Fuck lads, please say it ain’t so. Did kofi really kill him?

Fuck lads, please say it ain’t so. Did kofi really kill him?

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I'm gonna kms myself if he's forced to retire again

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Kofetty trying to imitate Bryan's kick to the head was completely dumb. He surely knew Bryan had a history with head injuries. Not even the first time he gives head injuries to people.

I hope Vince buries the fucker. Having him lose to Nak this Tuesday would be good start. Then take the strap off him by the PPV before he injures anyone else.



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Smarks did this. They pushed for Kofi to win and killed their God in the process. Nothing is given without payment.

Bryan wss yelling at him to do it

>Still getting worked by these
cringe and simppilled, maybe it was something else but it definitely wasn't this shit


Said it before: this video cuts out a few of the stomps.
Not saying it WAS the stomps, or even Kofi, but the first few were notably stiffer. This video's a bad sample.

Payment for all the years of mediocre white men keeping black folk down in media.

reminder kofi isnt a safe worker and should have been fired years ago

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At least he went out in a blaze of glory, his last run was great

>you now remember Kofi has injured Bryan, Miz, Randy, Ali, etc

It was okay. We got a couple of good matches with him and Styles and a good Lesnar match. It was disappointing, however, that his last WM match wound up being served putting over Kofi fucking Kingston. All the guys on the roster, and that's the last Bryan match we get. What a shame.

He concussed Punk and broke Rusev's nose.

>tfw we never got face Miz v heel Bryan
I didn’t think that was too much to ask, damn

Modern-day smarks are fucking morons, and they've almost turned me completely off wrestling. They apparently completely missed the point of Bryan's story five years ago, and felt that Kofi Kingston was a good substitute for Bryan in the story.

They failed to see the key difference past their desire for politically correct bullshit, though, and that is that Kofi Kingston had not been stuck in the midcard for the prior 10 years because he wasn't perceived as someone who could be portrayed as the 'face' of the company; Kofi was put in that spot because he is SHIT. Daniel Bryan is good; Kofi Kingston IS SHIT.

Some guys have pushes killed because they are shit, and Kofi was one of them. So it comes as no surprise that in his crowning moment, when pushed above his level, he didn't look after his opponent and ended his career. All the work Bryan did in that much to put him over, too, and yet nu-smarks will continue to cheer Kofi just because his skin happens to be black.

No proof has yet to be presented.
And as the old adage goes
>If Bryan told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?
Kofi is allegedly a grown man and an experienced wrestler and should know what's best for his competitor and shouldn't be stomping on his head even if in the heat of the moment Bryan commanded him to.

>meh, it was okay I guess, we got a couple of sort of good matches even with him

Just shut the fuck up you phony ass-kisser.



The hemp belt til retirement was fantastic. It’s really too bad that kofi killed him. There were so many good matches left to be had. A Bryan Buddy match would’ve been dimes

I'm gonna say it. Fuck niggers and fuck all of you smarks who wanted Kofi to become WWE champion.

Bryan is always the ring general with anyone except Cena, so I don't doubt he was telling Kofi everything, but it doesn't matter, if I tell you to do a powerbomb and you drop me on my head you can't be like 'well you told me to!' You should know how to do the damn move. Obviously Bryan told him what to do before the match so he should know how to do the stomps. But I honestly don't have any idea if the stomps connected or Bryan is injured, just my opinion anyways.

Well, there goes the last bit of genuine enjoyment I got out of the WWE.

>Bryan's last ever match wasted on Kofi fucking Kingston
>Will never ever get Nak vs DBry
I will never forgive Plebbit for this

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>implying nak vs dbry wouldnt have killed him

>2019 Nak
Dude works a style about as hard-hitting and dangerous as Hillbilly Jim.

I was wondering why it cut to Xavier

>gets injured
>gets injured
>gets injured

Maybe the problem isnt Daniel Bryan's opponents...

Based Kofi taking out the whiteoids one by one

>wrestles shitter
>gets injured
Rinse repeat

>Daniel Bryan signs new contract
>Roman Reigns crosses over to SD
>Bryan is 'injured' again



Dude, Kofi is a machine built to injure wrestlers.
Dude was made in a fucking lab to hurt wrestlers.
Think of how many times he fucks up, dude does not have the skill.
Ever see where he kicked miz so hard that I am surprised Miz didnt just fuckin die on tv.
Shemus and Bryan out, their last matches against Kofi.
its just fuckin simple dude.

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>We lost the most kino heel of the whole decade, just so some stupid annoying shuckin' and jivin' nigger who is mediocre at everything he does can throw more pancakes around and dance like a retard all the while making a disgrace of the belt
lmao this company is dead. They fucked themselves over for the sake of a few SJW brownie points. I hope it was worth it.

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why is bryan so weak and frail?

this, imagine being so weak you can't work stiff. kek. Vader pushed his fucking eye back into his skull, these pussies can't even take a kick to the face.

>Booking a guy whose had concussion issues to receive multiple head stomps
WWE genuinely does not give a fuck about the health of their fans.

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/aspol/ 4 life ya simp go back to /wooo/ if you want a nigger supporting community

No. Deal, or Cope as it were, with a Black World Champ. So keep seething!

>every regressive meme is just "no u"

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Probably because he worked stiff his whole career and his body can't take it anymore.
>Vader pushed his fucking eye back into his skull
>Bryan separated his shoulder in a match with Cabana, carried the jew for 45 min with one arm.
>Detached retina in a match Morishima.

>We didn't get The Demon Finn Balor vs The Planet's Champion Daniel Bryan
It's not fair

Clearly has never been kicked in the face

>tfw this may have been peak Bryan, but because kofi is a shitter, every potential bit to draw dimes going forward has come to a hault
It’s not fair bros

> The only ting oi care about is kick'n yore focken 'edd aff

Go back to /wooo/ and suck Celt's dick

This. Kofi's win was a far cry from Benoit/Eddie/Christian/Bryan types finally getting there.

No, faggot.

You're the faggot who wants to suck Celt's dick

>Nakamura will never get his match against bryan



>Niggers are cannibals

You seem like an angry person

You seem like you are a faggot

>admitting to repressed homosexuality in your first anger filled reply

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That's not how it works, faggot

>continuing to angrily post about homosexuality
please do go on, subconsciously reveal more to me about yourself........

>editing out the first couple of stomps


Attached: my head hurts.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Please refrain from using slurs. Blacks or homosexuals are perfectly fine words to use if you must use them.

I like how you can see Daniel nod after the 2nd one, like "keep going"

>pseudo psychology geek

Yeah that's gonna be a cringe from me

Eat shit you nigger faggot

Bryan is insane and I fully believe he intends on dying in the ring.

I accept your admission of defeat.
Now go take a long honest look at yourself and just admit the truth to yourself. You'll be a lot less angry once you just accept it.

Please go reddit faggot

t. gay nigger faggot

Kofi also injured Sheamus recently and forced him into early retirement, hence why Cesaro was randomly thrown in an angle with Rusev and Nakamura.

Am I missing anyone else he killed?

WWE's ratings and live attendance, or was that Beko? All the shitters look alike to me.

lel yea true

That was Vince

He doesn’t want to go to Saudi Arabia, ya simp.

Is kofi really the secret demon who is destroying wrestlers careers left and right while disguising himself as a lovable baby face?

Now Yea Forums suddenly likes Bryan again after bitching for years how cringe his fanbase was and how he’s phoned it in since ROH?

You don't have to like a wrestler to not want to see their career ended by injury. No one should want that to happen to anyone.

Good post. Kofi was too excited about his own success and ruined another man's career. WWE need to take the title off of him before he strikes again. Eventually he'll cripple everyone and have to have another endless feud with Dolph Ziggler.

>tfw Dolph is one of my favorite wrestlers
>tfw his booking has been consistently shit for 15 years
>tfw he’s a perennial lowcard jobber
feels bad to watch him suck for a decade

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>says this on the same board that has daily wrestlers whose careers should suffer a career or potentially life threatening injury

I’m sure they mean well


smelly ugly nigger

Daniel is a bingo hall manlet antidraw and I'm glad he's gone

This, can't wait till this indie shitter benoits brie and birdy

it was unfair that they allowed the match to go ahead. King Kofi doesn’t deserve to be working with an injured bitch

Muh dick, that's beautiful

He then raises his hand to tell Kofi to stop and the dumb twat keeps stomping away

youtube.com/watch?v=-3MX5nyk3hk&feature=youtu.be&t=129 I guess AJ is telling him to stop here too, or maybe that's just what you do when you have a free hand in that situation

Yes and as we all know AJ has a career ending and possibly life threatening proclivity to head injuries and had to retire for 3 years due to it.
When Bryan does it Kofi ought to realise that it generally signals 'enough'

Kofi gave Punk his career ending concussion as well at that Royal rumble. dangerous worker

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The fucking mind control to even suggest for a second that the storyline of Kofi being the one numales SJWs wanted to win matches real life. You Danielle cultists just can't handle him losing ANYTHING EVER and we know this from experience.


Have sex

Kofi dangerous and should drop belt to Miz or fandango asap maybe jinder

Absolutely true.

Source I got told me DB suffered a neck injury. It's not his head


Its him

lol you faggots are so easily worked

this is a work to keep him out of action for a while so he doesn't have to go to Saudi. he'll probably come right back into the title picture as soon as they get back from saudi.

Apparently Vince doesn't like injury prone wrestlers, and in this case I can totally see why. Brian's brain must be made out of jelly. He can barely walk 2 feet without getting concussed.

Nah he’s hurt dude. He wasn’t gonna go to SA no matter what

based and langanpilled

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