Based promo. Give goldy the strap

Based promo. Give goldy the strap.

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First time these faggots actually got my interest. So Dustin is done with the e? If you put them in the back of a semi truck, you've got all my dimes.

>“I know everything there is to know about my little brother, Cody,” Dustin said. “And he is one egotistical son of a bitch. So many times that I’ve told him how proud I am of him. How much I love him. And how dad would be proud of him and everything that he’s accomplished. Never, not one time, never, has he said ‘thanks man, I really do value your opinion. You’re wonderful. I love you to death.’”
Based and storytellingpilled

Was good until he put the Smash Bros player 2 Goldust paint on, in case you don't know who Cody's brother is.

Holy fuck now i have a little bit of interest in this tranny promotion.

^ state of these simps interested in fucking GOLDUST


If you were over 18 you'd know Goldust was half-decent for one short period during the AE and never ever again.

>was half-decent for one short period during the AE
You're a simp that was getting worked hard back then by big dimes Goldust, aren't you?

he was entertaining long before the AE ya ding-dong diddly simp

when ya 2 faggot sons aren't main eventers ... thats hard times daddeh

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feels good to be a aewchad

We already had this match.

>Suddenly everybody is a Gold- Dustin Rhodes fan now

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>you now remember this match already happened in a throwaway match buried by the buildup for WM31

>yesterday there were fags that thought that this wouldn't be the match


It's a meme federation, he can come out with a strap and say he's the champion of the androgynous division or the international buttfucking flaming faggot champion. When your fed has no cred you can basically do what ever carny shit you want, like hire trannys, sell stuffed replicas of your dog or put your pet house nigger in charge of marketing. I can't wait to see them try to do this on a weekly basis instead of 2x a year. This shit is gonna flop so hard when they get a .06 rating and big daddy Khan finds out they're paying some curtain jerker woman the same as Jericho because 'muh diversity and equality'.
The money marks will smarten up even if it takes their tv deal being cancelled 4 months in and another $100 million dollar cash infusion

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>143.000 views already

>implying Cody and Dustin are the same people as Stardust and Goldust
Fucking marks these days I swear.

It really is a good promo, and I love me a good promo. But can they actually pull off a great match? And I'm not talking about flippy shit, I mean a real great match.

It is storytelling bro.
Dusty was never there for Dustin but was playing family later with Cody and his mother.
If he uses the Stardust gimmick in some form to trigger Cody I am in.
This one promo has more story in it than a year of wwe booking.
It is not to sell Golddust as some kind of big star or maineventer i think it is the first step to establish Cody as the top heel.

The ol' I'm jealous our rich and famous daddy spent more time with you, angle... How compelling. Can't wait for this to be episodic.

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>bleeping Stardust
Fucking lol.

LOL no

>But can they actually pull off a great match?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these two lifelong shitters who have ridden their Papa's coattails their entire careers and never had a must see match between the two of them, won't suddenly have some synergistic quality that elevates them past the sum of their parts.
>solve for ---X---
1x+1x= shit match
>X=shitter wrestler.

Maybe because it's an actually fucking interesting storyline for Dustin who hasn't been used right for more than a DECADE. So we're happy to see him finally get a high profile match.

Still better than running Naito vs Ibushi 3 times in a month.

interesting isnt it

Real life story lines are the best.
What was a good storyline in your opinion in the last 2 years on wwe tv?

That was surprisingly based. So far the only match I'm looking forward to happens to be based on story. Who would've thought?

>establish Cody as the top heel
Why would you establish someone who can't wrestle a good match to save his life as the top heel?

A heel shouldn't be doing flashy/great moves that pop the crowd.

>Planets champion
>Miz vs Shane
>Murphy's run
>Iron sheiks Twitter
>Lesnar vs anybody
>Cancer boy comeback

All infinitely more entertaining than daddehs bleached blonde shitter son vs his 50+ y/o brother in a winner takes all the tshirt profits match.

I already saw this match on WWE Raw like 5 years ago.

>WWE match in WWE-Lite


>excited for Stardust vs Goldust 2: Hotdog boogaloo

AEW marks are d-definitely NOT E-Drones!

Not remotely, drone.

Based promo, but that shitty face paint has got to go. Why can't he just be Dustin?

Because he books the show hand is his daddys son.
Dusty booked himself in the mainevent all the time.

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>b-b-b-but muh workrate 5 starszzz

>never had a must see match

the goldust/dustin runnels v val venis feud was based and dimes, user

worked and seething

its laughable how aew are pretending to be goldust fans

It's amazing how the fuck they goes full fucking retard in under a year.
I know it's only the bucks and cody jerking off each other but holy fuck who want a Cody vs Goldust match lmao