Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat & Jumbo Tsuruta vs Mitsuharu Misawa

Honestly what did boomers (ie Meltzer) see in these matches?
I've literally seen better matches on RAW. The main event of any NXT Takeover blows both of these matches away. I don't see how Misawa/Tsuruta and Flair/Steamboat are "6 star matches"
>"I can't describe just how awesome this was as both a match and a spectacle. Misawa was far and away the most over wrestler on the card. I can't begin to describe the post-match pandemonium but there were people in the crowd literally crying because the match was so good. Misawa was doing an interview in the dressing room after and I cried. Anyway, I'd rate this as a better match than either Flair-Steamboat from Chicago or Nashville. *****+”

Attached: a.webm (640x480, 1.32M)

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nostalgia from when dave still had

Mmmmm bait

90s AJPW is better than anything WWF and WCW ever produced

>Misawa was doing an interview in the dressing room after and I cried
god what a fag

I guess if you like pure wrestling, which I don't.

How about late 80s AJPW?

Attached: genichrio.webm (690x520, 886K)

looks based

>crying over wrestling

At least it wasn't women's wrestling

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these were the first matches to come close to the modern level, ofc they won't be as impressive now since every modern wrestler's watched and learned from them


neck yaself

For me, it's Stan Hansen vs Kenta Kobashi.

Attached: stankenta.jpg (480x360, 29K)

Who even is this

Why do Japs pop for simplistic moves like the clothesline?

They're not movez marks like you

It's all about the feeling in the moment, and then having a match which delivers on that feeling. Jambo (not Jumbo, it's right there on his jacket spelled Jambo) vs Misawa was just a classic piece of wrestling storytelling in front of a hot crowd that appreciated all the action, and then sent them home on an emotional high. Wrestling doesn't get better than that.

Even the promos were based

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I'll write a little more:

This match had the single most electric thing that can occur in a wrestling match, and that is the fans believing that if THEY just believe and cheer hard enough that maybe, just maybe their hero can surmount the impossible odds and defeat an enemy thought undefeatable. This effect is doubled if the match comes not from a desire to see evil defeated, but instead to see good brought in both wrestlers by fighting valiantly and honorably. Think Rocky vs Apollo Creed. For all of Apollo's blustering, he's still not a true villain. He's a warrior too.

Wrestling SORELY misses this right now. That moment where even the heel becomes so hot blooded that he says "OH YEAH, WELL FUCK IT ALL LET'S DO THIS LIKE MEN" and actually wrestles legitimately. You do see it a bit in NXT and the indies, but on the big stage of WWE it's nearly completely absent. Only Cena really seems to "get" this sometimes. Bryan vs Kofi II will probably lean this way if anyone with a brain books that feud.

NJPW actually leans on this too hard to the point where it has lost its power btw. They actually need to pull back and do more straight up "good defeats evil" angles.

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You know the matches people have? Like wrestling matches? The kind that WWE do?

Jumbo Tsuruta invented that. That psychology. A lot of bumping, the match structure, being up off the mat, trading strikes, higher work rate, etc.