Will you cry when he dies?

Will you cry when he dies?

Attached: nash-kevin-image.jpg (300x300, 19K)

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I’ll cry as much as he did in the shower after he was raped lol

I will post a cum tribute

yep tears of joy

No, wasn't a fan anyways and crying over celebrities is a sign of excess estrogen.

Hopefully whoever the mod of asp has the good character to play this on a loop


>implying nu4chan staff, like nuWWE staff, still even wants fun

kek what a bitch

I die when he cries

Attached: Nash faggot.png (720x684, 283K)

Is he alive?

They're going to do him like this doing an beatbox version of the Wolfpac theme

Attached: untitled-1.gif (540x304, 1.27M)

I have some sort of sociopath thing going on, i didn't cry at anyone's funeral including best friend and closest relative. I know I should feel or have felt sad but I couldn't and kind of feel resentful towards my own brain. So no I will not cry.

I’ll use my tears to lube up for one final assfucking

Crying is for the weak. Appreciate his contributions , if you watched wcw in 90d then you saw vintage Nash. His x division run in TNA was pretty based too though. I guess you could add in his feud v CM Punk as well. He's a legend. He didn't get raped in summer of 92. Stop devaluing this man.

That's a yikes from me dawg. Stop being such an edgelord.

no but i will laugh and shitpost here everytime wolfie makes a thread

I wonder what would Wolfcuck do

I have an actual mental deficiency, I wish I could stop being an edgelord.

hopefully an heroe

Yuck. Take a pill for it or something.

I will when his grave is desecrated by necrophiliacs in the hot Summer of '22

No, I will start calling him "Coffin Trash"

These boomers everytime

Attached: 1484211035986.jpg (225x257, 20K)

I cried when the golden era died. Hes already been dead to me. Who wants to watch some old boomer, its just sad. Like an old sled dog that wants to pull lead pack but keeps getting outran by younger, faster, hungrier dogs 2 rows back. Now Nash in his prime obviously was the total package, most of these mark ass zoomer wrestlers cant use a mic or even have an idea of basic psychology.


Yes, his boi pucci won't be nice, warm, and tight anymore

yeah because anytime I think of Nash I laugh so hard tears come out