Already losing in house shows

>already losing in house shows
Haitch knew Kairi was the real star so he always protected her to the very end. But Io is completely expendable.

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she's winning the strap at the next takeover, user


Lo needs to put the crack pipe down before Haitch will consider putting her over

Didn't she just move to America to expand her drug smuggling operation from Mexico and Japan to include America too?

>losing in your NXT run

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io lost the mae young final though

well they couldn't exactly have a japanese woman win it two years in a row. otherwise, io would have won.

Io should always have a fringe. She looks bad when that five head is exposed.

Io was supposed to lose to Tegan Nox in the quarter final but she got hurt in a match with Rhea

>losing your title and spot on the main card on the go home show to Wrestlemania

Attached: fatsuka cringe.gif (500x278, 2.27M)

>losing to Sonya Belair

Attached: 413.png (240x313, 92K)

>Korra? Orra? ORRRRRA?!

And Rhea and Io didn't work out really good match, because they weren't able to have enough time beforehand to plan it out.

to be fair it was their 3rd match of the day.

Nah, I am not saying anything bad about it.
It's just that Io was saying everything good she had for the Tegan Nox match. And because she was beating Rhea, it made no sense use it in their match and in the end it was sort of a plodding affair.

kys virgin

That's a lo blow user

what did you mean by this

Sonya will complete the humiliation by domme-ing Kairi.

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my point was that io already isn't on some monster winning streak atm so getting beaten by sonya deville isn't some massive burial. and honestly sonya needs all the help she can get since she's been hanging on by a thread for years now

Who cares? Lo would willingly lose every match in 10 seconds if it meant getting called up to the main roster faster over winning a developmental title and getting stuck there for years.

I like her five head so fuck off