Stuff that hasn't aged well

In hindsight, they were cringe

Attached: NewAgeOutlaws.jpg (600x558, 33K)

I know you will have trouble believing me my young user, but most fans thought they were cringe at the time they were "popular".

Always were. This is how Nitro kept winning.

Guest host stuff from 2009

Don't need hindsight to know that you're a faggot.

cool it with the homophobic remarks

Yes they were
Still somehow less cringe than the original DX tho

Thats was cringe in 2009 too. Nobody liked that shit. This was about the time i started watching wrestling again after years not watching since the attitude era died out when i was in middle school.

still better than modern wrestling

This thread needs to be nuked.

Anybody who watches today's product with Becky and Kofi as the main draws deserves ZERO right to criticize anything that came before it.


kill yourself faggot

i always hated that faggot road dogg even more nowerdays

No, they really weren't.

yeah they really were

Back then, we had a higher tolerance for cringe, because people were happy.

Maybe it was you that was the cringe all along along the way.

This is true and sad.

New Age Outlawz were cool OP you gaylord

nah they were pretty cringe

You have to be 18+ to post here, OP.

Bob Barker was based though.

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I'll back this up. They were entertaining at the time, actually all of the DX skits were, even katey vick, but watching it you knew it was just childish horseshit.

NAO and Chyna were the only good bits of DX. Hunter was cringe, cokehead Michaels was sad to see, and Xpac was just sleazy as fuck.

It was dumb how they were booked so strong, but they both did the "mischievous" part of DX quite well.

Its kind of a nice story. They went from mid-card dancing gimmick jobbers that were going nowhere into almost overnight successes that went over the Road Warriors and cemented a place in the Attitude era

Exactly. They were booked as a tag team, and that's what made it work. All the best tag teams are better than the sum of their parts. So Road Dogg and Billy could believably beat a team made of two guys that neither could beat individually, because they were a solid team.

>cokehead Michaels was sad to see
That was peak HBK

Nah, it wasn't.

Then what was?

If only you were alive when they were together.

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They were always cringe next to the based nWo

They seemed cool then. Watching it now, they're shit.

DX was only based until WM14 and then during the 2000 reboot. Everything else was cringe

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American Badass Undertaker was based for the time but cringe looking back. Big Evil Undertaker is still based

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