Why do people judge wwe wrestlers matches so harshly when they wrestle 4x times a week and indie wrestlers/njpw...

Why do people judge wwe wrestlers matches so harshly when they wrestle 4x times a week and indie wrestlers/njpw wrestlers have weeks if not months to prepare for one match ?

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It's almost as if you know absolutely nothing about wrestling...

>why do people judge Hollywood movies so harshly when they shoot them for months at a time and spend so much money on advertising
I don't know, user.

I don't understand why people judge matches. They're the least important part of wrestling.

So...ubiquity means it should be shit? What are you trying to say here?

>I don't understand why people judge matches. They're the least important part of wrestling.
You're a special kind of stupid.

t. "work rate" smart mark

I'm just stating a basic fact of wrestling. Money is made in personalities and their clashes. The straight wrestling part is just undercard shit.

Matches are part of the story of the character.
Handwaving them away is stupid. Same as handwaving away promos or acting outside of the ring. It is all the part of the story.

No, the matches don't matter. The biggest draws in wrestling had standard matches that drew well because of their character. See Hogan, Nash, Austin, Rock, Cena.

because fans care about their personal enjoyment and not how many shitty matches someone can cram into a calendar year

Go away, Vince

>I'm just stating a basic fact of wrestling. Money is made in personalities and their clashes.
Yes, the clash that needs to be resolved by the simulated violence in the ring. A match.
Without that resolution, why do you have a ring? Why do you even have a pro-wrestling show?

Thought you could get away with slipping that in there didn't ya.

Yes, but the match just needs to hit a few standard points and it all works out. If the motherfucker is over the crowd will eat up anything.
Bigger draw than The Rock or Eddie Guerrero.

matches are important.

Cool moves and gymnastics not at all

The match is just what you build to and sell, but you don't get there without it. That's like saying the lay up is more important than the hop, skip, and jump that precede it.

Ever tried taking your head out of your ass and taking a good look around?
Hogan is the only one you may have a point on and even then his style of match was over and a big part of the character. Hulking up was what got all the cheers from the crowd.

And all Austin had to do was take a bit of a beating, then hit his signatures and win. He was worse than Hogan, though, since his matches needed cheap shit like interference and weapons to get over.

>the match is what you sell
>but it's not important

>wah wrestling changed since i was a kid

>Yes, but the match just needs to hit a few standard points and it all works out. If the motherfucker is over the crowd will eat up anything.
There are more than one way how to get someone over. Steamboat was over and his promos were pure steaming pile of shit. But his wrestling (and now, please read - whole physical aspect of it, not if he can hit some nine rotation moonsault) let you buy into this character, because he acted the way his character would, if he was a movie character, but you were watching him there and then live, in front of your eyes.
That's what I mean by wrestling and a match.
If you take a look at highly rated matches from past few years, those that connected the most with people were two really, really physically talented actors acting out their conflict via simulated fight scene.
The people around them bought into the narrative they setup before the match, doesn't matter if it was by vignettes, promos, thrash talk in previous matches, run-ins, beatdowns, whatever you have and cheered and booed accordingly.
They bought into the characters and were living and dying on their successes and failures.
That's what good match is. If you are able to put away your ego, go into the match and let two talented performers get you into the story they are telling with their bodies.
That's why those are rated highly.

The finished product is never important, the part you have to get right is building it. The match is the easiest part to get right. Build it properly and you basically can't fuck it up.
>Steamboat was over
I'm going to stop reading here.

I'd like to add to my point - matches are the most important part of wrestling, because that is the culmination of the clash. And that is what makes customers pay you money. Because they want to see the culmination. Build is good and fine, but there is a reason why in the past TV was full of build and actual matches happened on PPV. Because you had to PAY to see the matches.

>I'm going to stop reading here.
Yeah, because you do not want to think about stuff and only like to repeat your tired points that you have been given by shoot promos of the wretlers, right?

Because WWE sucks, AEW RULES

AEW will literally take all your best wrestlers and make them 5-star match machines, you can witness us become the greatest promotion ever from your retirement home grandad, WWE is dead and sucks

No, but because Steamboat was not a draw. WCW did horrible business with him on top. Absolutely terrible. Wrestling promotions only need one star and it will make all the boys underneath seem like stars. The WWF had Hogan, so guys like Steamboat, who normally couldn't draw dime, looked like big stars and got a lot of attention. But when he was on his own, as the main attraction, he couldn't draw. Look, everyone likes the trapeze artist, some might even look forward to him, but if you put him on his own it won't draw a dime. You need the lion tamer at the top of the card to truly draw in the people.

I didn't say he was a draw. I said he was over.
I can tell you that Kofi is over, but at the same breath I can tell you he is not over.
Those things don't have to be the same.

>I said he was over.
That is what a draw is, over. The undercarders aren't over. Do you know what you're talking about?

Over = being cheered or booed
Draw = guy who people go to see win or get beaten and pay money for a ticket.
Examples of over = Kofi getting the pop at WM
Examples of draw = Wrestlemania tiself

>Over = being cheered or booed
Get back behind the rail, mizark.

Also, let's take a look at you derailing the conversation. Good on you! Glad I stopped myself. Would have wasted more time trying to talk to you, because I can see you are not interested in genuine discussion and will try to catch me on some perceived wrong facts or something like that.
Have a nice day, user!

Just learn some more and come back when you know what insider terms actually mean.


go back to where ya came from e drone

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