WTF happened!?!

WTF happened!?!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dont see anything wrong with the now pic
One was a junkie and the other one is enjoying life

I fucking hate Johnny Reddit.

based johnny gargano

People tuned in for the guy on the left. No one on Earth knows who the child on the right is.

The irony that both of them are cosplaying movie characters

Wrestlers Then

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literally any random, average twitter user can 'feel offended' by a mere glance, or syllable, and will have you fired from your job, the tv-network cancelling the program, and yourself in felony court in a matter of hours.

the power of any single, random person, thanks to the internet, is so wildly, outlandishly disproportionate to what it should be, it defies all reason.

> pic related

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How did we go from this...

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Wrestlers don't have to be IRL tough anymore and this is what happens. It's just showbusiness now, full of fags.

To this....

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>ones a drug addict, but was responsible for one of the biggest/most dime drawing faction in the industry

>one has "5 *" matches while slapping his thigh then goes home and takes Christmas pictures with his grandma

Can we please go back to 1997?

The business has shifted towards smaller guys.
Wrestling dying to the normie crowd meant that only nerds and marks want to wrestlers now.

How did we go from this...

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To this....

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How did we go from this...

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this is why wrestling is embarrassing now

Anyone else inironically refuse to watch wrestlers you could beat in a real fight? I still have never watched NXT or an indie swow.

The people in the crowd became the wrestlers

Back then they would go out every night to drink and fuck rats. Nowadays, they just go back to their hotel rooms to play video games.

Damn not very diverse anymore, based Cubans were replaced by flippy white manlets

And fuck the female wrestlers

That contrast really hurts. He's just a fatty in a cut off and basketball shorts. Wtf?

The marks are in the ring, wrestling matches with the rats, and putting them over. It's really fucking sad, bros.

Don't shit where you eat. Just the rats.

>People tuned in for a midcarder who was thrust into the main event after all the real draws either quit or were forced out due to roids in the shittiest era of wrestling every.

Don't worry he has a new look

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Reminder that Scott Hall put over young boy Tanahashi.

WTF happened!?!

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go to bed gramps

from a boring canadian to a chad albanian
sounds like an upgrade


Wrestlers opened "schools" and in order to get quick cash for their habits, they trained marks, and then the internet happened and mark wrestling schools opened up and everyone became a fucking "smark" and ruined it.

Ones a man, the other isnt.

I'm more angry at the mindless consumerism of plastic Tchotchkes and cringey merch. I guess the helmet is alright, but a plastic hammer and a crappy plush. It's all pointless bullshit that's going to pollute our enviroment when they die. FUCK

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>seth smallins

How did we go from this...

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To this...

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I can't believe wrestling is dead bros...

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Fucking cuck vincel faggot



>Wrestlers then: Dressed up as movie character
>Wrestlers now: Dressed up as movie characters
I don't get it.

Apparently Enzo told him that wrestling gear didn't suit the Prizefighter gimmick and he should just wear a shirt and those MMA shorts

One did it to make a shit ton of money, the other does it for fun.

what the fuck happened to this place, indeed. Fucking redditors.

Lack of steroids and coke.

Seriously? Can't wait for Al Snow to get his own wolfcuck

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Shit women also. Look at this thing. What gender is this thing even?

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Is that Pete Dunn again

white people have terrible skin my god

He was wearing that get-up all the way back in ROH, newfriend

Kill it, please kill it.

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welcome to high definition photographs that aren't photoshoped ya simps

She looks fine.

If you dont have one comedy fatty all the buff guys dont look as ripped

Imagine being this red.dit?

Akeem had a personality you retard, drew has none

imagine actually getting raped by the filter


Huge improvement tbqh desu senpai famalam

Yeah, sometimes i'm wondering how did wrestling went from tough guys like Lou Thesz to pathetic liberal simp like nash or wife beater like austin. Not to mention the crowds seems to change from a literal well respected people to some of the most pathetic and disgusting subhumans to have ever existed in this planet during the 90's and even worse when the pathetic virgins of millenium era came to play

Kill yourself chimp

Gargano does not enjoy his life.

How do you go from this...

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To this...

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He does. He is making money, he married love of his life, he is playing the vidya, he has his dream job.
What doesn't he enjoy?

Your proofs?

Unironically this and I hate Gargano. You niggas take fake fighting way too seriously

This. I get a sick feeling when I see these faggots with Marvel/Star Wars or whatever normie reddit bullshit for that reason. These companies are pumping out an insane amount of literal garbage for people to buy then dispose of when the next epic reddit movie comes out.

For a board that claims modern wrestling is dead and how much they hate it Yea Forums sure does follow its every move and lets it live in their head rent free

Someone with Twitter needs to show Vinny Ru these Gargano pics, he'll have a field day.

>Vinny Ru these Gargano pics, he'll have a field day.
Guy whose office is full of some merch and posters and other crap? Yeah, right, I will listen to his opinions.

Go take your HRT faggot.

Holy worked and seething

>taking fake fighting this seriously

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WWE nowadays trying to be "for everyone" gives manlets, women and autistics the idea that they can be a wrestler. SAD!

How ya doin Meltza?

The internet was a mistake


Not all white people are drug addicts who have had dozens of abortions.

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Enjoying life with drugs is way better ya simp..

>Wanting to see your incel neighbor on tv

Its because we went from the top to the bottom pic.

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More like wrestlers had character or at least a gimmick that is not being flippy manlet #4790

marks got in the ring

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You aren't watching. You are using nostalgia rose-colored glasses if you are saying this.

Always were.

Fuck off, reddit.

Based and redpilled.

Never posted anything about wrestling on reddit, I hate that website.
But you are too fragile to think there is someone normal who just disagrees with you and you are trying to shut it down by making me into some summer invader. Fuck off mate. You just have to accept that your opinions are made by influencers and your hatred towards some people. Make your own opinions, don't be a nigger monkey and repeat some shit someone puts into your mouth.

enjoy your ban

All the hugs to you snowflake.

That isn't your own opinion. How ironic.

He looks like just some random fat guy you'd see at the movie theaters

report submitted, enjoy!

That is my opinion. Cause I watch wrestling. Not WWE anymore tho, cause I am too bored of it. I just go around and watch as much as I have time for.
And people saying there are no characters or gimmicks are just insane.
There are over the top gimmicks still and there are still very grounded people like they were in previous eras.
But poster like the one I am answering to chooses to ignore over the top gimmicks like Kairi or Viking Experience, Breezango and so many more. And when these gimmicks are brought up, they say those are childish and autistic gimmicks.
You can't please them.

>announcing a report

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>over the top gimmicks like Kairi or Viking Experience, Breezango
They aren't over the top and they all lack sincerity.

They are over the top.
They are more sincere than a lot of other gimmicks.
Kairi was pirate all of her career, started with sailor influenced gear and added to her gear more and more nautical themes. Mask with the hat, the wheel, the glass and so on.
Her theme was always shanty influenced, her moves are called Anchor, Interceptor, Bon Voyage and so on.
Viking Experience are two dudes who larp as vikings in their free time. It is their hobby and their love. One of them had a viking wedding with Sarah Logan. They are very much sincere in their gimmick.
Not one of those was created by WWE, but by the performers.

>Polcel mad he can't be racist without consequences

You must be trolling. This is terrible.

Gargano has had what? Three or four literal 5* matches in under 2 years. The dude's amazing.

Regarding his various Christmas pics of him collecting toys - that's just basic psychology. Every man who "collects" children's toys grew up dirt poor. They couldn't afford them during adolescence, but they can afford them now. So they have a subconscious driver to become toy "collectors" during adulthood.


Not trolling, genuine opinion.
Why? Are you so cynical you do not think someone who has opinions like these can be here?
And probably longer than you are? And is just disgusted by short remarks people like you make without stating their opinions and think how cool they are, trading cringe and based with bots on mexican wall climbing forums.

You just sound like someone impersonating a stereotypical redditor. Grow some nuts.

I do not know how stereotypical redditor sounds, because I've been there, only lurked for 3 weeks in 2015, when I wanted to talk about wrestling to someoen, because there is nobody who watches it here in my social circles.
Nobody knows any wrestlers here, everyone looks at it as dumb entertainment for redneck americans with monster trucks and shit like that.
The website is horrendous, user interface is unsable and from that time I spend there, it is a fucking echo chamber with no dissenting opinions. I don't udnerstand why people use it. Not just the wrestling part of it, but at all. Like what the fuck.
And I have tried to offer counterpoint to "there are no gimmicks in wrestling anymore, there are just first name, last name flippy wrestlers". I did. Nothing I said is not based in reality. Do you have some counterpoint to me, or will you just

reported for announcing a report transcel

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There has never been a more appropriate comparison. Both are supposed to be badass bar fighters, yet one looks legit and the other looks like a WoW player. The problem is wrestlers stopped lifting and roiding.

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Imagine thinking that wrestlers now were anything but pussy ass onions boys

>literal 5* matches
What does this even mean?

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

based philopherchad



>Rips open Christmas gift
>Slaps thigh

The rats are also in the ring now. Paige and Emma fucked their entire NXT signing class.

>implying every main eventer wasnt a midcarder trhust into the spotlight


Can’t wait until Johnny GOATgano wins the WWE title and every sizecuck drags a knife across their wrists while crying to their idol Kevin Nash, who, as I might add, was violently raped in the summer of 1992

Yeah, thats why 90% of the old timer are either current or recovering alcoholics whose bodies are destroyed by drugs and can barely walk.

Based. None of the attitude era guys could lace Sammartino's boots.

johnny reddit is literally cancer and every second i watch him transforms my blood into onions.

diabolically sodomised like Nash by the filter kekekekek

johnny 405 is a fag

that's not true
most of them are dead by 50

OPetty seething

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Steaming like broccoli

based fatass


Wrestler's court woulda sorted these faggots out

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Hi Carder, has your plastic wife maxed out your credit card again?

I prefer video games of the 80s and 90s and I really can't stand modern video games but you don't see me shitting up Yea Forums about it.

I kinda look like razor ramon ask me anything. Im a bit chubby maybe obese and 5’6 but i do like razor i even have a curly mullet also i try to talk like him but since im white people look at me weird but i dont care chico i stay at home take care of house while wife “teacher” goes to work also i know she fucks a co worker but i dont care

Trained by
>Shirley Doe
>Super Hentai

Would you look at this fucking amazing bod. Such a shame he's a manlet.

Oh no, wrestlers are healthier and generally happier than they've ever been and producing matches at a significantly higher quality than before.

Poor kids of today will grow up finding out their wrestling heroes are actually pretty decent human beings and aren't politicking coke heads. This is awful.


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Isn't Lars Sullivan good enough? He's even got mental illness just like you wolfcuck

Fuck that shit. We want our wrestlers to take drugs. We want them to have crazy lives. They exist for our entertainment, we want to talk and wonder about what crazy shit they’ve got up to. Scott Hall went on a fucking coke binge and destroyed a hotel?! That’s fucking cool bro, because he’s a wrestler and he’s fucking badass. Then we come here and talk about it while the story lives on forever.

No one wants to see a wrestler having boring lives. They are simply not interesting to me and I don’t care about them. This is why no one cares about wrestling, because the people in it are so boring.

Have sex

>no one cares about wrestling
>he says after typing multiple seething paragraphs about wrestling

pro-wrestlers aren't circus animals

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>pretty decent human beings
You're not on a first name basis with them. You have no idea how they actually are. Stop larping like you know them.
>modern wrestlers aren't politicking addy heads
>wrestlers nowadays are healthier
80% of the indy scene retires at 35 while dudes like Rock N Roll Express are out there putting bangers of matches in their sixties and the NJPW dads are still kicking ass

WWE wrestlers are still doing the crazy shit, it's just more lowkey thanks to the prevalence of social media

And why is that? Because the fucks who helped cause this runs the biggest Wrestling promotion in the world and the next in line are fucking marks themselves.

Modern WWE wrestlers literally have no gimmicks other than very basic ones.

how the fuck is gargano so small?
i'm shoot 5'8, barely work out, and i still look bigger than this guy, holy shit.
there's no fucking way he's shorter than me.

>Quick! Give it to some sports team so we can be relevant!

He's like 5'7

You're looking at a picture of a dude and his wife on Christmas morning. Hardly an apt comparsion

Men get things like tools, books, and model ships for Christmas. Not Marvel Avenger action figure box sets or what have you.

having manlets as combat stars is making manlet fags like you feel secure. go masturbate watching ricochet flip like a monkey

>Rock N Roll Express are out there putting bangers of matches in their sixties

they can't even do the double dropkick, idiot

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god i hate that little faggot


Wtf happened to society that a childless couple in their 30s giving each other toys in front of a Christmas tree became normal? Not even trying to single out these two. It's a broader trend.

Listen how loud the crowd was. Those wrestlers could work.

razor looking like a bag of fucking pure dimes

go on and report me too nigger, what a simp..

How many kids does Razor have?

Well, there used to be a time when you only watched Disney movies until around ages 10-12. Then once you grew hair on your balls, you started chasing pussy and doing things that would net you some pussy. Then the internet happened.


Its kinda unfair to compare literally anybody with razor ramon.


Had myself a solid chuckle seeing Sarah Logan as part of the wedding party during their entrance

>combat stars
>Wrestling is real to me goddammit!
How's your non-manlet 6'2'' Former WWE Champion CM Punk doing in the UFC?


>model ships
>this useless trinket I keep on the shelf is different than hoarding sealed Funko toys, I swear

>People tuned in for the guy on the left.
Yeah because they knew Scarface was a great movie. Tuned right back out when they saw Hall's awful impression.

How did we go from this...

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