Is she okay?

Is she okay?

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>It's real


>Comes back with a weed gimmick with Snoop as her manager

I mean, her uncle is...

She's doing this for attention.

Based Snoop turning Sasha onto weed


A lot of wrestlers pay the weed tax. Orton, shinsuke, liv

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Doing everything she can go get fired i see

>tfw she's trying to fail the wellness testing to get released

weed is just a fine, she needs to make a white friend so she can cop some heroin

it's just weed you fucking nerds

weed is overrated. i'd rather smoke roxy off foil and nod out while blitzed

Weed is only a fine, hence weed tax. A lot of the roster smokes. Just don't get caught like Swagger

Incel virgin here. Why do women desperately seek attention, for example like Sasha here?

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Everyone smokes weed...

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>tfw I’ll never smoke some bowls and dabs with sasha banks

Getting her shit together for Saturday


She's been hanging out with her cousin Snoop a lot lately trying to cope. Fuck it, when you have nothing to lose, no point hiding anything.

If they grew up with a good father and mother figures they won't crave attention that much but if one of them is missing they end up becoming attention whores, it's gotta do with the way women's brain is wired.

What are you guys smoking on? Also What do you think Sasha likes to smoke? Indica, Sativa?

I didn’t ask for this feel

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Most wrestlers smoke weed or at least take CBD of some type for pain. WWE doesn't even have the "weed tax" (fine) anymore like they used to in the mid 00's

I wanna smoke a fat blunt and do karoke with Sasha


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I wanna smoke a joint with sasha and go try the free samples at sams club. Then we'll smoke again and go see a movie or something

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And just with that any feeling of attraction I had towards her has dissipated
Drinking, Smoking, Tattoos
All disgusting things that bring down a woman's worth for me

Who gives a fuck if she smokes or not. Fired or still in WWE.

You couldn't get a woman if you wanted to

Already have had several
It's not as hard as a faggot like you may think
Be a decent height, gym, putting on a social facade
Simple shit

>LARPing on fucking Yea Forums
Get off your computer fatty and seek sunlight

i'm sure Sasha Banks and all of womankind will be very disappointed to hear this

mmmm, ehem, actually i've had coitus SEVERAL times

Isn't this more her speed?

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Massachusetts has legal weed I thought?

>tfw nobudz

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How does weed make normal people feel? I get paranoid and borderline psychotic from just a few hits of some strong shit. I can never enjoy it.

Gain height and weight

Drink some before and smoke less.

Tfw just got ounce of some dank for $90

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Beer before grass
Ya on ya ass
Grass before beer
Ya in the clear

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Same, the trick is never have more than you can handle. Just like alcohol, just have enough to get a buzz, you don't have to be black out drunk to enjoy yourself. Smoking a blunt is a more mellow high than a bong rip.

>being a lightweight in any circumstances

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Wait, wrestlers get fined for it, but other people go to jail? WTF

Did this last time and it didn't work
I did just that. I took like 5 buffs of a joint, and I was tripping for like 2 hours straight, felt like I was in a time loop. I swear I just can't handle any weed for some reason anymore, even though I used to smoke like a chimney back then

Sheik is a crack cocaine guy, not pussy shit like weed.

>implying there aren't numbers less than five

The point is it was a relatively little amount and I paced myself too. I'm literally the opposite with alcohol though. I can drink all day and feel great the next day if I wanted to

Eat before you smoke. Trust me

Hahaha who the fuck goes to jail for weed in 2019.

Cops stop me one time i had about half oz on me i said i have weed and they laff n said "We dont care about weed.."

Dry as fuck right now and Its killing me

Weed is for losers

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It is a few days before 4/20 my brahs.

explains the botching lmao

>this fucking nerd

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>Already have had several
>It's not as hard as a faggot like you may think
>Be a decent height, gym, putting on a social facade
>Simple shit

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What, you dont like black tar heroin?
What are you, a pussy?

Made her hotter for me, incel

based 15 year old discovering weed

women don't have interests to appeal to incels like you user

>all the DUDE WEED LMAO faggots fleeing /woo/ shitting up Yea Forums
I admit, I’m ding-dong diddly fumin

Came back to this thread to a dozen (you) from those faggots to my post about not liking my women with shit unattractive vices
They're some true cringe refugees from a dying board, bitches


Go back


bros what if she introduced Bayley to the DRUGS?