Start promoting lgbt shit

>Start promoting lgbt shit

faggot damn... another thing I really like that fell into this degeneracy. I got rid of many things in my life that associate with this propaganda but letting go of AEW really hurts.

I don't really hate on faggots because they are faggots. I hated them seriously this time for pushing their agenda so much. I mean we get that everything is for everyone but for crying out loud. Do you really have to specify that on literally every single fucking thing? I don't even recall ever us straight people saying that "Merry Christmas-except for gays", or "happy new year-except for gays", or Happy Halloween--except for gays." Once we, society accepted faggots and whatever the fuck pronoun they label themselves, I'm pretty sure any greetings or holiday automatically includes--guess what? fucking everyone. But noooo, these degenerate faggots are not content or ever will be that we have to insert their fagness on everything like a fucking ketchup.

I wouldn't be surprised if New Japan turns their logo into fucking dick. But I really fucking hope not because If they do, then I have fucking nothing left that isn't infected by faggot propaganda.

And also

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine legitimatly seething this hard on the wrestling shitpost board.

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>And also

D-did user die?

>And also
Did faggots get you user?

CAWdy sent out out the rapists from operation 92 to take him out.

GayEW has lost fans on the agenda pushing virtue signalling part of the promotion. And let's not forget they're holding an event in support of gun control too. They're pozzed beyond recognition, Brandi is truly worse than Stephanie.

imagine being this intimidated by a dude sucking another dude

>I wouldn't be surprised if New Japan turns their logo into fucking dick
They have a shit ton of female fans, it would probably make sense to promote dicks.

Not really intimidated, Learn to fucking read you mongoloid. Your head is clearly filled with dick milk from all the brainwashing left fucked your brains in. My issue with faggots are the constant need for them to be included on literally single fucking thing. I would honest to god understand their point if humanity emphasize on holidays, greetings or occasions are only for straight people but no, we never did. Despite humanity was prejudice against faggots back then. Everything has always been for everyone. Well majority depends on the time period but I'm pretty sure by 21st century, faggot had always been accepted in society.

But that's not enough, literally everything right now have to point out they support fagness, otherwise, they are fucking gaycist(because homophobe is such a fucking retarded term. It literally translates to "fear of man" and nobody is afraid of faggots)

Literally every single wrestler up about 1995 was gay for pay ya damn simp.

Thank goodness for the 2nd amendment which I believe is not only protecting yourself from tyranny but possibly against the faggots who try to brainwash society.

Suck dick, shove mt fucking fuji up your ass. I don't care you faggon(faggot+user) Just don't fucking force anyone to accept your perversion as a normal thing and keep that shit to yourselves and also just shut the fuck up all together and just coexist like a fucking normal people with us then we can all get along together.

The problem with all these fuck ass shit wrestling companies is just they couldn't fucking leave politics alone. It can't just be pure fucking pro wrestling like new japan.

I mean, who knows how many fucking faggots are in there in New Japan (Taguchi, Ibushi) I don't give a fuck as long as they don't shove it into us just like what faggots here in the west do.

If I had that gif of Dwayne the Rock Johnson clapping (a perfect example of a gay guy who keeps it private instead of shoving a leftist agenda) I would post it. You have given me hope, to see another straggler of light in the shadow of death. Thank you.

>All In has men dressed in giant penis costumes
>Legit tranny wrestling in the women’s division
>Openly shoot gay black male wrestler
>Kenny Omega’s past with the Golden Lovers
>Full SJW hiring policies

If you think AEW won’t push gay agenda shit hard you’re crazy. It’s already happening.

>Once we, society accepted faggots
that's where you're wrong kiddo

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>>Kenny Omega’s past with the Golden Lovers
Unironically worked

It’s perfectly natural for healthy straight people to be repulsed by homosexual activity. It’s a natural instinct.

Yeah, it was all just an “act”

this thread

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>they're holding an event in support of gun control too
kek really?
after their main stars sold half their shirts because of its kino NRA imagery
fuckin pussies

Do you think Goldust is gay too user?

>All In has men dressed in giant penis costumes
This never really bothered me. I always thought that it was a funny joke.

>Legit tranny wrestling in the women’s division
never knew about this. Are you talking about that gay nigger from ROH?

>Kenny Omega’s past with the Golden Lovers
I always though that Golden Loves is just a fan service for Japanese girls. Kenny's sexuality is confusing but I always thought that he is straight.

And Young Bucks more like The Young Cucks are the biggest hypocrite out of them. Despite being good Christian boys, they still went with GayEW. Guess money is their true god.

No but you are.

AEW is going to fail hard and in a spectacular way. They haven’t got a single draw. Jericho is way past his prime. No one ever cared about Cody. And pushing gay agenda shit won’t fly with the traditional wrestling audience.

It’s a joke alright, just like this company.

Haven't they already accept faggots in the society? With Faggot holiday getting celebrated everyday.

Imagine being so insecure and unsure of your sexuality that you literally can't enjoy things because of the thought that people in the world you don't know are doing things you don't understand.

Just fucking crazy how idolized these bastards so much especially the trio: Young Cucks and Kenny Omega. And all just instantly went away because of how they chose to run their company with the help of cody's retarded thundercunt wife.

This is gay projection.

It is perfectly natural for healthy, straight males to be repulsed by homosexual activities. Homosexuality is nasty and vile and you will never get everyone to accept your disgusting, deviant lifestyle which includes shit fucking and penis removal. Gayness is a fucking nightmare.
Evolution lead us here. Homosexuality is cringe.

is it me or literally every faggot supporter say the same shit "Imagine being so insecure and unsure of your sexuality that blah blah blah blah"

I have lost how many times
I explained that it was never about faggots being faggots.

If that study is genuine then that makes the whole lgbtp(edo) and its supporter fucked up big by forcing heterosexual men to accept their disgusting behavior despite study claims that it is natural for heterosexual men to be disgusted by faggots. So much for their retarded slogan of "be yourself" lol.

bu-but how do we know these are not faggots that have killed you and are now raping your dead body, user? How do we know this is not a FALSE FLAG OPERATION?!

Because the fact that I'm using the great word faggot proves that i'm op.

Faggots are mentally unstable and greatly fortified by politically correctness. Saying the great word faggot will send the faggots to great shock after saying "It's 2019 and we still use gay as an insult."

>I got rid of many things in my life that associate with this propaganda but letting go of AEW really hurts.
Seek therapy.

Notice how once faggots took over this site, you don't say fag for everything anymore, they say "bros", everyone is their "bro" just like libruls IRL. Notice how they changed normalfag to normie.

Earth first.

I do not believe you.

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Am a faggot and I don't disagree with this. Normal people shouldn't have to be forced to accept us in every facet. I just want to be left alone anyway

If all gay could be like you then there will be world peace.

The sad thing is the people pushing LGBT acceptance will totally abandon you when another one of their pet groups shows opposition. They totally folded to the Muslims in UK and didn't rebuke them at all.

Yeah, I really need shrinking. And the best therapy is blasting vile faggots with 12 gauge shotgun.

Anyone got examples of them pushing this stuff?

It's for victims of gun violence, not for gun control. These anti AEW simps are exaggerating to ty and prove their shitty point

Holy shit this mentally ill wh*tecel

It's backed by a Jew, what did you expect?

they hired a man as a female wrestler because it identifies as such and celebrated it

Oh, yeah, I remember. I keep forgetting they've made signings in between the great t-shirt announcements.

>hire one gay dude
>don't even reference him on BTE
>AEW BTE storylines make no mention whatsoever of anything remotely lgbt related
Are you guys hallucinating this lgbt stuff?

>let's make fun of our target demographic
that'll get butts in seats

Hey OP I agree with you. Sometimes it's hard to put into words like you just did, but that is exactly how I feel.

reporting you to the FBI

>One gay dude

You sure about that?

???I don't own a promotion
If you're talking about AEW they have never made fun of wh*yes
Holy fuck you're mentally ill

>but letting go of AEW really hurts.

Wait a minute nevermind. OP is a faggot.

no he isn't, because AEW hasn't mentioned anyone's sexuality

SJW black ops sent to cull the wrongthink.


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>It's for victims of gun violence, not for gun control.

Yeah, sure, okay. The entire thing isn't going to be a bunch of back slapping virtue signaling about how we need to Do Better to stop gun violence with Common Sense Solutions that only limit the citizenry's ability to arm themselves. I believe you.

Fucking fairy faggot mark motherfucker. What he need is more gun violence. Just less of it directed at random churches and more of it directed at the tin god cocksucking parasites bleeding us dry and their useful idiot cumstains like yourself.

Well maybe you snow niggers should stop shooting up schools and innocents
Mentally ill fucks

Well, whatever you do, I'd stop watching DC films/shows.

The DCEU is really pushing the LGBT agenda (just hired TWO trans actors just this past week).

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Come Home, Aryan Man.

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This. The only mention I've seen about anyone's sexuality or gender or any if that shit relating to AEW is Yea Forums throwing a shitfit about it. I would never have known Nyla Rose was trans if Yea Forums hadn't started making threads crying about it on a near daily basis.

The Internet does not equal the real world. I literally never see or hear gay people out in the wild because our worlds do not intersect, and if they do, then we keep it to ourselves.

>My issue with faggots are the constant need for them to be included on literally single fucking thing
Everyone does this. Blacks, whites, straights, gays, christians, muslims, etc.

Every reason you are giving is bullshit because it also applies to many other groups of people, but you are not angry about those people wanting to be accepted or part of things, only these people. That demonstrates that your problem is not with "shoving it down your throat", because many groups of people do that which you are not discussing, but your problem is specifically with gays although you say its not.

I am willing to bet you are a Mexican.