I'm just saying he's been in Hollywood for several years. Big star and he's out in public all the time...

>I'm just saying he's been in Hollywood for several years. Big star and he's out in public all the time. Never once seen him with a broad. I'm just saying you know.

Holy shit, Dwaynetty is a big peter puffer

Attached: download.jpg (480x360, 12K)

he's not wrong. dwayne is without a doubt a homosexual. his current wife is a beard and the only photos of them are press photos. nothing candid.

>Nash thinks photos with women prove you're straight
>goes out of his way to take all the photos he can with women

hmm, almost as if he's hiding something

there's a reason she runs his production company and now you know

Why does Nash care if the Rock is gay? What is he jealous Dwayne didn't rape him?

don't ding-dong diddly say it

>I'm just saying he's been in Hollywood for several years. Big star and he's out in public all the time. Never once seen him with a Black man. I'm just saying you know.

Attached: im just saying.png (1670x876, 1.28M)

Nash is a homosexuallettey

I remember LOL when Nash said this about Dwaynetty because it was so true! he was never pictured with a woman in press.

His current wife is just a sham marriage to hide the fact he's gay

Dwynw fucked that boob chick that played his daughter in The Rock vs the earthquake movie

Attached: yeah im thinking hes back.jpg (392x470, 30K)

what did he mean by this?

Attached: thonk3.gif (256x256, 698K)

He only came up with such a lame excuse for a reason because the real reason he knows the Rock is gay is because The Rock raped him at gunpoint in the sizzlin heat of the summer of 1992.


Memes aside, why is Nash so butthurt about The Rock?

Kevin Nash is a giant mark and The Rock's character said something mean to Kevin Nash's character once

The kliq doesn't like him for whatever reason.

Probably because The Rock single-handedly drew more than all kliq members combined

Because people actually like The Rock in and out of wrestling.
The Kliq and everyone in the NWO outside of Hogan are irrelevant to everybody that isn't a wrestling fan.

Doesn't the stone have kids or something?

at least they're white

He's hinting that Rock raped him in 2002

>Wanting to be white
Yikes, have fun dying out

True. Every single member of the the clit is either a burnout druggie and alcoholic loser while Based Rock is a mega dimes drawing international movie star who exudes positive energy. It's pure sour grapes.

>implying they were white

Attached: nashwhite.png (288x163, 8K)

That LBGT advocate is actually real. Why is he making fun of the rock for being gay then?

because he supports people who actually have the courage to come out of the closet. rock is a coward

Nashetty is just jealous Dwayne remained culturally relevant and drew dimes in multiple industries. If his wife was a beard he wouldn't have kids. Plus isn't Nash a LGBT advocate?

Doesn’t he have a wife a kid?

The Rock is part black and Nash became a huge racist in the early nineties.

gee, I wonder how

also checked