Gets a supremacist gimmick

>Gets a supremacist gimmick
>Has potential to get crazy heat
>Redditors cry about it
>WWE strips him of his gimmick
>Now he's a good immigrant who is thankful for all the opportunity hes givin' :)
I fucking hate smarks

Attached: Dominick_Dijakovic_pro.png (1000x707, 450K)

>literally a giant
>can talk
>cool scary voice
>can do flippy shit
can't wait to see how strong he makes roman look

Can you even get heat with smarks these days? I feel like they'd just say they're "uncomfortable" or try to brute force it into being "go away heat" because he's actually boring and totally not working them.

If you know what smark means, you're a smark

What's so annoying is that came up with a clever way of getting around the "hey this is a racist gimmick and is bad" issue by making him "anti-North American" and having him send Twitter attack messages at Trump, Trudeau and the Mexican lad. And yet the hand-wringing internet brigade acted like he walked out there and said "niggers are bad 1488 y'all".

>"go away heat"
That's Lars to a T.
Waiting for the you're a racist/sexist whatever chants.

the only heel that gets heat with the smarks these days is Based Corbin and they still call that go away heat

It wasn't even on tv so who cares. This bitch couldn't take heat from a TWEET so he deleted his twitter. Sgt Slaughter betrayed America and went out there every single night afraid for his life but this little kid can't take some mean posts about him online.

>Gets a supremacist gimmick
>Has potential to get crazy heat
Fuck you, that gimmick would've been lame as shit. "I'm better than you, you're unclean and filthy and you smell." Fucking hack bullshit that people only go to because they can't figure out how to actually write a decent antagonist.

Anti-smark, ya ding-dong diddly dumbass.

I fucking hate how smarks actively try to ruin wrestling for themselves, and then go on the internet and bitch about how they didn't like the show.

Fucking give me your ideas of how you'd make a good antagonist. Fucking tell me. I hear this shit all the time, but no one ever actually says HOW they can implement whatever the smark in question is bitching about.

>Fucking give me your ideas of how you'd make a good antagonist.
Self-righteous prick that complains about how smarks are ruining wrestling by constantly bitching on the internet. The twist is that he lacks the self-awareness to see the irony of the situation.

Yikes friend everyone has to be wrestler who just is happy to be here and loves the sport. Fans are too smart for gimmicks sweetie

Sami Zayn

Modern wrestling face: Happy to be here, wrestled all over the world and ready to see if he has what it takes in the big leagues. Says good things about [Local Sports Team]

Modern Wrestling Heel: Happy to be here, wrestled all over the world and ready to see if he has what it takes in the big leagues. Says bad things about [Local Sports Team]

It would be a platform for hate speech and problematic fans will catch on

>Says bad things about [Local Sports Team]
This would be fine, but what annoys me about it is that it's always "your team sucks". If you're going to go for cheap heat, put some effort into it. The next time you're in Milwaukee, spend five minutes talking about how Mike McCarthy is a fat failure that wasted a generational talent and Aaron Rodgers is a useless diva piece of shit whose knees are shot and his arm is dead and Green Bay fans are a bunch of fat entitled idiots who have had nothing but good quarterbacks for three decades and now they're going to toil in futility while Khalil Mack wins the Bears four Super Bowls.

Just for example.

>Comes up supremacist gimmick
>Has potential to get crazy heat
>Some higher up in WWE hears about
>Strips him of his gimmick
>Now he's a good immigrant who is thankful for all the opportunity hes givin' :)
I fucking hate WWE management

The problem is that they want to cheer everyone who has skill regardless of their alignment.

>Born: Leominster, Massachusetts, United States
Why are they dumping all this Euro gimmick garbage on an American guy? They have plenty of actual Europeans on the roster.

This. It has to strike a specific nerve for it to be acceptable "cheap" heat.
>Mentioning OKC thunder in Seattle: Good
>Saying the Tampa Bucs are a dumpster fire: Lazy

If you have to go to this level to get heat in the first place, there are far bigger problems in wrestling.

His match with "BASK IN MY GLORY" was fucking brilliant.
Can't wait for the next one.

That time Seattle booed straight through a commercial break was because of a specific, incisive insult and I wish WWE would've learned from it. But Seattle's kind of an outlier town anyway, they like to go over the top with their reactions.

It wasn't even a supremacist gimmick, it was an anti-America gimmick, fucking reddit has to ruin everything

He said he wanted to fix the disgusting problems of this country, and what are the problems?

Working you already it seems

Khalil Mack is overrated, overpaid, and the Bears aren't winning shit paying him $25M a year

I'm sorry, but white supremacists say the exact same shit and don't see themselves as being anti-American.

Wasn’t this a backstage decision? Political gimmicks aren’t allowed. Bryan said he was barred from using the environment in his promos, as if a subtle alt right gimmick was ever being okayed, Dijak’s a retard as much as I like him

Yeah and then when you get to Chicago, you say that and trading up for Trubisky was something that only a Chicagoan with their brain filled with sausage could think was a good idea.

And when you get into the ring, bump into one of the posts first because "I thought that's how you did things here."

What gets me is that there’s enough material to talk about any town if you do some research into it. Imagine the boos if Elias went into Dallas with a jacket on and then took it off and he was wearing a Nick foles super bowl jersey. I honestly believe he’d get jumped by cowshit fags before they dropped dead of clogged arteries

“Your sports team sucks” is so lazy if all you say is the team is bad

Elias' thing could just be brutally mocking the NFL franchises wherever he goes and reminding cities of times the NFL fucked them over with bad reffing or whatever. You could even pitch this to Vince as being good promotion for the XFL by constantly reminding people how badly the NFL is run.

This shit should be so fucking easy.

>Elias goes to New Orleans and says they deserved not going to the super bowl over the Rasm

Imagine the seethe

Explain cody then.

As an eagles fan I’d pop so fucking hard seeing that

>It's absolutely disgusting that a team could commit such a blatant penalty, not get called and go to the Super Bowl as a result.
>Oh, I'm talking about what the Saints did to Brett Favre, did you think I meant something else?

>Happy to be here
I blame Vince for that. Everyone knows wwe is the biggest game in town so there is know need to have everyone be happy to be here. Having a heel threaten to leave or not be happy with company would work. On that same note get rid of the wrestlemania moment shit too.

Eh Eagles bro I don't know bout that. Sure the past has been rough but I'm happy with what we got going at the moment. Pederson is one of the best coaches in the league and even though last year was disappointing we still managed to pull back into a decent play off run and still have the key players that makes the team great.

Are you from the Philly/south jersey area? You don’t have to be specific but it’s a small world when there’s a potential Philadelphian on Yea Forums of all places

>are you guys mad at me now? Are the people of New Orleans actually mad at that? Well, I better be careful then exiting the arena
>after all, wouldn’t want a bounty placed on me for anything I said tonight..

As a guy that isn't an eagles fan, I'd love to see EDP taken out back and shot

Don’t let that fat nigger speak for all of us, philly bros get a bad rep but if you support the eagles you’re basically treated like a relative in the area. Also none of us lost our virginity to another teams hat

Shame he had to die :(
I miss him every day

That was before the internet and they onions Simpson couldn't get their message across then. Now a little circle jerk of pansies can get on the Twitter and sob, 'Muh feelings' and get stuff shot down no matter how small the majority of they are because they don't want boycotts and loss of dollars.

But what if you get to a town like Omaha, Des Moines or Albany? They have no teams to rag on and unless you lived there for an amount of time you go back to the old standbys like 'This place is a dump'.

You could probably get away with just shitting on the Cornhuskers.
>Des Moines
They're pretty split on fandom so yeah you'd just have to talk shit about Iowa having nothing, I guess.
Talk about how terrible Steamed Hams are.

Where has he shown he's a good immigrant now? The tapings are for three more shows and in those he's a heel immigrant feuding with Dream.

I shouldn't have said good but so far he hasn't said or done anything heelish

every time they go to liverpool I want some heel to come out in a juventus kit and scream 96 WAS NOT ENOUGH

Wouldn't the ripping the Huskers be better for Lincoln and not Omaha? I guess there's a dig that could be done off of that.
Albanians do hate when you bring up steamed hams. Too bad ripping on the government from local to state levels would only work on parts of the TV and in arena audiences.

They'd probably get glassed outside the venue and thrown in the Mersey

>Albanians do hate when you bring up steamed hams.
lol they do? Are they just fucking sick of hearing about it?

Found the unclean filthy stinking nigger.

The biggest problem America has ever faced is white liberal numales.

Look up local foods and people or events. For example if I was in Chicago and didn’t want to make fun of the bears I’d say this place looked better during the fires

Sick of hearing about it. Bring it up on the Albany reddit and bring it up. They'll either no sell it or let you know it's a worn out trope.