Anyone else really hate this guy’s face? It’s so fucking punchable

Anyone else really hate this guy’s face? It’s so fucking punchable

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not particularly


I didn't hate him before but I certainly hate him now. Hope he enjoys his mark contract and getting injured 3 times a year despite never at all being injured before.

It's not tho, ya just autistic

Sasuke Watashi

He looks like every other slant eyed gook.

No way. He's so cute/confused/sad.

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Holy fucking worked

no, he cute

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why didn't Paul come up with a new gimmick for him?

like what? the sushi experience?

He has potential to do great in NXT and a good personality at best that's why he could do absolutely well in Hollywood too.

Tae Kwon Joe

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this simp can't even grow a beard. probably chink descent.

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This was overkill though.

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his beard looks like the JUST hair

I wish I could Time Split your head open feller.

Literally a baby's face

* undefeated in MMA in your path*