Alternative Sports and Wrestling

>Alternative Sports and Wrestling
>waifu threads all over the board
How is this allowed? Waifus are no alternative sport. Fuck, I've seen threads just titled BRAP and those last for days.

How do we allowed this to happen? Fucking baby man drama lovers.

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Whos the girl

Full of pussy worshipping whiteknights who have the nerve to call others "incel."

alternative sports and BBC

i blame pedomod

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>pussy worshipping whiteknights
Hi Incel

You're getting worked, jabroni

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Between the 2016 election for the site in general and the Paige leaks specifically for this board this place got a huge redditor infestation and redditors, lacking in self-awareness, found a place with a bar so low they could bring out their inner Paige stalker without fear of losing their precious upboats or people learning to associate their name with ultra-cringe degeneracy

Get out.

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go home r/indiehead

so predictable my little NPC

what other shaming language will you use? or, you gonna post a pic of a guy with fedora on?

so predictable

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An industry plant

our new waifu. Let's make a dedicated thread about her and her braps.

ya seethe

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Based and Brappilled


Only Omega level waifus allowed

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If you ever post cl*iro again I'll cave your skull in

>t. fake tough guy fag

Imagine the odor

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Is there a hotter diva than Clairo?

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