Reviews for his last film.
Can Phil Brooks be a major movie star?
How many careers can this man fail at?
>A sum of total of 9 reviews
Yikes even in movies he is bingo hall tier.
KeK, Bingo hall Phil as always.
he should have made the jump to movies the second he quit wwe like based Batista and Dwayne, they draw major dimes, instead this dumb fuck got his shit pushed in and kill his status and appeal by being an mma mark
Is this movie about Philettey getting his ass kicked by a little girl on the 3rd floor of his apartment building?
What have you won?
What do you deserve?
What are your skills?
this is the first timeI'm hearing about this pile of shit....oh no no no no.
>doesn't even have a wiki page
Wow, must be big.
Straight to dvd movie by B-movie shlock experts. It's probably decent if you're a B-movie horror(hence the positive reviews from mostly B-movie critics) enthusiast but otherwise it's crap and drew negative dimes.
user to be a major star(male) in Hollywood you need to have looks. Even that fatty chris patt who had a successful tv comedy career needed to bulk up.
Else you need to have great acting skills to carve out your niche. Punketty has neither.
>and drew negative dimes
just like his title reign
>leaves wwe
>still makes wwe studio tier movies
3 floors
He’s on the third floor
Out of three floors
There’s literally no not being on a floor
say what you want about Punk but he's a looker, just ask half the women's locker room from that era. Also the guy can talk, a lot of bitching and whinnying no less, but he could cut a promo.
>Also the guy can talk, a lot of bitching and whinnying no less, but he could cut a promo.
Doesn't translate into acting. Outside of wrestling, he comes off as awkward when talking.
Punk fit the wrestling world very well. He's no real athlete and he's no actor. Should have stayed with what he knew.
If cutting a promo was good enough to make it big in the movie industry Austin would've done it long ago. Heck he is even built like a Greek god compared to Punk.
Believe me the reality of the movie industry is different. Punk is not a very good actor. Cutting a smug promo for 15 minutes in what is mostly your natural persona is different from a good performance.
Not saying Punk can't be success but he has to be willing to put in the work(like Batista and Rock) and not go in there thinking he is already a great actor. He also needs to find his niche because with his current looks he won't be an action star. Horror seems to be a good start.(like Cena did with comedy before moving to respectable action).
>Doesn't translate into acting.
objectively false, Rocky literally proved you can make it in Hollywood by having great promo ability and Batista is awkward as fuck on camera and yet still made it. its really all about having confidence and charisma, and regardless of fucking memes Punk at least has that
was in a bunch of movies, during and after his wwe runs, but was ultimately way too old and beat up to start a whole other career like Dwayne.
>way too old and beat up to start a whole other career like Dwayne.
Phil is 41 user and looks like a hobo.
>Rocky literally proved you can make it in Hollywood by having great promo ability
Rocky has more charisma in his pinky finger than Punk has in his whole body, was a major star during peak of wrestling popularity.
He is also much better looking while racially ambiguous to boot. user both Dwayne and Batista have movie star looks. Punk is not bad looking but star tier look he doesn't have.
Dave also put in a lot of effort into acting as in spent much more effort in acting classes than Punk did in combat sports. He then got his break with a comicbook character who suited his looks and acting ability.
All I am saying is that he can't barge into the industry like Dwayne, no wrestler can. Punk would have to put in work like Dave did and hope he gets lucky with a good character. Dwayne also put quite a lot of effort into improving his acting skills as well.
Rock and Batista broke in because of their looks not their acting ability. There's a reason a good talker like Jericho couldn't find work in hollywood but Batista could