Go on Pornhub right now and look at the most trending searches

Go on Pornhub right now and look at the most trending searches

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It wasn't Lana.

>white knight

Your kind deserves to die.

have sex incels

t-t-the girl in the video didn't have a Russian accent

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You first

I fucked last night

Would have been based if it was a real fuck

I just looked up the sauce and the video is five times worse than the screencaps

t. Miroslav

Imagine being this fucking stupid and thinking it was her with that fat disgusting FUPA

Looks good but needed to be a better pov style

fuck you I was one day into my no fap then I went to pornhub to see what you're talking about and I ended up jackin to japanese ladyboys

based taste

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I fucking hate pornhub and porn streaming website, if im in the mood for white guys fucking black chicks and type that into the search engine i should get videos of white guys fucking black chicks. Not black guys fucking white chicks not sissy porn, not something that has nothing to do with white guys fucking black chicks. This is why i used to use tumblr for porn.
God damn streaming porn jews are either incompetent or pushing some sort of agenda. This is why people go full pol tard you know

END rant/

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Japs are the worst ladyboys retard

I don't see anything wrestling related

too much of a simp to type "wmbf"

>implying i dont try all combinations and study the philosophy of linguistics and the search engines still dont direct me to male niggers.

Bitch, it should be as simple as typing in "white male, black female" i am not the problem, They run a shitty operation and i want nothing to do with it

Ok !

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The bigger problem is that people that upload videos tag them with everything under the sun.

who is this whore? give me some links bros

They call it ebony retard. That is a mostly boring category though.

I don't like pornhub because it's weird to try and have a porn community, especially the freaks who post shit and then talk to their "fans" in the comment section. everyone is getting a little too comfortable with theyselves.

i'd unironically make an account if you could blacklist tags but for some reason you can't to my knowledge
