Have a Badd Ass Weekend, Yea Forums

Have a Badd Ass Weekend, Yea Forums

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Based, thanks Take.

Mmmmm, you too.

Thank you Carder

im a neet so weekends are the same as any other day

Based and thank you, Mr. Deadman

Kevin Nash said that the undertaker is gay.

Is there anyone he hasn't said was gay? Awful lot of projection for a guy in a picture sitting on another man's lap

Gracias Enterrador

Thank you, I hope you have a FOXY weekend!

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Shut the fuck up you drunk whore
Based Mean Mark. I want you to know I look forward to this every Friday.

Didn't he get forcibly raped at gunpoint by multiple black men in the summer of ‘92?

Blistering hot scorching summer

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Thanks Mark

Mmmmmmm thanks



how tall are they though? also is Femercringer a dyke?

and I'll always be here to wish you a Badd Ass Weekend every Friday, user.
Keep on rollin' baby.


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Keep on rollin baby

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