why do you guys dislike women wrestlers when they are the ones keeping the spirit of pro wrestling alive while all the guy wrestlers are generic flippy hipsters?
Why do you guys dislike women wrestlers when they are the ones keeping the spirit of pro wrestling alive while all the...
Because they're weak and sloppy and wrestle in slow motion
>why do you guys dislike women wrestlers
we must not be viewing the same board
I now realise I did NOT understand this gimmick when I was a kid kek.
Most of us don't hate female wrestlers but rather the fact that they're being pushed as being as good as the men when they're simply not, at least in terms of ring work
Most WWE women wrestle slowly compared to the men, botch more frequently than men and have less impressive moves than men, yet they get pushed as being just as good and as important as the men to the point where they get to main event Wrestlemania
What WWE is doing is the equivalent of the NBA forcing half of every team's starters and benches to be WNBA players
Because I can beat the shit out of any woman.
I love Sendai Girls.
Have you seen these dumb bitches on twitter? Have you seen their botching in slow motion?
>more botches
Like wrestlers in the 80s then? I prefer this style over what men are doing right now.
But I love Stardom. Sendai girls, Ice Ribbon and Oz Academy too sometimes when I find and watch a few matches. WWE women's wrestling isn't worth watching for me, though.
>they are the ones keeping the spirit of pro wrestling alive
No, like children wrestling in a backyard. Women have no athletic ability at all
Wow seeing womeme kick each other in the teeth is awesome!
>Wow seeing womeme kick each other in the teeth is awesome!
Not user you are answering to.
Yes it is. Because I am attracted to women and not men. So I watch women's wrestling. And I want to watch good women's wrestling, because if I watched only for sexual arousal, there is a ton of that stuff on the internet I don't need to watch wrestling.
So in the end, I watch a lot of women's wrestling, cause there are hot women fake fighting each other and telling fun little stories with the fake fighting.
Men's wrestling doesn't have Hana. So women's wrestling wins.
>because if I watched only for sexual arousal, there is a ton of that stuff on the internet I don't need to watch wrestlin
That's exactly why I don't give a shit about women's wrestling. No need to combine wrestling with sexual arousal when men can clearly do the wrestling part better
In WWE at least, women on Raw and Smackdown are forced to hold back to avoid overshadowing the men and pissing off the network suits
Look at any of the matches with good women in PPVs and they're generally higher quality than 90% of the men's matches because they don't get to hold back.
No, Becky and Charlotte are not "good" wrestlers, neither is Sasha or Bayley.
Ember, Ronda, Sarah, Nattie are good
I love women’s wrestling. Any chance to see athletic whores bouncing around in tight clothing is a ding-dong diddly positive in my eyes
>this is what e-drone nu-males believe
They're not being held back, they're just shit.
This is the truth
It's better than seeing them fucking talk for ten minutes then fall over awkwardly
>wrestling for one year
>couple of matches
How are people like this real humans which actually exist.
>why do you guys dislike women wrestlers
because they are the size of luchadores with the speed of hosses
Based reasoning, have a Hana.
There s plenty of fantastic women's wrestling out ther and then theres shit just like men's wrestling on the whole I just want good quality athletic performances not too nnay headlocks(KO I'm lookin at you) and not too many botches (Sasha) if wwe would let io asuka Charles and bianca have a match for a belt that would be amazing instead they keep making Ruby riott appear of every raw GOD WHY
I can deal with female wrestlers doing a bit for ten minutes on Raw. But I don't want matches to surround female empowerment bullshit. Becky Lynch beating up 3 men? Get the fuck outta here! I could single-handedly put her down and make her my little cumslut. Only men's matches are serious. And don't get me started on that fat woman wrestler.
No, they are.
On PPVs or NXT they get to have good matches.
On TV they're not allowed
user, the lady got a good match from Alicia Fox.
She's nothing short of a miracle worker.
ya it's really stupid, while wrestling pro sports I don't think for a second I'd rather be watching woman play baseball/football/etc so i dont see why wrestling is much different
Watching them constantly botch or be too weak to pull off moves with any consistency is really boring after awhile.
>yet they get pushed as being just as important as the men
merch sales, segment ratings, youtube views, social media numbers is why that is.
For example all but 1 of the women's matches from Raw & SD this week have as many or more views than Balor/Almas and Balor/Ali.
>or be too weak to pull off moves
Like how Roman or Undertaker constantly botch despite being "strong"?
Then again I suppose expecting veterans of the industry to be good is just too much?
That always makes me laugh.
>C-charlotte is stronk
>Her power is um WOO
And yet she can't even lift Rondetty with help.
Meanwhile #VikingStrong
There are multiple fuckups in every womans match and they struggle to pull off moves men can do without trying. They're weak and should go back to being ring bimbos. Have sex
As opposed to HBK? Who only go where he was from sucking Vince's dick?
Dude, you hate women - we get it.
No need to project, though.
Except Reigns and Taker don't "constantly" botch like how Becky, Charlotte and Sasha do
That key word right there is the difference
There is clearly a higher rate of botches in women's matches over the men's, this isn't even debatable to anyone who actually watches
Holy shit this thread is like watching someone argue that WNBA players dunk just as much as NBA players, lmao
The absolute delusional STATE of Womeme's revolution defenders
Try watching their PPVs or NXT, user.
Not the TV shows where they're told to hold back and act dainty.
undertaker is a senior citizen and reigns has cancer
but then your saying that if i just watch the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff it will be ok your cherry picking user.
Here is my bone of contention with Womens wrestling, honest thoughts and feedback welcome. (I will use Reddit spacing so calm the fuck down)
Mens wrestling is split into categories depending on size so we have Cruiserweights/Lucha, "Normal"/Avg/MidCard up to Heavyweights (maybe even Super Heavyweight/Fat)
And this changes their ring style and moveset and it makes sense on what we see and what they do in and out of Kayfbe.
This all changes with Womens wrestling and they just do everything/whatever they want despite for the most part being smaller than the smallest Mens equivalent.
The outcome is a confusing mess where the moves don't make sense or just do not look right/fake. An example of all of this is the Spear it looks great when Goldberg/Roman do it as it looks meaty and legit like it hurts but whenb Charlotte or any woman does it iot looks like shit/fake like a midriff clothesline.
The Women seem toi just copy the Men and put no thought/effort into the performance to make it look real/believable and so it';s just a spotfest of moves with no psychology at all.
Just like we ignore the constant fuck ups of Nakamura or AJ despite being "the best".
say it to her face
>constant fuck ups of Nakamura or AJ
Hmm they make mistakes but it;'s not constant user thats where you are starting to talk shit.
and it's far less than Beko and the Womens brigade.
But the funny thing is that she's still weaker than the average man despite having that body
I agree with all of this except Roman's spear is fucking shit too.
Becky has to be one of the shittiest wrestlers who somehow managed to con the marks into thinking she's a good wrestler.
I only dislike some of them, like the fatty you posted
Maybe it was not the best example but if Finn Balor doing a powerbomb is wrong because he is too small and it looks weak then why do we think it's okay for a Woman smaller than him to do it (I do get the person taking the move is also smaller but it does not change the fact it looks fake af)
but yeah thanks user, it's just always glaring to me when a womens follows a cruiserweight match who tone down the power moves then the smaller women come in the ring and start doing heavyweight spots it's just fucking stupid.
I do watch the PPVs and all I see is Botcha and Bagley fucking up every move, Becky crying because she has to take a bump on a ladder, Charlotte botching moonsaults every single fucking time and of course botching the finish of a Mania main event PPV.
On NXT I have to watch Bianca botching going out from the top rope.
I watched some Stardom. Some of the girls are really good, but quite a lot of them are also pretty bad. Same slow pace and level of sloppiness you see from the WWE divas.
Because they're terrible at it and it's distracting them from their true purpose of getting naked and/or fucked on camera so we can have at least some value from watching them.
Mickie's the only really good onethat could potentially make me excited for a match. Unfortunately, she's a jobber.
huh..thats kinda hot
mmm sarah is such a turn on for me..
80s wrestlers were massive and were pumped full of steroids, they had an excuse to be slow
As opposed to now where most of them are just fat fucks