For me, it's Masambula. Also, why not, old British wrestling thread

For me, it's Masambula. Also, why not, old British wrestling thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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4x champ Ngubu could outwork Masambula on any day that ends in y.

Reminder that Kendo Nagasaki was Lee Rigby's uncle.

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every time I see some old food product that no longer exists I get annoyed I didnt get to try it out.
....nevermind I googled the product still exists. ordering some daddies ketchup

Put the fork down, fatty

>Reminder that Kendo Nagasaki was Lee Rigby's uncle.
Should have taught him how to defend himself proper then instead of letting him get worked over by ISIS markets.

>ordering some daddies ketchup
The only acceptable Daddies is the brown sauce. Their red sauce is worse than the supermarket value stuff.
What a promo. He should be teaching at the PC.

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>every time I see some old food product that no longer exists I get annoyed I didnt get to try it out

For me, it's Josta. I remember seeing this shit all the time when I was like 8 years old in 97, but was too scared to try something different. Now I'll never know what that kick of gurana in a carbonated beverage tasted like. Feels bad man.

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The absolute state of British wrestling.

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>died of AIDS after going to prison for molesting young boys in Spain
Did anyone keep kayfabe alive as well as Vippond?

Protecting the business till the end

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Based Shirley protecting the kiddies from Jimmy.

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Jesus fuck British people really are dumb how could you look at old Jim'll and think he's NOT going to try to jingle jangle your kid?

ding-dong diddly based johnny k

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For me, its the absolute unity Danny Lynch.

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Attached: Johnny Kwango vs Sid Cooper.jpg (800x572, 60K)
You ever been on the British Wrestlers Reunion website just to look at the photos? Imagine wandering into a pub and this lot are staring you down.

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You just know...

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this thread is based, I made one like this a year or two ago and pulled much of my information and pics from if any of you lads are interested in this stuff

BLACK FUCKING BUTCHER JOHNSON (raped Kevin Nashs' grandfather in the Summer of 1949)

Attached: Black Butcher Johnson 3.jpg (270x506, 33K)

Attached: Honey Boy Zimba.jpg (736x525, 50K)

Attached: Al Vipond.jpg (200x308, 26K)

Attached: Johnny Kincaid.jpg (800x1050, 213K)