Where they really a ding-dong diddly draw?

Where they really a ding-dong diddly draw?

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based thread

Rome is still drawing dimes to this day. Carthagetty needs to be destroyed.

Johanetty can’t make a game as good as Chris King did with Victoria II. Still seething to this day.

The biggest draw of all time brother. Their breakup angle set the industry back a thousand years.

>playing as Rome
Big yikes from me dawg, I always go with an underdog faction

give an example of someone on the undercard and i'll play them

how's the game?

Needs more time in developmental

God this game looks so fucking bad, every cool action is about saving up enough points to do it.

>when you're still stuck playing the og Rome Total War and have no time for these fancy ass HD zoomer new Rome

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It's no real times battle Rome.
So you are only mucking on strategy map (which I prefer)

so a Paradox game

carthage screwed carthage

Reminder that Caesar Augustus was anally raped in the summer of 29BC.

Kek what a Gaul

First Rome best Rome

How is Europa Barbarorum still not stable to this fucking day? I wouldn't play anything else if I there was at least a chance of this stupid mod not crashing after a battle. But it happens 100% of the time.

>50 years short of Alexanderr

Is this game based or cringe?

Don't know, haven't had time to try it out yet.
I want to finish my Mali EU4 playthrough before.

cool i might leave it a year while i continue playing eu iv


we were the biggest draw in history

It's PDX so it's a little bit of both.

So far it's pretty much what I wanted and expected though. Prepare for 1 gazillion dlcs tho

Depends how you play PDX games.
I am willing to play them in vanilla states and when they come out with patches I go and get the patch without DLC to see how it changes the gameplay.
But I am a fucking weirdo, so what do I know.

Holy based

For me it's playing Victoria 2 as the Sikh states, trying to kick the English out and then realising it's a lot easier to just westernise and invade west Africa instead. Sikh Cameroon baby.

have sex, ya roman simp

fuck off back to Plebianit.

>Most successful global expansion
>Got the pajeet market Vince craves
>Used the continent of Australia as developmental
>Kept finding itself booked to be on the winning side of world conflicts
>Somehow worked all the foreign countries to learn English so they didn't have to bother teaching second languages properly
>Kept booking itself as a top guy for centuries.
>Takes everyone else's stuff, puts it in the British museum, charges you extortionate London prices to go on holiday and look at an artifact from your own country and then refuses to give it back because they made the rules when they first took it and they say those Greek marbles are in fact British.
>Has GOAT Baby-face Scotland Vs Heel England feuds
>Buried France so many times because they knew the frog manlets were B+ at best
>Had dimes heel run getting China addicted to opium so they could sell it to them
>Was based when they refused to terminate the Falklands contract.

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cringe now but based in a year probably


>Buried France so many times because they knew the frog manlets were B+ at best
To be fair, given how hard France reemed them during the Middle Ages Era by the time Napoleon left to do indie shit in St Helena it was atleast 50/50 booking, Britain just finished the feud on a good run of victories.

What mod is that? I like that UI

>Not starting as Byzantium

>Describes 70% of all games

Do you know how games work?

Not a mod, they just released a new game yesterday.

Not a mod brah. New game came out yesterday

So I've learned.

I'm still bouncing back and forth between EU4 and Stellaris so I'll probably pick it up when they have enough patches and DLC to make it a time sink.

>got their asses whooped by some farmers in America

It's kind of hard to explain what I mean. Like, it seems from the gameplay videos that doing a lot of stuff relies on you spending 'military points' or 'culture points' instead of a less gamey and immersion destroying way.

>got revenge and wrecked the rebel nations shit in 1812

Not even. It was a draw. The most they did was stop from losing Canada too.
Jokes on them, because now they're stuck with Canada.

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Imagine being Rome in that time and having to be al like damn, Byzantinetty , you fuckin' badass, all cool with your butchered up language and horrific ugly fucking brown people I would totaly have put you over, both my province and the whole empire. when all they really want to do is conquer lands and rape barbarian women. Like seriously imagine having to be Rome and not only sit in that throne while Byzantine faunts his DUDE ORTHADOX RELIGION LMAO indie chill vibes
the favorable lighting barely concealing his brown skin and roach like face, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that embarrassing promo. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's THE REAL ROMAN EMPIRE and DAMN, BYZANTINE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his Ottoman indie shitter fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been ingesting nothing but a healthy diet of Europes finest wines, fishoil and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Rome Italy. You've never even seen anything
this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his dimpled brow as he sucks it in to attempt being alpha, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "Greek (for that is
what he calls himself) image, the image he worked so hard for with indie feds in the previous years And then the Emperor calls for you to change the subject, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the town guard could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking only Roman Empire. You're not going to lose your legacy over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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I don't the game yet but I'm planning on playing on the Iberian peninsula, always a overlooked promotion

Rome draws plenty of Denarius, Carthagetty and Egyptetty dont have shit on the SPQR

Wait for the first 7 dlcs and then five it a try.