last survivor of the original 5 idol trainees.

It's already infected you, so just live with it and enjoy Arisa and all her cute little quirks.

Was in outside or after they broke the ring down? I saw them interviewing a couple of people with Yurie in the reporter role. I didn't see anything that looked like those postshow interviews on the clips linked previously or is it a different show altogether?

Tam has underrated thighs.

So is this at some sort of karaoke bar or her actual house? The only reason I ask is because the wallpaper looks like it should be in a toddlers bedroom.

Private room in a karaoke place. They love that shit over there.

>original 5
There was 7

false-fan exposed again

Nope, 5. The recent people like shio are new trainees.

No there was seven announced as trainees

Saya Kamitani - broken foot
Miyu Sasaki - gone
Ushio Shiina - gone
Momoko Sueyoshi - gone
Rin Sumihisa - unsure
Manane Hoshino - injured

/oedo/ is not canon.

did arisa answer your messages yet?

Attached: IMG_20190427_160826.jpg (1536x2048, 472K)

i agree!

We are Stardom only announced 5 in January so I assume two were already gone or not serious




I love /oedo/! ;)


is this faggot really an employee or just mentally ill?

go and roleplay over there and don't post in this thread if you love it so much

is this agua's next target?

Nah I'm just a Konami chad.

don't say chad, you'll be called OP


it confuses me too

Yeah idk, I just come in here to post Konami, I don't keep up with the rest of the thread

kek based!

you're doing god's work

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lmfao that was an embarrassing display last night

Konami shark

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Who was the jannetty?

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are you kidding me? LOOOOOOOOOOOL christ what a cringelord



>responding to yourself a day later
get a hobby

kill yourself OPetty

Attached: Mayu.webm (1920x1080, 543K)

Poor Mayu. Seeing her at ringside, she looks like she wants to be wrestling again already.


very sad!


post hazuki's bum

wrong thread


yes, Hazuki is in Oedo Tai so she belongs in the Oedo Tai and TCS thread.


yes, Hazuki is in Oedo Tai so she belongs in the Oedo Tai and TCS thread.

here you go, don't tell OPetty

Attached: hazukibutt.webm (500x450, 839K)


is agua a janny? I've noticed posts shitting on him have gotten deleted while his unrelated posts haven't. Anyways, when is Utami coming back?

Attached: D4LP_8MWwAA6Wi-.jpg (1364x2048, 225K)

would make sense since he's here 24/7 for free


agua BTFO

Attached: D5MYAy-UEAAP2UL.jpg (2048x1536, 555K)

Arisa and Hazuki are always so stiff with each other.

Attached: Arisa.Hoshiki.&.Tam.Nakano.vs.Hazuki.&.Natsuko.Tora.webm (1920x1080, 2.67M)

Attached: in the face.webm (1920x1080, 1.81M)

not as stiff as Arisa ignoring agua's twitter messages

Nice pic of the 2019 cinderella tournament winner.

Attached: tamu pw.webm (1920x1080, 1.74M)

>ctrl-f "agua"
>22 matches
why do you crave daddy agua's attention so much?

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hey agua! did Arisa answer you on twitter yet?

guess not!

Yo who the fuck is agua and why do u niggas talk about it so much?

Post more

because he's been ruining these threads all years, so the few who have stuck around in this general shit on him

It's one guy and he's obsessed

agua is a respected Joshi reviewer and this makes a lot of false fans who only pretend to watch very insecure

guilty looking post

Attached: D3ROaadUYAA2VRJ.jpg (882x1200, 101K)

no you aren't lol


agua is a helpful and trusted member of our small community here who can always be counted on to selflessly deliver entertaining match recommendations using his expert level puro knowledge

hi agua!

I wonder I she's a San Jose fan and rooting for them to win the Cup, or do you think she has no idea what hockey is.

Attached: sjentrance.jpg (1024x685, 121K)

>ywn introduce Konami to hockey and expand her love of Sharks
why would you make me think of this user?

Wouldn't kicking Hazuki's tits be about as effective as head butting a Polynesian back in the 80's?

I'd like to this she stumbled into the NHL store when she was in New York, saw the Sharks merch and piled it onto the check out, only to find out they don't take Konamibux there.

she never left her hotel room

When's the last tour she was on? It seems like it's been almost a year.

I think Momo dragged her out for one afternoon.

Pretty cool preview for the tournament.

I'd like for Jungle to win, but you know she's going to draw or double DQ with Natsuko so they're both eliminated. Their scuffle was the first thing shown after the past winners bit and I think it's a bit of foreshadowing.

Meanwhile, Tam was shown last. Foreshadowing her winning the tournament.

Attached: autism star.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

probably, any posts against him have gotten deleted, the posts of him turned out shitty, agua is a pedophile, hopefully we cant notice this and fix it.

agua is a cuck

Tam picking her dress for tomorrow.

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>works the /woo/tists
>works the twitter trannies
>works the false fans
>works the Edrones
>works the NuJapanlets
>works /Oedo/ into mass paranoia
>works the TJLGBTPW universe community
>works the Miki fetishists
>works Stardom-World.com staff into Karōshi trying to appease his insatiable demands
>works the gatekeepers
>works the pseudo-gatekeepers
>works the fickle waifuists
>friends with Maki Ito and Tam Nakano
>works Gatoh Move into a household name
>Possibly the only westerner that can say they supported child prodigies such as Riho and Tsukushi from adolescence to adulthood
>works the catalog
>works the bump limit
>works his cat into asphyxiation
>works his hard drive with his exhaustive Joshi picture collections
>works his body into marathoning puroresu beyond normal human limits
>knowledgeable about numerous other subjects but doesn't bring them up as he has too much respect and love for wrestling to post offtopic
>world class Arcana Hearts player
>works new fans into becoming genuine supporters of the industry
>works Suruga Mei into Next Big Thing status
>works the state of Connecticut into letting him live rent free
>works his sexuality watching too many ASUKA matches
>works me into serving him as a vessel
>works ramen into spaghetti
>works the guy that posts all the bad stuff about him into crippling anxiety and a slow suicide
>works the Happy Science Group into teaching him the secrets of life
>exposed Tetsuya Naito
>works NXT into signing past-their-prime traitors to open up spots for new talent back home while giving the industry more prestige worldwide
>works western fans into feeling guilty for debasing Japanese culture

I post in /oedo/ and love Arisa so this is false


>I post in /oedo/

That's just where we talk about the Tokyo Saiba Sukuwaddo.

Bro, let me tell you something, and bro this is an absolute shoot... I think Arisa is starting to work me into a shoot.

I can't see any other possible winners tonight besides Arisa now that Bea is out of the picture

Her or Hana.

Attached: 1555006061732.jpg (4032x3024, 2.88M)

The fact that you thought Beatrice had a chance of winning, quite frankly, makes your judgement completely worthless.

Arisa is tall. She will produce strong sons for me. She is a suitable vessel.

She was runner up last year and one of their top pushed stars. Who the hell are you?

>cute smile
>cute snaggletooth
>relentlessly happy
>legs for days
she's the total package

god i wish that were me

If this is Tam's actual bedroom, it's as Tamish as I thought it could be. Also she was actually looking for the dress she'll wear at our wedding.

Arisa's mannerisms when fighting Hazuki are almost Ibushi-esque, esp. when she does the zombie-no-selling while smiling.

Based. Agua is the absolute Michaels of these threads. Anyone saying otherwise is just lying to themselves.

yeah they actually watch this shit so I like posting there

I can't believe there are people who still haven't accepted that Hazuki will win Cinderella.

Rebel Kel did an instagram Q&A and got tons of comments about her stinky feet and also stuff about trampling on short men.

She's not into it.

Nobody mentioned her piss.


>gets triggered by people watching stardom



He's starting to spam so he can make the next thread

agua does this every time, don't fall for his bait

Make a TCS OP.

there's a TCS thread for that


new thread



where did it go?

This thread hasn't reached the bump limit
I'll make a new one with the TCS OP when this one bumps if you want

don't bother, agua. we already have the new one





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Are ya ding-dong diddly possessed by a symbiote?

big yen tam living the gimmick