Now that the dust has settled just exactly what the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: katie-vick.jpg (532x355, 48K)

Shock tv

2002 was a different time OP, also that TV-14 rating

performance art

and it was a different time, people got the joke back then. Nowadays everything is some political or social statement.

I don't known why katie vick in particular is remembered like this. Ruthless Aggression had a bunch of shit just like this. Snitsky killing making Lita have a miscarriage and then punting a baby, working Eddie's death into an angle, Dawn Marie's dad, etc

Even at the time, everyone hated it. People started calling it the worst segment in Raw history, literally the next day.

And considering Triple H's reign of terror was three years of pure shit, that was a pretty impressive feat.

They were trying to do Russo-like shock TV except without the actual entertainment factor
Compare it to the Mae Young hand segment. While that was just as gross and "wtf" it was also actually funny. Katie Vick was just groan-inducing cringe

Nice user

>Russo-like shock TV
>entertainment factor

>I don't known why katie vick in particular is remembered like this
I think part of why it was viewed as especially terrible was because it tainted Kane's whole gimmick, which was well-loved by fans
Remember, they were initially trying to sell this shit as a serious revelation of his past. An allegation that someone who was already known to be a tortured soul but was still loved by fans anyway, had murdered a woman then had sex with her corpse. That was a hard pill to swallow. Even in kayfabe, nobody wanted to learn that their favorite Big Red Machine did something that serious
Then to top it all off with that stupid was too terrible and cringe even by pro wrestling standards

Russo hit the mark 9/10 when it came to entertaining shock tv angles
His only two problems was an obsession with work-shoots, and swerves
If he could have just put those 2 things in check he would have been the undeniable GOAT

I bet you any ammount of money that this was all Cunter's idea. This looks like his type of humor and I bet he seethes at the fact that it's universally regarded as a steaming pile of shit.

It didn't make any fucking sense. This was apparently Kane's gf even though Kane's first gf is supposed to be Tori. And they said Kane was in college even though before Kane was brought to the WWF he was a mute in a mental institution. It was just dumb all around.

You know when you and your mates are joking around (just imagine you have friends for this exercise), and you're on the bants and it's getting a bit edgy. Then the one retarded mate that no-one really likes jumps in all like "yeah yeah, and get this..." and just chats some shit and tasteless shit and ruins the whole mood?

That's Trips getting the Attitude era wrong every time he tried.

according to gaytch it was vince's idea. apparently he was just off screen yelling at gaytch to hump harder. personally these seems like something straight from the mind of king autismo himself vince. remember this is the same guy that wanted kane to have a 3 foot dick in see no evil.

>Russo hit the mark 9/10
go away, Vince

bumpin non gook threads

The Hand segment was about burying Mark Henry because they fucked up and gave a green kid that was injured way to often a 10 year contract. He was a LOOONNGG way away from Hall of Pain back then

Still the worst segment I have ever seen in wwe. Not that it was just cringe, but it went on for waaaaay too fucking long! The segment was like 5 minutes long, if it were a minute maybe it wouldn't have been as bad.


When I imagine what man-drama skit I'd be the most embarrassed to show non-fans, this has got to be it. Runners up are the Mae Young Hand and a doctor pulling all sorts of items out of "JR's" ass.

Why would they even say Kane went to college? What the fuck sense does that even make? If anyones life story should be "literally doing this carny shit since i was old enough to fight" it should be him. Picturing 19 yo k/v Kane seething in his leather mask because his face is all fucking burned trying to get to class on time kills the entire gimmick.

>doctor pulling all sorts of items out of "JR's" ass.
that one was based tho

lmao imagine having an english class with the big red machine

i don't know everyone acts like this is so bad.
it was funny as fuck and i enjoyed it.

wrestling is fake get over it dorks

>it was funny as fuck
go to bed paul

Two parts of this were funny. The first was where obviously-HHH-in-a-Kane-mask sticks his head into the room and goes "HELLO? IT'S ME, KANE." The second was when, after what felt like 90 minutes of the least amusing skit ever, it cuts back to HHH--and no one else, in the entire arena--doubled over laughing at his own "screwed your brains out" joke.

you didn't giggle when H said
"omg i fucked your brains out"

that shit was funny

i gotta admit him poking his head in was pretty funny

Attached: hyde.png (779x562, 653K)

>its poetry day
>teacher picks kane because he is 7 feet tall and wearing a one armed singlet
>warms up voice modulator
>kanes 1st words since being burned were supposed to be "SUCK IT" on Raw but whatever
>raises arms
>lights turn red
>pyro shoots out of teachers desk
>menacingly walks out of the room at .25 mph

Attached: kane.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

does his theme play and pyro go off when he walks into the classroom?