Why are so many wrestling fans liberal?

Wrestling is riddled with conservative, white men at the top of the pyramid
- Vince McMahon, reliable donors to republican party and IRL friend with a sitting republican president
- Linda McMahon, literal republican politician and cabinet member
- Undertaker, registered republican, donated to the party
- HBK, born again christian evangelical bible thumper who is anti LGBT
- Kurt Angle, republican, supported Marco Rubio
- Brock, republican, member of NRA

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cucks enjoy owning themselves.

Liberals love following TV shows.

WWE is just another weekly drama they watch before GOT or something.

It is also just a live action play and 90% of the theater world is hyper liberal

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Because it's been bastardized into capeshit, which non-whites love for its escapism.

Most wrestling fans have mental illnesses. Dems and libs want protections for said mental illnesses like better health care. Pretty simple ya cuckservative

So what? Keep crying

All the conservative fans left for MMA, team sports, esports, etc. The WWE is now left with a left leaning audience.

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And the ratings are at an all time low

politicuck cringe

Same as why democrats own the real sports but republicans watch them.

Actually most major NBA, NFL and MLB teams are owned by conservatives with only a few high profile lefties

Then why the niggers and sjw superbowls? Are they economically right but socially liberal?

Also who owns the leagues besides the teams?

You sound retarded

because wrestling fans are smart enough not to vote against their own best interest

The owners of the two teams in the Super Bowl donated $1 million each to Trump, what are you talking about?

It's filler between GOT. The other user was right, the same kind of idiot liberals are the same kind of cucks that give a shit about that garbage show. Now that got is back, you can be sure the sjw fucks will screw off for a while.

Two retards.


Enjoy watching your niggers cucks.

Superbowl has sjws garbage in it. And they wouldn't shut down the niggers bowing down until Trump said so.

What sjw garbage was in the Super Bowl? They couldn't shut the kneeling down until they passed a rule, which you can't do midseason, dumbass

Did you read the link?


Retard didn't even bother reading the link. It says more liberal people donated, but conservative donations vastly outweigh liberal donations.

> A total of $23,378,415.28 was designated for candidates or committees with Republican leanings, while $2,728,868.70 was contributed toward Democratic causes.

>Overall, NFL owners were the most prolific givers, making $8,586,072.30 in contributions since the election cycle opened on 1 January 2015. They were also the most conservative, with $8,052,410.00 funneled toward Republican efforts compared to $189,610.72 for Democratic causes – a ratio that favors the GOP by more than 40 to 1.

>MLB owners were right behind their NFL counterparts with $7,316,801.63 in donations: $6,204,732.07 for Republicans and $912,402.88 for Democrats.

>The conservative leanings of team owners can also be found in the NHL, where $4,087,952.21 of the total $4,613,232.76 donated went to Republican efforts. The NBA’s owners proved the most liberal of the four collectives: with $1,049,876.13 of the total $6,125,198.71 contributed, nearly one dollar out of five, targeted for Democratic causes.

Sports are actual competition, it is different. Regardless of ownership and athletes, people will still watch real MMA, boxing, football, soccer, etc which transcends political boundaries.

WWE is more akin to TV show entertainment product. We see all the time that TV shows and movies get flak from involving controversial actors and directors (Woody Allen movies, Clint Eastwood movies, Mel Gibson movies, etc). It is bizarre that WWE gets away producing entertainment products unscatched considering the right leaning ownership

Liberals are marks who live in a fantasy world. They've taken over wrestling so as to push women and manlet faggots, because in real life women and manlet faggots cannot win real fights.



How is paying brown and black people to produce more low-IQ criminals in my best interest?

because it's a tv show at the end of the idea so it gets clustered with the rest.

Wrestling fans are poorer than average. They're also less white on average. Both of those things combined move the wrestling fanbase to the left.

It's because no one cares about WWE except for two weeks out of the year.

Cuz ya poor or mentally ill. Otherwise, it isn't

Because PG era

Because WWE attracts fags that want to be dommed

Literally the only thing Vice has going for him is his money. As soon as someone wealthier comes around with a liberal mindset, all of those old timey republiturds are dead in the water. That's the whole reason for Stephanie McMahon; she's only there to soften the right wing blow that comes with signing to WWE.

This is why I said Kofi earned it.
I know the New Day have a clause in their contacts that states they cannot be broken up unless they are willing to do so.
WWE has to bend over and pay out the ass if they want to keep their talent happy, because just like in reality most of the up and coming talent are brown, black, or Asian with no ties to the republitards. Kofi is just the beginning.

If Trips wants a locker room worth having, he will listen to what a black and brown and Asian and Muslim and LGBTQ talent has to say before listening to Taker or HBK. As Cena's theme song said... their time is up, and, well, you know...

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>Kofi earned it
I guess Big E and Truth don't matter, huh?

Cuckitt a s major city fans yeah, everywhere else and with people who have straight sex I would imagine are conservative and in-line with the demographics of their location.


You have big gay

Truth is too old and not so big e is comedy for life

This is also why Cody will win in the end.

HHH is literally going to have to pay The Rock to come on as an acting president, a la Jack Tunney just to keep "minority" talent and viewership from running off to Tuesday Night on TNT.

The whole WWE culture (white) is going to have to change, and soon. We've already seen the very first steps of it. It's a new day in the company, y'all

They aren't liberal's are just always the one's who scream the loudest

Stop drinking bleach mojitos, wewist and start making sense.

So this...is the power...of /woo/posting....

That's because the NFL hates Trump personally, it goes back to the 80's and the USFL, he wouldn't even be president today if the NFL let him buy the Bills like 6 years ago.

At least Vince, Hogan both get to die with the company still king of the hill.

HHH will do absolutely nothing but cuck to the liberals, until they wise up and join AEW.
Stephanie will divorce HHH in storyline and in real life for a black man.
And Shane will get the blame for not capturing lightning in a bottle the way his father did with the Mr. McMahon character when he debuts good own version (the earliest of seeds being planted now).

I, for one, welcome our new multicultural overlords.

>TFW born just in time to see WWF go from the king of the hill to a number 2 company to sold to The Rock's family in your lifetime

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It appears we have two massive faggots in here that need to return to reddit.

It's the same guy, and he's a fag

Nobody gives a shit about linda, undercarder, hbk, and maybe angle now. wwe is riddled with liberals lmao.

>esport fans are alphas

hahahahaha no

They're still supporting Vince's product


There are four groups that have always watched wrestling: children, homosexuals, rednecks and hispanics. Children can't vote. Dems take the gays and spics, Republicans take the rednecks.

This is why Japan is based, all their wrestlers are conservative.

Before Kawada retired he was such a staunch emperial nationalist that he had be convinced to work with gaijin and was fussy about finishes with them because he was so racist towards whites due to the fact that he could not let go of WWII.

>This is why Japan is based, all their wrestlers are conservative.

It's 50/50 there in Japan both liberal and conservative in wrestling down there.

Wrestling became low T nerd culture shit. Also spics and blacks are a massive part of the fan base

Guys, fellas, can we stop arguing and harken back on what our WWE Champion Kofi Kingston always says: "Fuck Trump, that white piece of shit and fuck anyone who supports Trump, especially the white children."
Wise words. Long may King Kofi reign.

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because it's a show for children